1월31일 방금 보고 온 따끈한 시험후기

1월31일 방금 보고 온 따끈한 시험후기

오늘 12시반에 시험쳐서 까먹을까봐 후다닥쓰는 시험후기 입니다.
전체적인 느낌이 좀 쉬웠던것 같고 확실히 기출이 계속 돌고있는데
미세하게 몇문장들을 바꿔넣었습니다. 그렇지만 내용엔 아직까지 크게 지장없는정도 ㅎ
확실히 기출위주공부로 점수를 확 올릴 수 있는 시험같습니다.
저번에는 성적나오는데 3주나 걸렸는데 이번엔 좀 빨리 나왔으면 좋겠네요!!!
(후기 워드에쓰고 복사 붙여넣기 했더니 사진들이 안뜨네요. 첨부파일로 따로 올리겠습니다)

후기는 반말입니다 ㅈㅅ---------------------

총 소요시간 2시간20분
Part 1: Speaking& Writing
Read aloud: 전혀 기억나지 않음..한번? 정도 버벅거림. 속도는 전보다 빨리하려고함 근데 목소리 크게하는걸 까먹음
Repeat sentence
1. You come with me, the others stay here
지금은 기억나지 않지만 대부분 맞게 대답함.
Describe image –이번에 전반적으로 템플릿보다 내용을 많이 말함. 템플릿은 한번?정도밖에 못쓴못쓴 것 같다 그래서 전보다 많이 머뭇거린것같다 ㅠㅠ.
아래 사진 비슷하게 나옴
 (이런거 비슷하게 한 아이가 실험실에서 비커에 뭐 따르고 있고 뒤에 어른남자가 지켜보고있었음)
 (이런거 비슷한 바차트 제목 __university female and male completing doctorial degree)
Re-tell lecture-템플릿 한번도 안쓰고 내용으로만 이야기 하였음. 그래서 몇번 머뭇거림..ㅠㅠ
 Food labelling , red, yellow and green. 소비자들에게 음식정보를 주려고 만든 시스템. 초록색이 제일 안전하고 건강하고 빨간색이 제일 건강에 안좋은거임 내가 쓴 키워드는 nutrition, healthier, consumer,
Poverty in rural and urban area 베트남, 짐바부웨이 어쩌구 나오는거
줄기세포 Stem cells 영상하고 같이 보여줌. 한국말로도 뭔말인지 모를 만한 내용. 들리는 단어 문장 조합해서 얘기하니 어찌저찌 시간끝남. 템플릿 역시 못씀.
Summarise Written text
Beauty contest (일부 문장 바뀌었음. 내용에 큰 영향없음)
Since Australians Jennifer Hawkins and Lauryn Eagle were crowned Miss Universe and Miss Teen International respectively, there has been a dramatic increase in interest in beauty pageants in this country. These wins have also sparked a debate as to whether beauty pageants are just harmless reminders of old-fashioned values or a throwback to the days when women were respected for how good they looked. Opponents argue that beauty pageants, whether it’s Miss Universe or Miss Teen International, are demeaning to women and out of sync with the times. They say they are nothing more than symbols of decline. In the past few decades Australia has taken more than a few faltering steps toward treating women with dignity and respect. Young women are being brought up knowing that they can do anything, as shown by inspiring role models in medicine such as 2003 Australian of the Year Professor Fiona Stanley. In the 1960s and 70s, one of the first acts of the feminist movement was to picket beauty pageants on the premise that the industry promoted the view that it was acceptable to judges women on their appearance. Today many young Australian women are still profoundly uncomfortable with their body image, feeling under all kinds of pressures because they are judged by how they look. Almost all of the pageant victors are wafer thin, reinforcing the message that thin equals beautiful. This ignores the fact that men and women come in all sizes and shapes. In a country where up to 60% of young Australians.
It’ll Never Fly: The City Of London
Who would have thought back in 1698, as they downed their espressos, that the little band of stockbrokers from Jonathan’s Coffee House in Change Alley EC3 would be the founder- members of what would become the world’s mighty money capital?Progress was not entirely smooth. The South Sea Bubble burst in 1720 and the coffee house exchanges burned down in 1748. As late as Big Bang in 1986, when bowler hats were finally hung up, you wouldn’t have bet the farm on London surpassing New York, Frankfurt, and Tokyo as Mammon’s international nexus. Yet the 325,000 souls who operate in the UK capital’s financial hub have now overtaken their New York rivals in the size of the funds managed (including offshore business); they hold 70% of the global secondary bond market and the City dominates foreign exchange trading. And its institutions paid out £9 billion in bonuses in December. The Square Mile has now spread both eastwards from EC3 to Canary Wharf and westwards into Mayfair, where many of the private-equity ‘locusts’ and their hedge-fund pals now hang out. For foreigners in finance, London is the place to be. It has no Sarbanes-Oxley and no euro to hold it back, yet the fact that it still flies so high is against the odds. London is one of the most expensive cities in the world to live in, transport systems groan and there’s an ever-present threat of terrorist attack. But, for the time being, the deals just keep on getting bigger.

