오늘 시험본 후기입니다.
RA: 다 새로 보는 거였지만 그렇게 길지 않았습니다.
DI: 씨를 땅에 심어서 나무까지 자라는 과정에 대한 이미지 나왔었고, 린필트 population 에 대한 라인 그래프가 나왔습니다. 나머지는 대부분 bar 차트 혹은 pie 차트가 나왔습니다.
RS: Unforunately, the two most interesting economic selective clah on my timetable
RL: rural area 의 poverty 에 관한 렉쳐 / Blogging and governement / Mars 에 관한 렉쳐
ASQ: what is the opposite of artifical: Natural / Bibliography or index
SWT: Rosetta Stone 이랑 밑에 원문 나왔습니다.
When an individual drives a car, heats a house, or uses an aerosol hair spray, greenhouse gases are produced. In economic terms, this creates a classic negative externality. Most of the costs (in this case, those arising from global warming) are borne by individuals other than the one making the decision about how many miles to drive or how much hair spray to use. Because the driver (or sprayer) enjoys all the benefits of the activity but suffers only a part of the cost, that individual engages in more than the economically efficient amount of the activity. In this sense, the problem of greenhouse gases parallels the problem that occurs when someone smokes a cigarette in an enclosed space or litters the countryside with fast food wrappers. If we are to get individuals to reduce production of greenhouse gases to the efficient rate, we must somehow induce them to act as though they bear all the costs of their actions, the two most widely accepted means of doing this are government regulation and taxation, both of which have been proposed to deal with greenhouse gases.
WE: 현재 International organizations 들이 직면해 있는 문제가 많은데 가장 큰 문제는 무엇으로 생각하며 그에 대한 해결책을 제시하라 였습니다.
FIB: Siblings / Plainness
RO: Havard Business review / Summer School
SST: Writing Quality history and Journal / Talent of war / brain 에 관련된 렉쳐
WFD: The application process is longer than expected
Review all sources before drawing any conclusions(기출에는 any 대신 yours 로 들어가 있더라고요...)
Those seeking a further extension sould contact their faculty for more information(이것도 기출 마다 조금씩 다른 듯 해요,,,)
전반적으로 기출에서 많이 나온 것 같지만... 의외로 스피킹에서 좀 많이 버벅댔고.. RO는 한문제 날린 것 같고.. FIB에서도 많이 틀린 것 같네요.. 리스닝 FIB 도 몇개 놓친듯 하고요..
SST랑 WFD는 그나마 잘 한 것 같은데... 이치 79는 정말 힘들 것 같아요...