안녕하세요 하도 답답해서 템플릿관련 질문좀 할게요

안녕하세요 하도 답답해서 템플릿관련 질문좀 할게요

1 NeoKim 7 5,072 2018.01.11 14:48

안녕하세요 PTE 를 알게되고 시험준비중입니다.


여기저기 돌아다니고 검색하면서 템플릿의 중요성을 알게되서


템플릿을 구하려고 여기저기 엄청 돌아다녔는데요


여태 건진건 에세이랑 SST 밖에없네요


RA 는 템플릿없이도 가능하고 배점도 높다고 그래서 지금 그거 공부하고있는데요


도저히  DI 템플릿을 구하기가 어려워서 혹시 다른분들은 어떻게 구하셧나 해서 물어보고싶네요


유튜브에도 검색하니까 많이 나오고 하는데 몇개봤는데 템플릿 적용방법보다는 그냥 쭉 나열해주기만하고 적용방법같은건 알려주지도않고


암튼 여러모도 답답해서 글 올립니다.


이런저런 소스들 가지고 짜집기해서만드시나요? 아니면 각 차트별로 템플릿을 다 다르게해서 준비하시나요?


아니면 혹시 PTE-A 사이트에 공유하는곳이 따로있나요?




Lv.3 3 NeoKim  실버
257 (39.1%)

PTE 65!


10 jennie 2018.01.11 14:57


This _ represent + TITLE + (선택 1. From 년도 to 년도 / 선택 2. according to two types of 종류 / 선택 3. across various countries including 적어도 3개 국가 언급 / 선택 4. throughout the world)

It is clearly seen that the highest feature is _ with [숫자] in 년도.

It is followed by _ and _.

It gradually [increase/decrease] to [숫자] in 년도.

In contrast, the smallest feature is _ with [숫자] in 년도.

Overall, the data is accurate and concise which can be used as a reference for future studies.


[Map] -
The given map represent the information about [TITLE].
According to the map, we can see _ features.

(선택 사항. The map is surrounded by blue ocean. The capital city of _ is _. )

It can be generally seen that the largest country is _.

It would be also noticeable that the smallest country is _.

In general, the map is about [TITLE]다시 읽기.

Overall, the data is accurate and concise which can be used as a reference for future studies.



[Process - Flow chart]
The given image represent the information about [TITLE].

It is clearly seen that there are _ steps involved in process name.

In the first stage, A is transferred to B.

In the next stage, A is transform into B.

In the final stage,

Overall, the data is concise and accurate which can be used as a reference for future studies.


The given image represent the information about [TITLE].

According to the image, it can be generally seen that _

It would be also noticeably that _.

In particular,

Overall, the data is concise and accurate which can be used as a reference for future studies.


The given venn diagram represent the information about [TITLE]j.

According to the venn diagram, it can be generally seen that 왼쪽 would go in the circle on the left.

It would be also noticeable that 중간 would go in the intersection.

In particular, 오른쪽 would go in the circle on the right.

Overall, the data is accurate and concise which can be used as a reference for future studies.


[Retell Lecture, RL] -
The lecture I have just listened was discussing about [TOPIC].

The first mention by the speaker was about [KEY 1] which seems one of the most important feature to understand [TOPIC].

She/He gave several examples such as [A&B] to support  her/his ideas.

Also, she/he discussed [KEY2] to explain his/her point of view.

Overall, the lecture is concise and accurate which can be used as a reference for future studies.
10 jennie 2018.01.11 14:57
어느분이 후기에 쓰신거 복사해서 붙였어요
1 NeoKim 2018.01.18 14:35
답변감사합니다 ㅎㅎ
8 행복은셀프 2018.01.11 15:16
윗 분 댓글에 덧붙여 상단 메뉴바 PTE Academic에 운영자이신 jason님 tip을 보세요.
1 NeoKim 2018.01.18 14:36
넵 한번봐야겠네요 ㅎㅎ
1 가자11111 2018.01.13 15:39
SST 는 템플릿에 의지하면 점수가 떨어진다는 얘기도 있네요
1 NeoKim 2018.01.18 14:37
저는 이치 50점이 목표라서 괜찮지않을까요? ^^;;