20180517 무교동 후기 +65

20180517 무교동 후기 +65

10 계륵 2 8,542 2018.05.17 16:41


How do we imagine the unimaginable? If we're asked to think of an object -say, a yellow tulip – a picture immediately forms in our mind’s eye but what if we try to imagine a concept such as the square root of negative number?

New research shows that during the global financial crisis, workers who stayed in the jobs didnot reduce their working hours, depite claims that cuts in hours have to prevent job losses, the study found that life of people who remained same employers stayed relatively unchanged.


그림 - Simple circuit with lights

평면도 사진 - 어떤한 room인지 사진에 명시 되어 있음

3 파이, 1테이블, 1 그래프


Large Hardon Collider - 벌써 2번째네요..


experiential education by doing 이 적합하냐 아니면 formal education이 더 적합하냐

한쪽에서는 low birth rate와 함께 ageing population이 되는 causes와 effects에 대해 기술 하시요

SWT - 신기출만 공부 했더니, 옛날 기출만 나오네요..ㅎㅎㅎ

Parent birth order

Male birds do singing...

FIB - 옛날 기출은 1개 나왔네요 (exacerbated, reaping, scandal, justify)


No one in Parliament would know better than Peter Garrett what largesse copyright can confer so it may seem right that he should announce a royalty for artists, amounting to 5 per cent of all sales after the original one, which can go on giving to their families for as much as 150 years. But that ignores the truth that copyright law is a scandal, recently exacerbated by the Free Trade Agreement with the US which required extension of copyright to 70 years after death.

Is it scandalous that really valuable copyrights end up in the ownership of corporations (although Agatha Christie’s no-doubt worthy great-grandchildren are still reaping the benefits of West End success for her who dun nits and members of the Garrick Club enjoy the continuing fruits of A.A. Milne’s Christopher Robin books)? No. The scandal is that bienpensants politicians have attempted to appear cultured by creating private assets which depend on an act of Parliament for their existence and by giving away much more in value than any public benefit could justify. In doing so they have betrayed our trust.


Faults and earthquake

다른 한가지는 약간 처음 보는 내용인데 아시는분께서 확인 부탁드리겠습니다.

[key word]

Industrialization, goods, Smith address that xxxx

what nation economy can be healthy, agriculture xxxx urban area.

마지막에private economy is equal to nation's economy 라는 내용이 포함 되어있었습니다.


The business development seminar includes an internship with a local firm. 

The article is the number of interesting experiments

University departments should carefully monitor articles and publications by faculty.


Lv.10 10 계륵  실버
1,361 (53.1%)

등록된 서명이 없습니다.


15 ichitaka 2018.05.17 20:45
공유 감사드립니다.
7 Molly73 2018.05.20 22:38
The article shows a number of interesting experiments.  or  A recent article shows a number of interesting experiments.  가 아날까 싶네요...