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9 adam 0 5,050 2018.06.19 22:45

65+ 목표로, 학원다니고 있고 SWT 수업받는중에 틀을 기초로 수업받고 있습니다.

학원다니기전, 65+목표로는 틀보다 개인능력이 더 중요하다하여 혼자 연습하던 방법이있는데요, 한 주제를 이용해서 

두 방법으로 해봤습니다. 혹시 둘중에 낫다고 생각하시는걸 골라주실수 있으신지요.


둘의 차이는 틀에 끼워넣은것 하나와, 포인트 문장들을 틀없이 최대한 이해한 내용에 맞게 섞었습니다.


TEXT 21. Presidential election (main points도 직접 뽑았습니다)

-A presidential election is to be held once every fourth year according to the US Constitution.(불필요한듯하여 skip)

-In order to officially represent a political party, a candidate must be nominated by that party.

-This primary nomination process is a contest that often produces factions within political parties.

-There are many factors that influence who will ultimately become the candidate for a party.

-These factors will help determine the perceived strengths and weakness of the candidates in the months leading up to the caucuses and primaries.


--Final sentence.--

The candidate must be nominated by the party that often produces factions to represent a political party and also will be influenced by many factors that will help determine the perceived strengths and weakness of the candidates in the months leading up to the caucuses and primaries to become a ultimate candidate.(52자)


In relation to the primary nomination process which is a contest that often produces factions within political parties, the fact that there are many factors that influence who will ultimately become the candidate for a party appears to be related to the idea that these factors will help determine the perceived strengths and weakness of the candidates in the months leading up to the caucuses and primaries.(67자)


Lv.9 9 adam  실버
1,259 (99.4%)

호주 거주중인 학생입니다. pte65를 목표로 하고있습니다.