Answer short question
Widmil 이 만드는 것 -전기라고 답함
cafe에서 핫초코 녹차말고 카페인 들어간거- 커피라고 답함
school, post office 중에 편지붙이려면 어디로 갈건지 -포스트오피스라고 답함
sun, moon 을 포함한 다른 행성들이 같이 있는 시스템이 무엇인지 –solar system 이라고 했는데 틀린것같음.
Summarize written test
파이차트 주고서 제일 %가 높은것
Essay: The mass media, including TV, radio and newspapers, have great influence in shaping people’s ideas. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer.
Part 2: Reading
Re-order paragraphs
1In his fascinating book Carbon Detox, George Marshall argues hat people are not persuaded by information
4-Our views are formed by the views of the people with whom we mix. Of the narratives that might penetrate these circles, we are more likely to listen to those which offer us some reward.
2He proposes that instead of arguing for sacrifice, environmentalists should show where the rewards might lie.
3We should emphasise the old-fashioned virtues of uniting in the face of a crisis, of  resourcefulness and community action.
Fill in the blanks
Multiple choice questions
Part 3: Listening
Summarize spoken text –
Deceptive Drug Ads
• The lecture is about prescription drug ads on television.
• Drug-makers spend nearly $5 billion a year to make sure you’re hearing about their products – but you might be surprised at how they’re delivered to you.
• The ads do not present a fair balance of information
• A lot of money spent on the prescription advertisement, repeated in the prime time broadcast, raised the question.
• It has been observed that the drug company has doubled the amount of money spent in ads.
• While those ads are technically accurate, but are misleading.
• The patients often recover quick in these ads but is not always the case.
• Buying a prescription drug is not as simple as buying a soap.
Multiple choice questions
교수가 학생한테 바라는 것은?
내용: 학생이 에세이에 리퍼런스 (외부자료를 쓰고 그 출처를 밝히는 것)을 안써서 리퍼런스 쓰라쓰 하는 것 답은: amend the essay, 하고 reference 출처쓰는것. 으로 고름
Fill in the blanks- leadership, cosmos system..
Highlight the correct summary- pitch는 어떻게 만들어지는가? Muscle에 tension과 size. 그리고 몇 개 더있는데 답을 보면 이상한거랑 엮여져 있음.

Multiple choice questions
예일대학교 교수 강의보여주면서 autobiography literate 어쩌구 하는게 있었음.
Select missing word- 끝에 단어 빠진거 고르는것중에 멸종되어가는 새에 관한 이야기하고
 things to do, question to answer, 중에 고르는게 있었음.
Highlight incorrect words 중간에 잡음 심하게 들어간 게 하나 있었음.
Write from dictation
This _____ contains significant information
The library has substantial collection in economic history-이 외 wfd 기억안나지만 대부분 썼음

그럼 곧 시험치실 분들 화이팅 하세요^^


Lv.7 7 11월  실버
905 (96.8%)



6 stellayu 2018.01.31 18:17
디아이에 있는 자료 도움이 되실까 싶어서 올립니다..(저도 지인에게 받은 자료예요^^)


This image shows information about a simple circuit with light. According to this image, it is clear that from the battery, the electron comes out. In addition, it moves along the wire. Furthermore, it reaches the light bulb and the electricity turns on the light. Finally, it comes back to the battery. This finalizes the whole process and this cycle goes on and on.
7 박제인 2018.01.31 18:45
기억력 엄청 좋으시네요! ㅠㅠ 감사합니다-*
22 charminganna 2018.01.31 19:08
이런 자세한 후기 너무 감사합니다. 저 pitch 에 관한 선택문제 저도 어제시험에서 나왔습니다. 맞아요 텐션이 들어간 선택항목이 정답입니다. 요즘 자주 나오는거 같네요.
4 찐찐 2018.02.10 20:25
혹시 새 멸종 문제... 답이 뭔가요? things to do 인가요 question to answer 인가요? 답 부탁드립니다 ㅠㅠ