20180313 무교동 +65 목표 후기

20180313 무교동 +65 목표 후기

10 계륵 9 9,665 2018.03.13 16:26
안녕하세요 2주마다 후기를 올리는 계륵입니다.ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
오늘은 유난히 스피킹에서 읍읍 해 댔던지....ㅋㅋ 아무래도 망했다고 생각하고 여유롭게 시험을 봤습니다.
또 oral fluency가 작살 날듯 하군요....ㅎㅎ

오늘 시험출제 된 아이들만 선별하여 올립니다.

Recent research on distant monitor technology (Antares detectors)

The lecture talks about a new kind of remote distant monitoring technology called underwater Antares Detectors. These detectors can be used to observe the environment change and water temperature change.
More importantly, these detectors are installed under water to monitor fish’s reaction to the feeding. By putting a camera into the cage and then put into the water, people can observe the fish’s reaction to feed so that it can help people to observe fish reactions without being physically there. This make it possible for people to change their feeding strategy quickly when fish do not react to the feeding. The technology can also identify the water quality.

Australia’s changing role (Australia export)

The changes of Japan, America and China’s export to Australia started from 1995. In the past, Australia was isolated from UK and USA.
Nevertheless, nowadays with the rise of Asian countries, especially China, Australia has become a famous destination and export country. Japan now is the largest exporting country to Australia, and China will replace the position in the future. Australia should take the advantage of China’s raise to develop its exports.

Non-government Organizations (NGO)

The lecture talks about the disempowerment and non-profit sector. The non-profit sector is worth 1 trillion dollars and there are 700,000 organizations in Australia. The United Nations recognizes 37,000 civil social organizations and 3,500 of which was accredited to the World Summit on sustainable development. The best predictor of governmental success was power and density of a countries’ non-governmental association.

Vitamin D
Advertisement on prescription medicine

Job of doctor (LUCKY PTE 15)
In the fast-changing world of modern healthcare, the job of a doctor is more and more like the job of chief executive. The people who run hospitals and physicians’ practices don't just need to know [medicine]. They must also be able to balance budgets, motivate a large and diverse [staff] and make difficult marketing and legal [decisions].

Seatbelt(LUCKY PTE No.가 없고 30page에 있는 내용)
I have persuaded many friends to wear helmets on the grounds that transplant surgeons call those without helmets “donors on wheels”. But a book on ‘Risk’ by my colleague John Adams has made me re-examine my [convictions].

Adams has completely [undermined] my confidence in these apparently sensible precautions. What he has persuasively argued, particularly in relation to seatbelts, is that the evidence that they do what they are supposed to do is very suspect. This is in spite of numerous claims that seat belts save many thousands of lives every year. Between 1970 and 1978 countries in which the wearing of seat belts is [compulsory] had on average about five percent more road accident deaths than before the introduction of the law.

Impressionism(LUCKY PTE 73)

Many graduates studying journalism can get jobs in the communication field.
we can't consider the prices at this stage
Early streams of economics in Roman Republic will be examined.
Climate change is now an acceptable phenomenon among reputable scientists

IPCC & GORE studies
Aging world

어떤 사람들은 사람들의 행동이 법에 의해 관리 되어져하고, 다른 사람들은 그것의 영향이 미미하다고 생각한다. 당신의 의견은 무엇인가?

스피킹 연습을 더 하고 2주뒤에 다시 시험을 봐야 겠네요


Lv.10 10 계륵  실버
1,361 (53.1%)

등록된 서명이 없습니다.


5 반짝반짝 2018.03.13 16:47
소중한 후기 너무 감사드려요. 내일 모레  PTE 첫 시험인데 엄청 긴장되는데 계륵님 후기 속 문제들로 마지막까지 더 준비 할 수 있을거 같아요!
19 오비완 2018.03.13 18:29
후기 감사합니다.  Advertisement on prescription medicine  은 무교동 3월 6일에도 본 것 같군요.
7 안병국 2018.03.13 18:57
감사합니다. 혹시 그런데 lucky pte fill in the blank 자료는 어디서 보는건가요?
15 달발 2018.03.13 19:05
후기 감사합니다 저도 궁금했어요 lucky no 항상 있던데 이게 어디서 나온건지요 ㅜㅜ
6 영주권 2018.03.13 20:02
혹시 럭키 피티이 링크좀 걸어주실수 있나요? 구글 검색해봤는데 엉뚱한 사이트만 나오는거같아요 부탁드립니다!!!
14 제니 2018.03.13 20:29
럭키 피티이 Dj119님 드라이브에 있습니다. 저도 이곳에서 럭키피티받아왔습니당 : )
15 달발 2018.03.13 20:36
ㅎㅎ 감사합니다
7 안병국 2018.03.13 20:47
20 Jaylee 2018.03.13 22:06
시험 보시느라 수고 하셨습니다.! 좋은 결과 있으시길 바래요!