(+50실패) 14/07/2018 호주 멜버른 피어슨

(+50실패) 14/07/2018 호주 멜버른 피어슨

7 Jayyoung 14 9,057 2018.07.14 20:09

안녕하세요. 스피킹이 또 안나와서 좌절입니다.

기출은 미리 적어두지 않아서 기억이 가물가물하지만 일단 시작해보겠습니다. 


RA - 기출없고 간간히 어려운 단어가 끼어있었습니다. ㅜㅜ 

       문제중에 Tesla 짜집기한거 한 문제 있었습니다. 연습해본 내용이지만 단어가 일부 바껴서 또 절었네요 ㅠㅠ

       Tesla came over from Graz and went to work for Thomas Edison. Nonetheless Edison offered him a job, promising Tesla fifty thousand dollars if Tesla could redesign Edison's breakdown-prone DC generator designs. The new generator designs were a vast improvement over Edison's orignals. Upon completing the job Tesla went to Edison to collect the $50,000 promised for the task. Tesla, Edison replied, you don't understand our American humor. And Tesla was never paid.


DI - 1) Line graph 3set (CO2 emission 이랑 머 있는 라인그래프)

      2) Bar graph 1

      3) Image 1 시대별 vehicles, 속도 나와있는거 바그래프 비슷한...(ex. 말, 자동차 등)

      4) Image 1 물고기 나이별 길이cm 나와있는거

RL - 기억이안납니다... literature 관련해서 한문제 - 첨들어보는거, Globalization (Development of Agriculture)나왔던거같아요. 신기출 위주였어요

RS - 기억안나요 ㅠㅜ 저번셤보단 평이했던거같아요

FIB - 1) 베토벤, 모짜르트 나오는거

       2) 월트디즈니 (utopian, society, childhood, education) https://toppte.com/reading/rfb?id=5&t=next&lv=

       3) 퇴직 기출 retirement (delay, gradually, barriers, stimultaneosly) https://toppte.com/reading/rfb?id=9&t=next&lv= 

       4) 기출 하나 더 나왔던거같은데 기억이안나요.. 그...... Chemical 전공 학생들 학비 어쩌구하는거였나... FIB 기출맞죠? 나왔던거같아요

SST - Globalization 가물하네요 죄송해요 ㅠㅠ

Essay - University students 에게 Media devices가 학습에 도움이 되는지? 이전 Textbook에 비해서

          270자 가량 썼어요 

WFD - 1) Teaching assistans will receive monthly fees for housing.

          2) Native speakers are examined by their language tests in their own language.

          3) A celebrated theory is still a source of great controversy.



세번째 시험입니다...

연초에 아엘츠에서 스피킹이 6을 못넘어서 시간도 있겠다 PTE궁금해서 시작한 길이 매우 험하네요 ㅋㅋ

스피킹이 모의고사때 50점넘어서 기대했었는데 실망이 큽니다. 어디 보여주기도 민망한 점수가 나와버렸네요

WFD는 많이 습득하긴했는데 최근에 자주나오는거 대략적으로 정리해놓은 부분에서 세개 다 나왔어요..

두문제는 90%맞췄는데 한문제는 70% 맞췄네요 ㅠㅠ

도움이 되시길 바랍니다.

스피킹만 하면 +50 오버롤 58 되겠죠 ?ㅠㅠ 그만하고싶습니다

아 그리고 WFD 정리해둔거 올려드릴게요! 시험보시기 전에 요정도만이라도 꼭 외우시고 들어가시면 한 문제 이상 꼭 나옵니다.

꼭꼭!!!!!!!!!!!!외우시길... 경고드립니다 ㅋㅋㅋ 평균 2문제는 나오고 저같은 경우에는 3문제 다나왔네요

       A celebrated theory is still a source of great controversy.


