20180710 무교동 오전반 +65

20180710 무교동 오전반 +65

10 계륵 10 9,159 2018.07.10 13:31

안녕하세요 계륵입니다.


오늘 SWT 1번 Australian beauty contest 풀던 중 정전되서 멘붕하다가,

다시 컴퓨터를 켜주시더군요ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

그동안 열심히 브래인 스토밍해서 접속하자마자 key word뽑아서 단어 끼리 이어줬었네요...



we learned(learn) the observation(s) and analysis(es) of human behaviors.

문제 만나 보신분 있으신가요??? 제가 가진 기출 문제집에서는 못 본건데 들리는데로 일단 작성하긴 했지만요.... 




each fiscal year funds

japanese tea celemony(기존기출과 유사)

- japanese tea celemony, 4 hours, both the server (나온 단어들)


그래프, 파이, 라인, 테이블X

two garbage patches in Pacific ocean (rubbish 패치가 아니네요....)


88 white and black - keyboard

leap year - one day

milk cold - fridge


climate change (예전기출)


beauty contest



공부를 하는데 있어서 효과적인 방법이 중요하다, 공부와 일을 같이 하는것이 대해 어떻게 생각하는지?


Burgerking - [claming, contenders, rectfied, reliable]

Drive down any highway, and you’ll see a proliferation of chain restaurants — most likely, if you navel long and far enough, you’ll see McDonald’s golden arches as well as signs for Burger King. Hardee’s and Wendy’s the “big four” of burgers. Despite its name, though, Burger King has fallen short of claiming the burger crown unable to surpass market leader McDonald’s number 1 sales status. Always the bridesmaid and never the bride, Burger King remains number 2.

Worse yet, Burger King has experienced a six-year 22 percent decline in customer traffic, with its overall quality rating dropping, while ratings for the other contenders have increased. The decline has been attributed to inconsistent product quality and poor customer service. Although the chain tends to throw advertising dollars at the problem, an understanding of Integrated Marketing Communication theory would suggest that internal management problems (nineteen CEOs in fifty years) need to be rectified before a unified, long-term strategy can be put in place.

The importance of consistency in brand image and messages, at all levels of communication, has become a basic tenet of IMC theory and practice. The person who takes the customer’s order must communicate the same message as Burger King’s famous tagline, “Have it your way.” or the customer will just buzz up the highway to a chain restaurant that seems more consistent and, therefore, more reliable.

The foreign policy - [element, formative, influenced, settled, adjoining]

The foreign policy of a state, it is often argued, begins and ends with the border. No doubt an exaggeration, this aphorism nevertheless has an element of truth. A state's relation with its neighbors, at least in the formative years, are greatly influenced by its frontier policy, especially when there are no settled borders. Empire builders in the past sought to extend imperial frontiers for a variety of reasons; subjugation of kings and princes to gain their allegiance (as well as handsome tributes for the coffers of the state), and, security of the 'core' of the empire from external attacks by establishing a string of buffer states in areas adjoining the frontiers. The history of British empire in India was no different. It is important to note in this connection that the concept of international boundaries (between two sovereign states), demarcated and delineated, was yet to emerge in India under IM ugh& rule.


why australia house is expensive

-기억이 안남 


you can contact all your tutors by email

clinical practices for nursing prepare students for professional practices.

we learned(learn) the observation(s) and analysis(es) of human behaviors.

The theme of the instrumental work exhibits more of a demure, compositional style.


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12 chaevely 2018.07.10 14:27
항상 상세한 후기 너무나 감사드립니다. 오늘도 고생 많으셨습니다 ^^ 좋은 결과 기원합니다!
7 페일핑크 2018.07.10 14:46
저도 Japanese tea 나왔는데 기출이었네요. 후기 감사합니다~
7 ptesin 2018.07.10 15:26
후기 감사합니다.
정말 비슷한 문제들이 많이 출제되는것 같아요
시험보시느라 수고하셨고 좋은 결과 있기 바람니다.^^
15 ichitaka 2018.07.10 15:39
후기 공유 감사드립니다.
15 달발 2018.07.10 15:59
후기 감사드려요 계륵님 이번에 목표 점수 노리셔도 될꺼 같으신데여 .ㅎ
7 Jayyoung 2018.07.10 18:11
후기 감사드립니다. 계륵님 원하시는 점수 꼭 받으시길요!^^
12 마시멜로 2018.07.10 18:59
후기 공유 감사합니다^^
6 bluelimpid 2018.07.17 10:45
저도 이날 시험봤는데 혹시 시험점수 나오셨나요? 정전때문인지 아직도 점수가 안 나오네요-;;
10 계륵 2018.07.17 18:25
저도 아직 안나왔습니다~ 계속 기다리는중이에요~~
1 suzy17 2018.07.18 10:35
계륵님의 후기공유가 끊어질거라는 아쉬움이 있지만 원하시는 점수나오시길 빌어요 자세한 후기공유감사합니다^^