1.Global warming is defined as an increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere. This trend began in the middle of the 20th century and is one of the major environmental concerns of scientists and governmental officials worldwide. The changes in temperature result mostly from the effect of increased concentrations of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere
2.As far as politics go, the responses are just as varied. Mitigation is common and calls for a reduction of emissions and less reliance on fossil fuels. Coal burning power plants are now replaced with hydraulic power plants and electrical cars are replacing some gasoline efficient cars. Many people, however, feel that this is not enough.
3.Unlike the United Kingdom, which has taken a relatively restrictive approach to the possession of arms, the United States has taken a more lenient approach. In the United States, three models have evolved regarding the interpretation of the meaning of the right to bear and keep arms as delineated in the Second Amendment
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그리고 제 생각엔 속도는 이미 빨라서, Tryer님 말씀대로 풀스톱에서 확실히 쉬어주시고 하면 더 좋을 것같아요.
빨리 말하더라도 쉬는 구간을 잘 캐치 하셔서 충분히 인식시켜줄 수 있는 게 중요합니다. 연습을 많이하셔서 그런건지 뭔진 모르곘지만, 이정도 속도가 나온다는 건 내가 끊어읽을 구간에서 멈춰가면서 읽을 수 있다는 거 거든요.
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