2.       A recent article shows a number of interesting experiments.


3.       An artist supports politicians and receives a lot of critics.


4.       Animals raised in captivity behave differently from their wild counterparts.


5.       Behind the group, there is a flat cart drawn by mules.


6.       Behind the university car park, there is a flat car drawn by mules.


7.       Climate change is now an acceptable phenomenon among reputable scientists.


8.       Clinical placement for nursing prepares students in clinical practice.


9.       Clinical placement in nursing prepares students for professional practice.


10.   Clinical placement in nursing prepares students for professional practices.


11.   Control system in manufacturing provides a high level of accuracy.


12.   Everyone must evacuate the premises during the fire drill.


13.   Free campus tour runs daily during summer for prospective students.


14.   Good research delivers practical benefits for real people.


15.   I thought we would meet in the small meeting room.


16.   It is hard to anticipate all the different characteristics that they react.


17.   It is important for students all the different characteristics that they react.


18.   Most of students haven’t considered the issues before.


19.   Most scientists believe that climate change threatens lives on earth.


20.   Most students have not considered these issues before.


21.   Mutually exclusive events are described as either complementary or opposite.


22.   Native speakers are examined by their language tests in their own languages.


23.   Our professor is hosting the economic development conference next week.


24.   Radio is a popular form of entertainment throughout the world.


25.   Scientists are always asking the government for money.


26.   She used to be an editor for a student newspaper.


27.   She used to be an editor of the student newspaper.


28.   Student concession cards need to be obtained by completing an application form.


29.   Supply and demand is one of the fundamental concepts in economics.


30.   Supply and demand is one of the most fundamental factors in the economics.


31.   Teaching assistants will receive monthly fees for housing.


32.   The aerial photographs were promptly registered for evaluation.


33.   The article is the number of interesting experiments.


34.   The artists and conservative politicians earn their rules of politics.


35.   The business development seminar includes an internship with a local firm.


36.   The business plan seminar includes an internship with a local firm.


37.   The business strategy seminar includes an internship with a local firm.


38.   The chemistry building is located near the entrance to the campus.


39.   The city’s founder created a set of rules that became the law.


40.   The earth’s atmosphere is mostly composed of nitrogen and oxygen.


41.   The evaluation form will be reviewed by university personnel.


42.   The massive accumulation of data is converted to a communicable argument.


43.   The morning’s lecture on economic policy has been cancelled.


44.   The placement test of mathematics and science is open to every semester.


45.   The railways made long distance travel possible for everyone.


46.   The students have the option to live the college residences or apartments.


47.   The students were instructed to submit their assignments by next Friday.


48.   The students were required to submit their assignment by next Friday.


49.   The students were required to submit their assignments by next Friday.


50.   The synopsis contains the most important information.


51.   The theme of the instrumental work exhibits more of a demure, compositional style.


52.   They have been struggling to make their service pay.


53.   They were struggling last year to make their service paid.


54.   This paper challenged the previously accepted theories.


55.   Those seeking extension should contact faculty for information.


56.   Those students seeking for formal extension should talk to/contact their faculty for more information.


57.   To gain full marks, an appropriate bibliography is required.


58.   Today’s morning lecture of economic policy has been cancelled.


59.   Undergraduates may pay their interests on special stages within specific programs.


60.   University departments carefully monitor articles and other publications by faculty.


61.   We cannot consider an increase in price at this stage.


62.   We learned the observation and analysis of human behaviours.


63.   We study science and appreciate world around us.


64.   When workers ask for an increase in wages the company raises its prices.


65.   While concealing idea is desirable, basic underlying issues must first be addressed.


66.   While reconciliation is desirable, the basic underlying issues must be addressed.


67.   Your lowest grade has been omitted from calculation.


68.   Your lowest quiz grade has been omitted from the calculation.



Lv.7 7 Jayyoung  실버
891 (88.1%)

