ESSAY쓰실때 각 서론 본론 결론 전체 한줄씩 띄세요? 아니면 그냥 enter치시고 다음줄에 쓰시나요?
9 조조짱
2018.04.08 16:32
제목이 곧 내용입니다.
이런식으로 각 영역 끝나고 바로 엔터로 넘어가서 쓰시는지? 아니면
이렇게 각각 한줄씩을 비운다음 쓰시는지요? (아이엘츠 에세이 과외받을땐 이 방법이 맞다고 해서 이렇게 했는데, 또 컴퓨터로 보는 시험이라...뭐가 맞는건지 궁금합니다. )
아래에 어제 20분만에 쓴 에세이인데 이게 딱 200자더라고요(글과 상관은 없지만 댓글단김에 수줍게 공유합니다...비평감사히받겠습니다^^;)
<주제 : 아이들교육에 학교냐 부모의 역할이냐 무엇이 중한가>
It has been very controversial whether children education depends more on domestic teaching than on school teaching or not. It is possible to claim that school is the best place to learn and nurture children, whereas the role of parents will outweigh that of school in a person’s whole lifetime.
First of all and foremost, children are more likely to rely on their parents because parents are their closest friends and guardians no matter where they are. Schools cannot be replaced to be the position of parents since school cannot remain close to children every time. Moreover, parents are more likely to be their best teachers than teachers at school. Although school teachers do their best to educate and facilitate children’s social skills, positive and creative attitude and mindset, most of students tend to get influenced greatly by their parents throughout a whole life. For instance, we can doubt that adults who have suffered from chronic depression and frequent emotional failure might have been ill-treated by his or her parents during their childhood.
In conclusion, it is true that domestic education cannot be stressed more nowadays because parenting should weigh school discipline in terms of the above important roles of parents.
띄우나 안 띄우나 크게 상관이 없을 것 같아서. 정확히 찾아보지 않았습니다.
예전에도 종종 해외 커뮤니티에서 자료 찾던 시절.
이미 점수 받은 분들은 상관없다는 의견이 많은 걸로 기억이 납니다.
그리고 당연히 위의 lostway님 말씀처러 영문 에세이의 기분이라고 아이엘츠 때부터 배워왔기도 했고요.