MCQ multiple answer 문제중에서 질문

MCQ multiple answer 문제중에서 질문

4 danielAhn 7 3,495 2018.02.19 16:24
제가 몇일간 계속 찾다 말다 찾다 말다한 기억에 아른거리는 문제가 있는데 절대 못찾겠어요.

지난 시험에 나왔는데 시험볼때 어! 이거 봤던건데 이랬거든요.

근데 기억이 많이 안나요.

학교와 학생들 설명같은거였어요. 아 정말 기억이안나네요 ㅋㅋ

정답중 하나가 아마 "그 학교의 학생들중의 대부분은 _____와 ______로 이루어져있다."  였는데 빈칸이 인디언과 라틴계? 히스페닉과 흑인? 뭐 이런 인종이나 나라였던것 같은데....

터무니없지만 이문제 풀어보신분은 이것만 보고 아실것같아서 참다가 올려봐요.

그리고 FIB (Scroll list answer) 중에 벌에 관한 실험 관련된 문제 혹시 아시는거 있으면 부탁드려요. 이것도 기억이 안나서 그 모르는 단어가 있었는데 찾지를 못하고 있네요.



Lv.4 4 danielAhn  실버
396 (50.7%)



20 Jaylee 2018.02.19 17:53
인종은 아니고 학급을 여러 학년으로 구성하는 멀티플 초이스 문제가 있는데 이거 아닌가요?

The Turks and Caicos Islands are a multi-island archipelago at the southern tip of the Bahamas chain, approximately 550 miles south-east of Florida. The islands are an overseas territory of the United Kingdom although they exercise a high degree of local political autonomy. The economy of the islands rests mainly on tourism, with some contribution from offshore banking and fishing.
Primary schooling is divided into eight grades, with most pupils entering at the age of four years and leaving at twelve. After two kindergarten years, Grades 1-6 are covered by a graded curriculum in maths, language and science that increases in difficulty as pupils get older. There is little repetition and pupils are expected to progress through primary school in their age cohorts. At the end of primary schooling, pupils sit an examination that serves to stream them in the secondary setting. Primary and secondary school enrolment is virtually universal.
There are a total of ten government primary schools on the islands. Of these, seven are large enough to organize pupils into single grade classrooms. Pupils in these schools are generally grouped by age into mixed-ability classes. The remaining three schools, because of their small pupil numbers, operate with multigrade groupings. They serve communities with small populations whose children cannot travel to a neighbouring larger primary school. Pupils in these classes span up to three grade and age groups.
As far as classroom organization is concerned, the multigrade and monograde classrooms are similar in terms of the number of pupils and the general seating arrangements, with pupils in rows facing the blackboard. There is no evidence that the multigrade teachers operate in a particularly resource-poor environment in the Turks and Caicos Islands. This is in contract to studies conducted in other developing country contexts.

According to the text, which of the following statements can be concluded about primary classes in the Turks and Caicos Islands?

 Multigrade classes are mostly found in smaller schools. 
 Most primary pupils are in multigrade classes. 
 Parents can choose to send their child to a multigrade school. 
 Most primary pupils are in mixed-ability classes. 
 Multigrade classes are for the youngest three grades.
15 ichitaka 2018.02.19 22:46
이 문제의 답은 혹시 뭔지 아시나요?
22 charminganna 2018.02.19 23:16
이문제 지난번 제가 작년 12월인가 실제 시험에서 만났는데 문장은 같고 물어보는 내용이 기출이랑 달랐어요. T&F로  맞는거 두개를 선택하는거였지만 분명 선택내용이 완전 다른거였어요. 실제 시험에서 잘 보고 선택하는걸 추천합니다.
저 위에 문제 답은 첫번째랑 네번째라고 나오네요.
20 Jaylee 2018.02.20 01:57
저도 예전에 이문제 나왔었는데, 문제가 달랐던걸로 기억해요.
제 어렴풋한 기억으로는 Multigrade 랑 Monograde의 차이를 물었던거 같기도 해요.
15 ichitaka 2018.02.20 06:38
답변 감사드립니다.
4 danielAhn 2018.02.23 11:18
답변 감사합니다 ! 하지만 이건 아니네요 ㅠㅠ 보면 확 알겠는데 눈앞에 아른거리는데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 답답하네요 혹시 찾으면 저도 올리겠습니다 ㅎㅎ
15 ichitaka 2018.02.19 20:50
뜬금없는 얘기지만, 제가 신혼여행 갔던 섬이네요.