PTESTUDY.COM SWT 기출내용에 대해서 문의합니다..

PTESTUDY.COM SWT 기출내용에 대해서 문의합니다..

1 무적함대 4 4,650 2017.12.20 13:27

SWT 36번인가 까지는 기출내용과 확실히 같은데 1번부터 36번까지 중에 여기 싸이트에 여러 분들이 올려주신 기출내용 이외의 것들이 몇 개 있어서 이것도 혹시 시험에 나온 적이 있는지 보신 분들의 의견을 묻고 싶습니다. 


아래 문장들은 각 문제의 처음 서론 부분들입니다. 이 중 29번과 33번은 제가 시험볼 때 나왔던 문제들이라 확실히 기출임을 알겠는데 나머지 문제들은 잘 모르겠어어요...


혹시 이 문제들 시험 치시면서 보신 분들 계신가요? 혹시 시험으로 나온적이 있다면 미리 준비좀 하려구요~~^^


25. The notion that office space has a role in promoting or inhibiting performance is backed up by solid research. A recent study conducted by Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital showed that improvements to the physical surroundings of workers impacted on productivity not just because the working environment was more attractive,



Plants serve as the conduit of energy into the biosphere, provide food and materials used by humans, and they shape our environment. According to Ehrhardt and Frommer, the three major challenges facing humanity in our time are food, energy, and environmental degradation. All three are plant related.



Orville and Wilbur Wright were brothers living in Dayton, Ohio. The two had started making bicycles during the 1890s and had a successful small business selling their Wright Specials for $18 each ($475 in today’s green). This experience with building light, strong machines would prove valuable in the coming years after the brothers’ interest turned to flight.



Major athletic events around the globe from the 2014 Sochi Olympics to an annual powerboat race in Norwegian fjords are striving to neutralize their carbon footprint as part of a world-wide climate network, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) said today.



What is museology? A simple definition might be that it is the study of museums, their history and underlying philosophy, the various ways in which they have, in the course of time, been established and developed, their avowed or unspoken aims and policies, their educative or political or social role. More broadly conceived, such a study might also embrace the bewildering variety of audiences visitors, scholars, art lovers, children- at whom the efforts of museum staff are supposedly directed, as well as related topics such as the legal duties and responsibilities place upon ( or incurred by) museums, perhaps even some thought as to their future.




Compulsory voting is often suggested as a solution to the problem of declining turnout. But how are individuals and countries affected by compulsory voting beyond boosting electoral participation? Shane Singh investigates the social, economic, and political consequences of compelling citizens to vote. 


Lv.5 5 무적함대  실버
589 (92.1%)

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14 flyingJ 2017.12.20 13:40
몇개는 여러 문장으로 구성된것으로 보아 SST도 섞여있지 않나 싶네요. SWT는 한문장 구성이라..
1 무적함대 2017.12.20 14:00
아~~정답을 올린게 아니라 SWT 문제의 서론만 올린 것입니다...전문을 다 올리면 너무 길어서 보기 힘드실 것 같아서요~~ㅎㅎ
이 문제들은 미리 만들어 둔 답을 찾을수가 없어서 혹시나 문제를 시험에서 보신 적이 있다면 미리 정답을 좀 만들어 두려구요~~ㅎㅎ
10 jennie 2017.12.20 14:08
33번 voting 은 몇번 나왔는데.....요
1 무적함대 2017.12.20 14:51
네..맞습니다..29번과 33번은 시험에 나왔던 기억이 있네요~~^^