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발음이나 속도는 이정도면 괜찮은건가요?
As a historian, if you really want to understand the sensibilities of those who lived in the past, you must be like a novelist and get into the skins of your characters and think and feel as they do. You are asked to imagine what it's like to be a peasant in medieval times, asking the sort of questions a peasant might ask. What the writer is saying is that a historian needs imaginative sympathy with ordinary people in the past.
As a historian, if you really want to understand the sensibilities of those who lived in the past, you must be like a novelist /and get into the skins of your characters and think /and feel as they do. You are asked to imagine what it's like to be a peasant in medieval times, asking the sort of questions a peasant might ask. What the writer is saying is /that a historian needs imaginative sympathy/ with ordinary people in the past.