DI 샘플 리코딩 필요하신 분 있으신가요?
안녕하세요, DI 샘플 리코딩 필요하신 분들은 템플릿을 여기에 댓글로 남겨주시기 바랍니다.
전 말주변이 없어서 말로 딱히 설명하기가 어렵더라고요. 그래서 스피킹에서 고전하시는 분들을 도와드리고자 본인이 현재 쓰시는 템플릿에 컨텐트를 넣어서 댓글로 남겨주시면 DJ119님 말씀대로 여기에 녹음파일 올리겠습니다.
먼저 글 남겨주신 제니님, 커피홀릭님, 바게트님을 비롯해 추가로 다섯분 더 받겠습니다~
저도 네이티브가 아니라 부족하지만 어떻게 읽어나가야할지 감 잡아드리는데 도움이 될 것 같습니다.
Ston님이 저걸 녹음하기전에 댓글에 님 템플릿 빨리 다세요 ㅋㅋㅋ
DI 템플릿
The given _ shows information about 타이틀 by different categories such as _,_.
According to the _, I can clearly see that the maximum figure is _ with _in_.
It is followed by _and _.
On the other hand, I can also clearly see that the minimum figure is _with _.
In conclusion, the data is accurate and concise which can be used as a reference for future studies with the same objectives.
저는 제가 발음 하기 편하고 100프로 인식이 되는 단어들로만 템플릿 만들어서 쓰고있어요! Feature는 반은 자꾸 future로 되고 highest 같은것도 반은 인식 반은 다르게 인식이 됩니다 ㅠ.ㅠ 사실 컨텐츠 욕심을 버리고자 쓰는 템플릿인데 사람욕심이 실제 시험에서 자꾸 수치를 말하고자 욕심부리더라고요 멍청한 나같으니..흑흑
점수 졸업 하시고도 이 싸이트에 계속 남아서 저포함 많은 분들에게 도움을 주셔서 정말 감사드려요 스톤님 ㅠㅠ
제 DI 템플릿은
This graph _ shows information about 타이틀
This data has been collected from different categories including _,_.
Firstly in terms of ___, it was __, and then __ was __, 반복해서.
(숫자가 너무 많은경우엔 highest and lowest 찾아서 말합니다)
In conclusion, the data is accurate and concise which can be used as a reference in the future studies.
저도 윗분과 같이 발음하기 쉬운걸로 바꿔서 말하려고 합니다.
스피킹은 마지막시험에 58점 나왔고.. 유창성은 30대 후반 발음은 40대 후반이예요..
아무래도 항상 멈칫하고 버벅거리는거때매 점수가 낮은듯한데..
그냥... 힘빠지네요..
점수 졸업하신지 몰랐는데.. 졸업하신것 정말 축하드리구요 항상 감사합니다 ^^
2 months
각각 단어로는 어느정도 하겠는데, 문장내에 들어가 있으면 멈칫하거든요. 포기 해야될까요?
"Facebook has been sharing our data for months to help study income inequality"
(코뿔소 이미지)
The given image demonstrates the information about historic and present distribution of Indian Rhino.
Firstly, as we can see that the Indian Rhino used to live in east pakistan, north india and south nepal. On the other hand, the current distribution of Indian rhino can be seen in few areas in Nepal.
Overall, it is a very informative image telling us about the endangered Indian rhino and it is accurate and concise which can be used as a reference for the future studies.
This image describs @@
As you can see, the left hand side of image @@
And the bottom hand side of image @@
The light hand side of image @@
Looking at the detail @@ is found to be @@
This image was about @@
입니다 . 감사합니다
저의 템플릿은
This Pie graph/Bar graph/Table represents ** from ** to ** (by country, gender,
location and etc that includes 나온 지역들)
It is clear from image that A is maximum which is ** and B is second highest.
On the other hand, C is minimum which is **.
In conclusion, by analyzing the graph, it can be said that this trend is likely to continue in the future and that's all I can understand from the data.
감사해요 Ston님 :)
정말 복받으실 꺼예요.
It also provides information about the topic in different categories like A and B
It is clear from the image that X has the maximum which is 20% whereas, on the other hand,
Y has the minimum which is 15%
The image is showing that S+V
After analyzing title ,it can be concluded that this image is showing crucial information strongly
supported by important facts and figures having great impact on A and B
저도 부탁좀 드릴께요