제가 여기서 공유된 sst 템플릿을 쓰는데요 이게 문법적으로 맞는건가요?

제가 여기서 공유된 sst 템플릿을 쓰는데요 이게 문법적으로 맞는건가요?

1 문어 0 3,732 2018.01.20 11:07
(주제), the fact mentioned here, has been significantly focused as it includes that sentence linked to (아이디어1).  Notably, it also denotes that (아이디어2)  So, considering the most substantial insights,  it can be stated that (아이디어3) linked to (아이디어4).

위에꺼를 토대로 sst vitaminD 를 써봤는데 밎에 있는문장이 문법적으로 오류가 없나 해서요
아시는분 답변부탁드립니다.참고로 마지막에 linked to 아이디어 4는 뻇습니다
아이디어 1 2 3 4 에 다 문장을 쓰는데 맞는건가요?

Vitamin D, this fact mentioned here, has been signicantly focoused as it includes that sentence linked to VitaminD is made by sun. Notably, It also denoted that it is type of the hormone made from body by sun . considering the most substantial insights , it can be stated that some contries people should supply vitamin D through food.


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