RO 한문제
14 제니
2018.04.03 12:59
저번시험에 이문제가 나왔는데, 신유형인가 했는데 기출에있었네요.
시험끝나고 나서는 기억이 안났는데, 지금보니 생각이났어요...
1. Anyone wanting to get to the top of international business, medicine or academia (but
possibly not sport) needs to be able to speak English to a pretty high level.
2. Equally, any native English speaker wanting to deal with these new high achievers needs to
know how to talk without baffling them.
3. Because so many English-speakers today are monoglots, they have little idea how difficult it
is to master another language.
4. Many think the best way to make foreigners understand is to be chatty and informal.
5. This may seem friendly but, as it probably involves using colloquial expressions, it makes
comprehension harder.