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SWT 예문하나 올려봅니다. 답 평가 부탁드립니다.

3 Hojupop 9 3,814 2018.01.05 21:05

Since Australians Jennifer Hawkins and Lauryn Eagle were crowned Miss Universe and Miss Teen International respectively, there has been a dramatic increase in interest in beauty pageants in this country. These wins have also sparked a debate as to whether beauty pageants are just harmless reminders of old fashioned values or a throwback to the days when women were respected for how good they looked. Opponents argue that beauty pageants, whether its Miss Universe or Miss Teen International, are demeaning to women and out of sync with the times. They say they are nothing more than symbols of decline. 

In the past few decades Australia has taken more than a few faltering steps toward treating women with dignity and respect. Young women are being brought up knowing that they can do anything, as shown by inspiring role models in medicine such as 2003 Australian of the Year Professor Fiona Stanley. 

In the 1960s and 70s, one of the first acts of the feminist movement was to picket beauty pageants on the premise that the industry promoted the view that it was acceptable to judge women on their appearance. Today many young Australian women are still profoundly uncomfortable with their body image, feeling under all kinds of pressures because they are judged by how they look. 

Almost all of the pageant victors are wafer thin, reinforcing the message that thin equals beautiful. This ignores the fact that men and women come in all sizes and shapes. In a country where up to 60% of young women are on a diet at any one time and 70% of school girls say they want to lose weight, despite the fact that most have a normal BMI, such messages are profoundly hazardous to the mental health of young Australians. 


답: 39 words

The mental health of young Australians are in critical danger due to public perspective to woman's beauty which is highly judged with their appearance that has to be thin, furthermore, this phenomenon has been dramatically increased through beauty pageants. 

제가 작성해본 답입니다. 혹시 추가적으로 개선 할 곳이 있다면 같이 의논해보고 싶네요.

다른 분들도 연습삼아 뎃글로 답 남겨주시면서 서로 의논하면 도움이 될 것 같아요.




Lv.3 3 Hojupop  실버
220 (8.3%)



22 charminganna 2018.01.05 22:41
저는 일단 paragragh 에서 key word 라고 생각되는 단어들을 전부 끼워맞추는 형식으로 썻어요.. 근데 Hojupop님께서 작성하신 summary 가 더 깔끔한 느낌입니다.
Some Australians asserted that beauty pageants negatively affected conventional values, whereas others pointed out that they were demeaning to women, but the author suggested that women should be treated with respect and dignity rather than judging by their appearance since mankind have all different shapes and weight. (47 words)
3 Hojupop 2018.01.07 12:18
답변 감사드립니다. 제 껏보다 더 고급적인 표현들과 단어를 많이 넣어주시는 것 같네요.
제가 호주에서 다니던 학원에서는 40자가 적당하다고 하네요. 감사합니다.
12 더헬 2018.01.05 23:07
75단어 채우시는게 제일 좋아요 본문에서 최대한 따와서
너무 짧으면 안좋아요~
22 charminganna 2018.01.06 11:41
전에 70자로 이것저것 따와서 and, but , so 로만 이어서 단순하게 햇던적이 있었는데 아무래도 고점을 따려면 summary skill 도 들어가야 점수를 더 받는듯 합니다. 전에 라이팅이 60+에서 헤매다가 50자 좌우로 간략하게 쓴후부터는 70+점 으로 올라왔어요. 데헬님은 기초가 좋으시니 어법도 틀릴 이유가 없겠지만 저 같은 경우는 문장이 길어질수록 어법점수를 잘 못따는 경우라서..
12 더헬 2018.01.06 19:49
음 전 50 목표는 무조건 짜집기해서 단어수 채우라 그러는데 고득점은 다르게 해야될수도 있겠네요
근데 저는 부분부분 중요한걸 찾아내서 제 나름 바꿔보려고 하다가 동의어 더 좋은거 생각안나면 그대로 쓰거든요 대신 좀 많은 부분을 갖다 쓰는 편인거 같아요
시간나면 이것도 한번 해서 올려볼게요
22 charminganna 2018.01.06 20:35
고마워요. 시간나실때 윗문의 summary 를 한번 해주세요, 고수님의 답을 기대해봅니다 ㅋㅋ
8 bruce 2018.01.24 14:13
오 저는 60~70자 최대한 본문서따와서 해보니 60후반 70점 초반은 나오더라구요 ㅋㅋ
1 HappyCC 2018.01.24 14:40
혹시 75자 이상으로 넘어가면 감점요인이 되나요??
3 Hojupop 2018.01.25 18:10
넵 어느 롸이팅 문항이든 그 이상으로 쓰시면 감점이에요.