SST편 - 요즘 자주 나오는 기출문제

SST편 - 요즘 자주 나오는 기출문제

22 charminganna 9 23,578 2018.01.18 13:51
Kids Museum
Special museums are open for families with kids since sometimes it is hard to control kids’ behaviour.
There was a mom with three kids visiting British Museum but were asked to leave because one of
the kids was scared by a statue and screamed out loud. The mom was angry and complained. As a
result, she received more than 500 mails from families who had the same experience and requested
for the right of kids.

Drug Ads
The advertisement on prescription medicine has doubled, especially in prime time. Therefore, many
people bought the brand of drug depending on what they saw on the ad. It is accurate related to
commercial reason, but it should not use a misleading tone. Take depression patient as an example,
although people may feel better after administering the medicine, but not means there is a change
in the life style. Buying the prescription medicine is not like buying soap.

Government Mistakes
Citizens are not well-informed because even in democratic countries, governments used tricks to
hide information from citizens. Most western countries are democratic countries, but some
governments often interpret wrong information and mislead people. Governments use tricks to
cover the truth and hide the events which have taken place. In this way, they can cover their

Development of Gene
There is not much physical difference between human and our ancestors in 500,000 years ago since
the evolution of genes do not changed much. The development of brain gene only occurs in some
parts of the brain. The main change in the brain is the cognitive and behavior. And the genes in these
areas contribute to powerful minds.

Talent war
Because of the increasing demands of talent and shrinking labor force after the baby boom, there is
a shortage of talent in such changing economy. Companies are competing for young talent in
university and governments use more favorable immigration policy to attract talented international
students to immigrate to their own countries. Countries and organizations should put talent at
primary position.

Laughing has many benefits, especially in combating adversity. Laugh is not only a sense of humor
but also can be used as a great therapy. In the Second World War, the war jokes about the Berlin
Wall were prevailing in Western countries and helped people to go through the tough time.
Different countries have different senses of humor, such as Russia, Egypt and Iran. Laugh can protect
self-respect and identity.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin, which is a pro-hormone. Vitamin D is neither dietary nor
real vitamins because it needs sunlight to be absorbed. If people don't live near the equator, they
would not get adequate vitamin D, because their skins cannot get exposure of sunshine. Hence,
people can obtain vitamin D from food, but it is not sufficient.

Citizenship Curriculum
Criticism of citizenship education in schools argues that merely teaching children about the theory of
citizenship education is ineffective, unless schools themselves reflect democratic practices by giving
children the opportunity to have a say over decision making. Schools are fundamentally
undemocratic institutions, and that such a setting cannot instil in children the commitment and
belief in democratic values that are necessary for citizenship education to have a proper impact.

Biology is a subject that studies animals, human and the environment around them. Although
animals are looked differently, they are closely related to each other. They all rely on DNA and RNA
to store and pass genetic information. They all based on cells, which is the fundamental structure of
lives. The inner chemicals are still the same and they react alike to use and covert energy.

Indian Peasants
Indian peasants have tough time today and many of them commit suicide because of financial
pressure. They have to buy seeds at high prices by paying high debts. They don't have enough capital
to afford seeds and pesticides whose price is raised by seed companies. Those companies become
the peasants' major creditors.

RL와 같이 이 문제들도 이미 음원이나 리포트형식으로 자세히 나와있습니다. 어떤문제인지와 키워드만 참고해주세요.


Lv.22 22 charminganna  실버
4,330 (41.9%)

Anna Yoon


8 gatsby 2018.01.18 14:07
1 용구 2018.01.18 14:53
9 앨리샤 2018.01.18 17:42
14 snowdrop 2018.01.18 20:24
좋은 정보 감사 합니다. ^^
10 호주가야지 2018.01.19 05:47
어제 시험에 Vitamin D 랑 DNA 나왔습니다
8 gatsby 2018.02.11 18:50
요즘 매리 아줌마는 안나오나요?? ㅋㅋㅋ
22 charminganna 2018.02.11 19:36
아직도 나오고 있어요. 다만 자주 나오진 않습니다.
2 andante 2018.02.28 21:24
다른 분들을 위해 공유해주신 자료 너무 잘보고 있고 감사드립니다.
덕분에 공부를 한결 수월하게 하고 있습니다.

한가지 여쭈어볼게 DNA 부분에서 마지막줄
The inner chemicals are still the same and they react alike to use and "covert" energy.
covert(비밀의, 은밀한) 가 아닌 convert(전환하다, 바꾸다) 일수도 있을거 같다는 생각이 듭니다.
22 charminganna 2018.02.28 21:31
아 typo가 낫군요.. convert 맞습니다.