20/03 무교동 후기

20/03 무교동 후기

19 오비완 24 8,005 2018.03.20 15:43
이젠 너무 자주 가서 익숙해져버린 무교동 익스체인지 타워 6층입니다.

새학기가 되니 응시생이 확 줄어들었습니다. 6일에도 8명, 20일에도 8명 정도입니다. 전에는 15석 정도 가득 채웠었는데...

전체적으로 새로운 문제들이 많이 들어온 것 같습니다.

물고기 나이에 따른 사이즈에 대한 그림그래프 나오고, 나머지는 간단한 table과 bar chart 들이었습니다.

현대에 income 과 happiness 가 disconnect되는 그래프와 함께 나오는 강의

millennium 몇년인가 -> thousand
하이킹을 오래 갈때 옷을 뭘로 선호할 거냐 soft냐 sturdy 냐  -> sturdy 등이 나왔습니다.

Rosetta stone, 1799년에 발견되었고, 사람이 만지고 탁본을 뜨고 해서 사람 손때, 카나우바 왁스, 페인트등이 많이 묻어 있었다.
1999년에 전시회를 열기 위해서 최초의 검은 석판위의 흰글씨 외에 다른 부분을 청소해냈고, 아래쪽 구석만 남겨두었다.
(원문 추가)

When the Rosetta Stone was discovered in 1799, the carved characters that covered its surface were quickly copied. Printer's ink was applied to the Stone and white paper laid over it. When the paper was removed, it revealed an exact copy of the text—but in reverse. Since then, many copies or "facsimiles" have been made using a variety of materials. Inevitably, the surface of the Stone accumulated many layers of material left over from these activities, despite attempts to remove any residue. Once on display, the grease from many thousands of human hands eager to touch the Stone added to the problem.

An opportunity for investigation and cleaning the Rosetta Stone arose when this famous object was made the centerpiece of the Cracking Codes exhibition at The British Museum in 1999. When work commenced to remove all but the original, ancient material the stone was black with white lettering. As treatment progressed, the different substances uncovered were analyzed. Grease from human handling, a coating of carnauba wax from the early 1800s and printer's ink from 1799 were cleaned away using cotton wool swabs and liniment of soap, white spirit, acetone and purified water. Finally, white paint in the text, applied in 1981, which had been left in place until now as a protective coating, was removed with cotton swabs and purified water. A small square at the bottom left corner of the face of the Stone was left untouched to show the darkened wax and the white infill.

Australian history
호주의 금광 발견, (1차대전당시) 갈리폴리 상륙 등의 여러 역사적 사건들이 많은, 호주의 역사를 하나의 내러티브로 구성하여 기술하는 건 굉장히 어렵다. 역사 그 자체가 그런 식의 표현을 거부하기 때문이다.

work 와 other things in life such as family and leisure 간의 balance 가 얼마나 중요한지, 왜 다른 사람들은 find it hard to achieve 라고 생각할까

talent war    (1. 경제상황 변화로 intellectual people많이 필요 2. baby boom 세대의 은퇴로 shrinking population,
                  3. 학교에서 가르치는 것과 달리 기업에서는 science and engineering을 공부한 사람 많이 필요)

child depression  (새 문제인듯)

Depression among Children

In the past, children rarely have depression. A research showed a dramatic increase in childhood depression, which change the way people think about childhood depression. Now, no one doubt about childhood depression. The study shows children with depression behave differently and respond differently to medical treatment.

The theme of the work requires more demure compositional style 과 유사한 것


Lv.19 19 오비완  실버
3,365 (12.5%)



15 달발 2018.03.20 15:58
오마나 swt 도 새로운 건가요? 많이 당황하셨을듯요  ㅡㅡ sst도 그렇고 ㅜㅜ 후기 감사드립니다.
19 오비완 2018.03.20 16:12
새 문제는 그냥 계속 나오겠거니 하고 보면 될 것 같습니다.
15 달발 2018.03.20 16:02
위에 지문 원문입니다. 써머리 잘 하시는 분 부탁드려요 ㅎ
The Rosetta Stone is a granodiorite stele, found in 1799, inscribed with three versions of a decree issued at Memphis, Egypt in 196 BC during the Ptolemaic dynasty on behalf of King Ptolemy V. The top and middle texts are in Ancient Egyptian using hieroglyphic script and Demotic script, respectively, while the bottom is in Ancient Greek. As the decree has only minor differences between the three versions, the Rosetta Stone proved to be the key to deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs.

The stone, carved in black granodiorite during the Hellenistic period, is believed to have originally been displayed within a temple, possibly at nearby Sais. It was probably moved during the early Christian or medieval period, and was eventually used as building material in the construction of Fort Julien near the town of Rashid (Rosetta) in the Nile Delta. It was rediscovered there in July 1799 by a French soldier named Pierre-François Bouchard during the Napoleonic campaign in Egypt. It was the first Ancient Egyptian bilingual text recovered in modern times, and it aroused widespread public interest with its potential to decipher this previously untranslated hieroglyphic language. Lithographic copies and plaster casts began circulating among European museums and scholars. Meanwhile, British troops defeated the French in Egypt in 1801, and the original stone came into British possession under the Capitulation of Alexandria and was transported to London. It has been on public display at the British Museum almost continuously since 1802 and is the most-visited object there.

