한 Agency 에서 예측한 비공식적인 이번 라운드 결과입니다.

한 Agency 에서 예측한 비공식적인 이번 라운드 결과입니다.

  • Iscah news

December 19th, 2017

Skill Select results 20th December 2017

Here are our unofficial results from the 20th December 2017. It is based on invitations that we have seen from our own cases, databases and web forums, our FB followers contacting us, and mathematical logic that we know to be correct from other results.

We estimate there were 200-500 invitations.
We believe VERY limited Accountants were invited

We believe EOIs have been invited at the following scores with effect dates up to and older than the dates below::
Other occupations will be updated shortly.

2211 Accountants 80 points up to 09/12/2017 (unconfirmed)
2335 Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers 75 pointers up to 26/11/2017
2339 Other Engineering Professionals 75 pointers up to 11/12/2017
2611 ICT Business and System Analysts 75 pointers up to 09/12/2017
2613 Software and Applications Programmers 75 pointers up to 06/12/2017 (possibly 09/12/2017-unconfirmed)

ALL other Non Pro Rata Occupations 75 pointers up to 10/12/2017

(Note these are not DIBP figures and there may well be other invitations more recent we are unaware of)


Lv.14 14 구루미1  실버
2,089 (3.9%)



11 빅토르정 2017.12.21 11:33
뉴질랜드 가족들 때문인지 호주이민성에서 일시적으로 수급조절에 문제를 겪어서 그런지 모르겠지만 내년 상반기에는 안정을 되찾기를 바랄뿐입니다.
14 구루미1 2017.12.21 11:35
회계야 뭐 원래부터 75,80점이었는데.. 기타 non pro-rata 도 75점이라니... 후덜덜 하네요