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도움보단 희망이 되시란 뜻에서..

PTE Study 26번
A university is not a business. More precisely, a not-for-profit college or university is significantly different than a for-profit business. A university has no owners; it is a public trust. Without owners it has no one to pay dividends to, and no one for whom it must maximize its profits. A business has a single overriding goal: the maximization of return for the owners. A university has a multiplicity of goals: to foster learning, to create knowledge, and to serve its community.

PTE Study 32번
Usually, age is determined by physical characteristics, such as teeth or bones. Great—if you have a body. Researchers have tried unsuccessfully to use blood. But in this study, the scientists used immune cells called T-cells. T-cells recognize invaders through receptors that match molecules on bacteria, viruses, even tumors. The cellular activity that produces these receptors also produces a type of circular DNA molecule as a by-product.


Lv.9 9 Jynn  실버
1,235 (86.1%)

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6 쏘쏘 2018.01.23 15:36
에궁. 잘 모르지만 바람소리가 영향있을거같아요 ㅜ 마이크위치 조정하셔야할듯..
9 Jynn 2018.01.23 19:15
까페에서 급히 하느라 바람소리도 들어가고 음악소리도 들어가고 했어요;;
15 DJ119 2018.01.23 16:13
ㅎㅎ 감사합니다
8 Tryer 2018.01.23 19:45
진님 샘플 감사드립니다.. 속도는 말씀대로 다른분들 처럼 빠르진 않지만 정확한 액센트와 클리어한 발음입니다.. 그리고. 무엇보다 편안한 느낌이 듭니다. 무엇엔가 쫒기지 않는,,,, 참고자료 삼아 열심히 연습하겠습니다...^^