RA 조언 부탁 드릴게요. (모의고사 점수 포함해서 조언 부탁드려요.)
안녕하세요? 늘 좋은 카페 잘 이용하고 있습니다.
제가 이치 7점이 필요한데, 알츠에서 라이팅이 7점이 너무 안나와서 (다른 영역은 계속 7점 나왔어요. ㅠ) pte로 바꿨는데요, 오늘 모의고사 보니깐, pte 스피킹이랑 다른영역도 너무 총체적 난국 이네요..ㅠㅠ
DI, RL은 템플릿 가지고 했는데, RA 같은 경우도 문제인가 싶기도 하고요..
오늘자 모의고사 점수로,,
Listening 56
Reading 51
Speaking 44
Writing 64
Grammar 82/ Oral fluency 26/ Pronunciation 17/ Spelling 90/ Vaca 68/ Written Discourse 90.
인데요,, 혹시 제 RA 에 대해 조언 부탁드려요..
(시험 셋팅 처럼 해서 녹음 하였습니다.)
감사합니다. 모두 원하시는 점수 이루 실 수 있도록 응원하겠습니다!
The most important issue is concerned with the problem of funding. Social services receive different donations or grants from
the government. However, these sums are not sufficient for the solution of all problems. The second most important issue consists in the huge spending. The money social services achieve, is not enough for normal functioning. The third problem, affecting human services is the lack of skilled and experienced employees.
For any marketing course that requires development of marketing plan, such as marketing management, marketing strategy and
segmentation support marketing, this is the only planning handbook that guide students through the step by step creation of customized marketing plan. While offering commercial software to aid in the process.
As we progress into the 21st century, communications are becoming faster and faster and faster. Think of the millions of
different media images you are bombarded with every day. It is as important now to be able to read and make sense of those images, as it has been to be able to read ordinary text.
음성 들어봤는데 저는 마냥 부럽기만 하지 조언 드릴수 있는 상황이 아니라서 죄송해요.
아무래도 모의고사 보실때 Computer 문제가 있었던것 아닐까요~?
Oral fluency랑 Pronunciation 점수가 너무 짠것 같아요.
망할 놈의 PTE~!