SWT 신기출 - The story of Columbus & Electric Vehicle - PEV (원문)

SWT 신기출 - The story of Columbus & Electric Vehicle - PEV (원문)

22 charminganna 4 6,057 2018.03.29 00:42
The Story of Columbus (원문확정)
 When Christopher Columbus arrived at Hispaniola during his first transatlantic voyage in the year A.D. 1492, the island had already been settled by Native Americans for about 5,000 years. The occupants in Columbus’s time were a group of Arawak Indians called Tainos who lived by farming, were organized into five chiefdoms, and numbered around half a million (the estimates range from 100,000 to 2,000,000). Columbus initially found them peaceful and friendly, until he and his Spaniards began mistreating them.
Unfortunately for the Tainos, they had gold, which the Spanish coveted but didn’t want to go to the work of mining themselves. Hence the conquerors divided up the island and its Indian population among individual Spaniards, who put the Indians to work as virtual slaves, accidentally infected them with Eurasian diseases, and murdered them. By the year 1519, 27 years after Columbus’s arrival, that original population of half a million had been reduced to about 11,000, most of whom died that year of smallpox to bring the population down to 3,000.

Electric Vehicle - PEV (시험에서도 이 문장 전체가 나오나요? 내용이 엄청 많네요..ㅜㅜ)
Here's a term you're going to hear much more often: plug-in vehicle, and the acronym PEV. It's what you and many other people will drive to work in, ten years and more from now. At that time, before you drive off in the morning you will first unplug your car - your plug-in vehicle. Its big on board batteries will have been fully charged overnight, with enough power for you to drive 50-100 kilometres through city traffic.
When you arrive at work you'll plug in your car once again, this time into a socket that allows power to flow form your car's batteries to the electricity grid. One of the things you did when you bought your car was to sign a contract with your favourite electricity supplier, allowing them to draw a limited amount of power from your car's batteries should they need to, perhaps because of a blackout, or very high wholesale spot power prices. The price you get for the power the distributor buys form your car would not only be most attractive to you, it would be a good deal for them too, their alternative being very expensive power form peaking stations. If, driving home or for some other reason your batteries looked like running flat, a relatively small, but quiet and efficient engine running on petrol, diesel or compressed natural gas, even biofuel, would automatically cut in, driving a generator that supplied the batteries so you could complete your journey.
Concerns over 'peak oil', increasing greenhouse gas emissions, and the likelihood that by the middle of this century there could be five times as many motor vehicles registered world-wide as there are now, mean that the world's almost total dependence on petroleum-based fuels for transport is, in every sense of the word, unsustainable.

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Lv.22 22 charminganna  실버
4,330 (41.9%)

Anna Yoon


11 바게트 2018.03.29 00:53
22 charminganna 2018.03.29 01:05
와우.. 엄청 늦게까지 열공이시네요.. 요즘 제가 SWT파트를 공략하고 있어서 이것만 계속 업데잇하게 되네요..- - ;; 조만간 에세이랑 SST도 자료가 정리되는대로 업데잇 하겠습니다.
4 지용1052 2018.03.29 10:35
27일에 시험 봤습니다 콜롬버스 나왔어요!ㅎㅎ
1 Magee 2018.04.14 15:34
Anybody knows the answer for this SWT?