Study of the decree was already under way when the first full translation of the Greek text appeared in 1803. It was 20 years, however, before the transliteration of the Egyptian scripts was announced by Jean-François Champollion in Paris in 1822; it took longer still before scholars were able to read Ancient Egyptian inscriptions and literature confidently. Major advances in the decoding were recognition that the stone offered three versions of the same text (1799); that the demotic text used phonetic characters to spell foreign names (1802); that the hieroglyphic text did so as well, and had pervasive similarities to the demotic (Thomas Young, 1814); and that, in addition to being used for foreign names, phonetic characters were also used to spell native Egyptian words (Champollion, 1822–1824).
Ever since its rediscovery, the stone has been the focus of nationalist rivalries, including its transfer from French to British possession during the Napoleonic Wars, a long-running dispute over the relative value of Young and Champollion’s contributions to the decipherment and, since 2003, demands for the stone’s return to Egypt.

Two other fragmentary copies of the same decree were discovered later, and several similar Egyptian bilingual or trilingual inscriptions are now known, including two slightly earlier Ptolemaic decrees (the Decree of Canopus in 238 BC, and the Memphis decree of Ptolemy IV, c. 218 BC). The Rosetta Stone is, therefore, no longer unique, but it was the essential key to modern understanding of Ancient Egyptian literature and civilisation. The term Rosetta Stone is now used in other contexts as the name for the essential clue to a new field of knowledge.
19 오비완 2018.03.20 16:09
아 제가 원문 찾아서 본문 수정해두었습니다. 참고하시기 바랍니다.
6 써니걸 2018.05.14 22:38
오비완님이 수정해주신 본문으로 연습삼아 요약한번 해보았습니다
보는 순간, It was not until....that 구문을 한번 써보고 싶더라구요
문법이 맞았으면 좋겠네요

It was not until1999 that the British museum did not investigate and clean the Rosetta Stone of which the original ancient material appeared to be black with white lettering after cleansing away grease from human handling, a coating of carnauba wax and printer's ink from 1799. 46자
20 Jaylee 2018.03.20 16:40
수고하셨습니다. 후기 감사합니다.
바게트님 보셨을 수도 있겠네요. 이쯤에 시험 보신다고 하신거 같은데,
두분다 좋은 결과 있길 바랍니다.!!
19 오비완 2018.03.20 17:32
감사합니다.. 얼른 졸업을 해야 할텐데 말이지요 ㅎㅎ
11 바게트 2018.03.20 22:29
Jaylee 님 ㄷㄷㄷㄷ 그걸 기억 하고 계셨어여? 안 그래도 오늘 시험 보고 왔는데.. 완전 생소한 것들만 잔뜩 나와서 멘붕에 욕나 올뻔 했어여.. 하다 못해 wfd는 기출에서 1나 나온것 있죠 ㅜㅜ
20 Jaylee 2018.03.20 23:42
앗! 바게트님,
네 기억하고 있었죠. 바게트님이랑 간지녀님 이번주에 시험 보시는거요.
요즘 안 보이시길래 열심히 시험 준비하고 계시구나 하고 있었어요!!
신기출이 많이 나와서 당황하셨겠어요,,ㅜ 그래도 좋은 결과 받으시길 바래요!!
15 달발 2018.03.20 16:55
ㅎㅎ 감사합니다.
19 오비완 2018.03.20 17:33
별말씀을요 ㅎㅎ
7 hayy 2018.03.20 16:58
후기 감사합니다~ 수고 하셨어요!!! 좋은 결과 있길 바랄께요 ㅎㅎ
19 오비완 2018.03.20 17:34
넵 오늘은 쭉 쉴려구요... 감사합니다.
22 charminganna 2018.03.20 18:05
와.. 원문까지.. 전 아무리 찾아도 오늘나온 문제들 못찾겠더라구요 ㅜㅜ  이번엔 새문제 폭탄이 터진것 같습니다. 여기저기서 후기들이 전부 난리낫더라구요. 아무튼 수고 하셨습니다. 좋은 결과 있으시길 바랍니다.
19 오비완 2018.03.20 18:32
애나님이 새 문제들 정리해주시리라 믿습니다. ^^  애나님에게도 좋은 결과 있기를 빌겠습니다.
10 Noham 2018.03.20 21:09
하 낼모레 셤인데 신기출 폭탄이라니ㅜㅜ
19 오비완 2018.03.20 22:29
그러게요, 그래도 크게 어렵지는 않았으니, 익숙해지시면 금방 될 겁니다...
15 ichitaka 2018.03.20 21:23
공유 감사드립니다.
19 오비완 2018.03.20 22:30
별말씀을요, 화이팅입니다~
11 바게트 2018.03.20 22:37
오비완님 고생하셨어여! 저도 오늘 시험 봤는데 ㅜㅜ 기억 나는게 별로 없어서 글도 못쓰겠어여 ㅎㅎㅎ. 그래도 오늘 하루 만큼은 잠시 모든걸 잊고 푹 쉬시길
19 오비완 2018.03.20 22:42
바게트님도 고생 많으셨습니다~ 쉬세요~ 저는 목욕하고 넷플릭스 봤어요~
11 바게트 2018.03.20 22:43
기억나는게 별로 없어서 댓글에다가 적어 봅니다.
- RS, I'll start with a brief history of the district, and then focus on life in the first half of the 20th century.
- DI, 주제들은 잘 기억 안나고 나라가 나왔고, 대체적으로 큰 단위 숫자들만 나왔어여 밀리언 이상이요...
- 에세이는, 경험이 최고의 선생님이다, 반면 다른 사람들은 formal school education이 최고다 동의 하니 않하니?
- WFD는 Our professor is hosting business development conference, 그외 기출에서는 못 본거 같아요

대체적으로 거의 다 생솟한 문제들 뿐이었어요, 2월에 볼때는 그래도 중간 중간 아는것도 나왔었는데.. ㅜㅜ 허접한 후기 죄송해요
19 오비완 2018.03.20 22:49
별말씀을요, 후기 감사합니다!
15 ichitaka 2018.03.20 22:50
바게트님 공유 감사드립니다.