PLT Clifton exam recall

PLT Clifton exam recall

4 annele 4 7,389 2018.07.26 16:10

I did it few days ago but didn't get 79+ in Listening.


Retell Lecture


Dissociation of personality- Prince studied a woman Christine Beauchamp with 3 personalities B1 B2 B3. use the study for murder investigation etc

Biomedical engineering- invent machines to study human body and study phisiology, brain...

Community health worker- training them for healthcare because not enough doctors to serve large number of patients


Repeat sentence

We are delighted to have professor Robter join our faculty ( some materials say "to join": wrong)

Sport is the cause of traumatic brain injuries in the United State

Unfortunately, the two most interesting economic selective (or selections I cant remember) clash on my timetable


Describe images


Switzerland language distribution map

Fish growing picture

Temperature and COS level chart 400 000 years ago

Food price vs Oil price line chart


Summary spoken text

Laughing- important for health. Berlin Wall jokes.

Global climate change due to greenhouse gas. Scientists warned us before but government and organizations recently understand the consequences. People start working on the solution.




What is the most pressing problem that government and organizations confront? suggest solutions?


Fill in the blank reading in question bank


Essay (evaluate...)

Copy right

Hindering business, existing jobs, current and future worker, these concern...

Gun violence (likely, study, substantial, relationship)



Plug-in vehicle

Online teaching




Review all sources before drawing any conclusions.

The application may take longer than expected.

The business policy seminar includes an internship with a local firm.



Lv.4 4 annele  실버
458 (98.4%)



7 Jayyoung 2018.07.26 16:22
Hi, Thanks you for giving info. When was the exam?
4 annele 2018.07.26 16:27
it was on 19/7
7 Jayyoung 2018.07.26 17:20
Thanks a lot. Cheers~~!
15 달발 2018.07.26 20:07
thx^^ you can get desire score next time^^ good luck dear