PTE 벌써 4번째 시험..65+ 목표 공부하고있지만, 결과는 참...안나오네요. 리스닝이 참 안오르네..
좀더 자극받으려고 그동안 가입하지 않았던 PTE-A에 가입하고, 제가 그동안 공부한것도 공유하고, 또 다른분이 공부하던자료도 좀 더 공부해보려고 합니다.
앞으로 한번 더 보면 나오려나...
어쨌든 도움이 되실까 싶어 시험후기 올립니다.
11/16 Canberra Clifton 시험후기
-those students seeking for further extension should contact their faculties for more information.
-When workers ask for raise of wages, the companies raise the price.
-The massive accumulation of data is convert to a communicable argument.
Essay: is travel essential for quality education or not?
-Television is bound to have its tremendous impact on a child, both in terms of how many hours a week he watches TV and of what he sees~~~
-Ageing society comes with a demographic revolution~~~
-Mary Mellon- Typhoid fever
-Rural area development is needed to increase productivity in agriculture
-mobile technology development-3D related technology(navigation system, …)
DI: 파이차트 30%, 바그래프 30%, 콤비네이션 10%, 테이블 1문제, Lunar Cycles and Fish 1문제(처음보는 문제였는데..구글에 돌아다니네요.ㄷㄷ...여러분들은 알고 계셨는지..).
구글 샘플 답안: It seems that the behaviour of certain fish species has a direct correlation with the waxing and waning of the moon. At the beginning of a lunar cycle when the moon is just a thin crescent in the night sky, schools of fish tend to swim near the ocean floor. As it begins to wax, the fish will move closer to the surface. During a full moon, fish will be scattered anywhere from the surface of the ocean to the sea floor. Finally, during the waning period, fish will gravitate towards the surface in schools once more.
다음엔 꼭 통과하시길 기원합니다.
하시다 보면 좋은 결과 있을꺼예요. 화이팅!