Pearson Sydney 23/05/2018

Pearson Sydney 23/05/2018

3 zain1990 3 8,319 2018.05.23 23:18



> Female songs bird

> Population growth and resource consumption




1) Cities are now expanding; The government should make better networks for public transport or should build more roads to make car ownership? Agree or Disagree?

2)  It is important for children to study a film at school to learn literature. To what extent you agree? Give example.




Legal deposit


Legal deposit has existed in English law since 1662. It helps to ensure that the nation's published output (and therefore its intellectual record and future published heritage) is collected systematically, to preserve the material for the future generations and to make it available for readers within the designated legal deposit libraries. The Legal Deposit Libraries are the British Library, the National Library of Scotland, the National Library of Wales, the Bodleian Libraries, Oxford and the University Library, Cambridge. The deposit system also has benefits for authors and publishers: Deposited publications are made available to users of the deposit libraries on their premises, preserved for future generations, and part of the nation's heritage.




1) Vitamin D

2) Genes




1) The morning's lecture on economic policy has been cancelled.

2) Climate change is now acceptable to phenomenon among reputable scientists




Lv.3 3 zain1990  실버
240 (25%)



15 ichitaka 2018.05.23 23:34
후기 공유 감사드립니다.
8 Tryer 2018.05.24 03:44
소중한 후기 감사드립니다... 수고 많으셨고 좋은결과도 있으시길 바래요 ^^
15 달발 2018.05.24 20:31
후기 감사합니다. 수고 많으셨어요.^^