RA 새로운거 있으신분 있나요?

RA 새로운거 있으신분 있나요?

12 더헬 7 4,713 2018.01.19 16:18
안읽어본거로 녹음해서 올리려는데 신규 기출을 못찾겠네요
혹시 있으시면 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다


Lv.12 12 더헬  실버
1,705 (26.1%)



22 charminganna 2018.01.19 20:42
Parents can communicate their personal feelings about undesirable programs both by discouraging their children from watching them and by writing to their local television station or to the programs sponsors. The public does have a voice. Clearly, not all programs need please everybody. We do have a choice of programs and we also have a choice, for ourselves and at least for our younger children, of watching or not watching. There is an off button on every set!
22 charminganna 2018.01.19 20:43
Each tube-shaped mic-robot is a sandwich of three materials. A graphene outer layer, which binds to heavy metals. A middle layer of nickel, which gives the bots magnetic polarity, so they can be pulled through wastewater with magnets. And platinum inside for propulsion. Just add a bit of peroxide to the wastewater, and it'll react with the platinum to form water and oxygen bubbles, which propel the tubes along.
22 charminganna 2018.01.19 20:44
새기출은 아니고 작년 11월쯤 나온 문제들로 압니다. 이번에도 잘 부탁드립니다 :)
12 더헬 2018.01.19 22:39
오옹 감사해요 혹시 SWT 자주 나온다고 올리신거 원문도 있으신가요?
싹 다 요약해보게요
22 charminganna 2018.01.20 00:23
Song Bird
Males do the singing and females do the listening. This has been the established, even cherished view of courtship in
birds, but now some ornithologists are changing tune.
Lszl Garamszegi of the University of Antwerp, Belgium, and colleagues studied the literature on 233 European songbird species. Of the 109 for which information on females was available, they found evidence for singing in 101 species. In only eight species could the team conclude that females did not sing?
Females that sing have been overlooked, the team say, because their songs are quiet, they are mistaken for males from their similar plumage or they live in less well studied areas such as the tropics. Garamszegi blames Charles Darwin for the oversight. He emphasized the importance of male sexual display, and this is what everyone has been looking at.
The findings go beyond modern species. After carefully tracing back an evolutionary family tree for their songbirds, Garamszegis team discovered that, in at least two bird families, singing evolved in females first. They suggest these ancient females may have been using their songs to deter other females from their territories, to coordinate breeding activities with males, or possibly to attract mates.
It leaves us with a perplexing question, says Garamszegi. What evolutionary forces drove some females to give up singing?

Armed Police
Armed police have been brought into NSW schools to reduce crime rates and educate students. The 40 School Liaison
Police (SLP) officers have been allocated to public and private high schools across the state.
Organizers say the officers, who began work last week, will build positive relationships between police and students. But parent groups waned of potential dangers of armed police working at schools in communities where police relations were already under strain.
Among their duties, the SLPs will conduct crime prevention workshops, talking to students about issues including shoplifting, offensive behavior, graffiti and drugs and alcohol. They can also advise school principals. One SLP, Constable Ben Purvis, began work in the inner Sydney region last week, including at Alexandria Park Community Schools senior campus. Previously stationed as a crime prevention officer at The Rocks, he now has 27 schools under his jurisdiction in areas including The Rocks, Redfern and Kings Cross.
Constable Purvis said the full-time position would see him working on the broader issues of crimeprevention. I am not a security guard, he said. I am not there to patrol the school. We want to improve relationships between police and schoolchildren, to have positive interaction. We are coming to the school and giving them knowledge to improve their own safety." The use of fake ID among older students is among the issues he has already discussed with principals. Parents' groups responded to the program positively, but said it may spark a range of community reactions. "It is a good thing and an innovative idea and there could be some positive benets," Council of Catholic School Parents executive officer Danielle Cronin said. "Different communities will respond to this kind of presence in different ways.
22 charminganna 2018.01.20 00:26
제가 가지고 있는 자료중 가장 완정한 원문 두개 뽑아 보았습니다. 혹시 SST도 랜덤으로 부탁하나 해도 될까요.. 제가 요즘 RL, SST에서 완전히 걸려버려서 어떻게 더 해야 할지 모르겠어요 ㅜㅜ
요즘 자주 나오는 Vitamin D에 관한 음원링크입니다. 부탁합니다 ㅜㅜ
12 더헬 2018.01.20 00:33
넹 ra 올렸어요 ㅎㅎ