안녕하세요 반가워요~


10 컬리 2018.07.14 20:39
감동~ 감사합니다.  담엔 원하시는 점수 얻으실 겁니다^^
6 Jinee 2018.07.14 20:56
감사합니다! 다함께 힘을냅시다 ㅠ
12 chaevely 2018.07.14 21:07
상세한 후기와 WFD 감사드립니다~ 화이팅이에요!
RL이랑 SST에서 Globalization 다른 내용인거죠??
7 Jayyoung 2018.07.14 21:14
네네 달랐어요 ㅎ
12 chaevely 2018.07.14 21:22
답변 감사합니다. RL에서 literature 관련

1) city of literature melbourne

In 2008, Melbourne joined the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. Melbourne's designation as a UNESCO City of Literature is an acknowledgment of the breadth, depth, and vibrancy of the city's literary culture. Melbourne supports a diverse range of writers, a prosperous publishing industry, a successful culture of independent bookselling, a wide variety of literary organizations and a healthy culture of reading and engagement in events and festivals.

2) (Edmund Wilson) American literature

This lecture talks about Edmund Wilson. He comes from a very different world and is the focal point an American culture. He believes that literature is a part of life for everyone as for conversation. In over 50 years, he is a dedicated literary journalist.

Edmund Wilson (May 8, 1895 — June 12, 1972) was an American writer and critic who notably explored Freudian and Marxist themes. He influenced many American authors, including F. Scott Fitzgerald, whose unfinished work he edited for publication. His scheme for a Library of America series of classic national works came to fruition through the efforts of Jason Epstein after Wilson's death.

있는데 혹시 이거랑은 또 다른건가요?? ㅠㅠ...
7 Jayyoung 2018.07.14 22:11
네 둘다 아닌거같아요 ㅠㅠ 첨듣는 내용이었어요! 기억이 가물가물합니다 지송해요 ㅠ
12 chaevely 2018.07.14 22:22
아니에요~! 답변 감사합니다~ 화이팅입니다!!!!!
7 ptesin 2018.07.14 21:25
후기 감사합니다.
WFD 정리도 감사해요 저도 저번주 수요일에 본 시험 결과 오늘 받았느데 스피킹때문에 또 좌절입니다.ㅠㅜ
정말 울고싶지만 점수 나올때 까지 참았다 터트릴렵니다.또 시험을 보러 먼길을 가야하다니...
Jayyoung님도 다음시험엔 꼭 꼭 꼭 좋은 결과 있길 기도합니다.
15 ichitaka 2018.07.14 22:41
후기 공유 감사드리고, WFD도 감사드립니다. 다음 시험 화이팅 입니다.
7 Mel123 2018.07.14 23:49
댓글내용 확인
5 terry 2018.07.15 07:11
안녕하세요 저도 멜번에서 이치50점 공부중인데요

남일 같지가않아서 댓글 남겨요

저도 모의고사때 스피킹이 50점이 넘어서 리스닝만 조금더 준비하고시험을 볼려고 하는데요

혹시 모의고사때 스피킹 플루언시와 프로논시에이션이  어떻게 되시는지 여쭈어봐도 될까요?
7 Jayyoung 2018.07.15 07:24
둘다 40점대초반이었던걸로 기억합니다. ㅠ 그것도 실수가 좀있었어요... 근데 시험보러가서 너무 긴장을 하고 떨어서 RA 에서 실수가 많이나오네요ㅜㅜ
5 terry 2018.07.15 07:51
아 그렇군요 ㅠㅠ

전 모의고사보는데도 긴장을 해서 걱정이네요

리딩은 어떠셨나요?
7 Jayyoung 2018.07.15 08:15
50점이목표라 리딩은 공부안하고 있는데요.. 스피킹 망해도 50점대는 나오더라구요 ㅠ  스피킹공부가 지칠때 FIB정도 보고있어요 ㅎ 모의고사때는 RA를 잘했을때랑 못했을때랑 10점내외로 차이있는거같아요 ㅠ 이번시험은 기출도 좀 나왔고.. 답은 몰랐지만 내용은 조금 숙지했었거든요.. 아마 스피킹 점수 좀 나왔으면 리딩도 더 잘나왔을거같아요... 아쉽지만 그러진 못했네요 ㅠㅠ