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제 에세이좀 평가해주세요

6 니코 0 5,468 2018.05.03 14:59

Do you think extreme sports like skiing, water rafting etc. are dangerous and should be prohibited?

In modern society, extreme sports including skiing and water rafting have increased the popularity. However, such activities sometimes cause fatal accidents and injuries. Due to the risk of accidents, some people believe that these sports should be banned. In my opinion, extreme sports, in fact, are not dangerous, therefore, they should not be prohibited.


To begin with, there are many reasons why extreme sports should not be banned, but the most significant one stems from the fact that these activities have strong safety measures to prevent any accidents or injuries. The government enforce players to check their equipment regularly. Amateurs are restricted to be trained and follow guidance. For instance, ropes for bungee jumping are checked every day and jumpers cannot jump without the permission from a safety guard. Hence, these measures and regulations for extreme sports ensure the player's safety.


Moreover, another reason that the government should not prohibit extreme sports is that people should be able to choose to play these sports. If skiing is banned due to its risk, this act is against people's right. In the democratic society, individuals have rights to make their own decision. Therefore, the government should respect individual's choice to play these activities.


In conclusion, this essay discussed why people should have their choice to play extreme sports and how these activities ensure a player's safety. In my opinion, the government should not ban these sports.


Lv.6 6 니코  실버
702 (68%)

