Essay편 - 요즘 자주 나오는 기출문제

Essay편 - 요즘 자주 나오는 기출문제

22 charminganna 9 4,238 2018.01.18 14:53
1. What do you think is the most important invention for the past 100 years, antibiotics,
airplane, or computers? And why?
2. Information revolution has changed the way of mass communications and had some bad
and good effects on individual lives as well as on society. To what extent do you agree or
3. "Do you think the place where a person grew up helps him/her in achieving objectives in life?
Do you agree or disagree.
4. In education system, assessment through formal written examination still valid?
5. In less developed countries, tourism has developed significantly in the last decade, discuss
the disadvantages and advantages.
6. Company’s top level authorities should get their employees in decision making process.
Discuss your viewpoint on this and support your answer with examples.
7. Talk about the pros/cons of this era as is full of invention. And discuss recent invention that
you think is beneficial or detrimental to society.
8. Any new technological development in the recent years is a boosting or drag for the society
in general. Do you agree or disagree that Mass Media, Like TV, Radio and Newspaper have a
huge impact on people, especially young generation?
9. Some people think law changes human behavior. Do you agree or disagree?
10. Some organizations integrate employees in decision making process of their goods and
services. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this.


Lv.22 22 charminganna  실버
4,330 (41.9%)

Anna Yoon


14 snowdrop 2018.01.18 20:22
좋은 정보 감사 합니다. ^^
4 호주유학조하 2018.01.18 20:55
오. 저 그저께 시험봤는데 두번째 토픽 나왔었습니다. 좋은 자료감사해요.
15 ichitaka 2018.01.19 00:23
1 블루베리 2018.01.29 11:00
저는 1월초에 봤는데 8번 토픽 나왔었네요. 감사드립니다!
4 가자멜번 2018.01.29 12:45
감사합니다. 저는 18. 01. 27에 봤는데 5번 나왔습니다. 그 전 시험에서는 6, 9번 나왔구요. 주제 넘지만 조금 덧붙이면 저는 A common marketing strategy for big companies is to introduce various offers and discounts. 이것도 자주 나오는 것 같아요. 저한테만요...^.^
22 charminganna 2018.01.29 13:19
저도 전에 시험에서 marketing strategy 전에 두번 나왔네요. 위에 자주 나오는 기출문제들은 12월 중 - 1월 중 까지 데이터에서 나타난 톱 10이고 아마 marketing strategy 도 11-12위에 있었을지도 모르겠네요.
4 가자멜번 2018.01.29 12:48
아~그리고 죄송하지만 혹시 위 주제에 관한 샘플 답안 같은 것 있을까요? 아이디어가 잘 떠오르지 않아 고민입니다.
22 charminganna 2018.01.29 13:24
위에서 말햇듯이 이 문제들은 데이터에서 나타난 탑10으로 자주 나오는 기출문제들이고 따로 답안이 없습니다. 저기 문제들을 구글해보시면 샘플답안도 같이 적혀있는 사이트들이 많은걸로 압니다.
3 tina08715 2018.02.28 13:38
저는 2월 16일에 봤었는데 . "Do you think the place where a person grew up helps him/her in achieving objectives in life?
Do you agree or disagree.