Rivers provide habitats for fish and other aquatic species.
Recession triggers creativity in thirty, due to past thirty.
Clinical practice for nursing will prepare students for professional work.
The article covers interesting experience.
Certain scientific principles need to be learned verbally and by a logical deduction.
In addition to the requirements, students must pass all the qualifying examinations.
Money and packing affect the world.
There are some doubts to whether these events actually occurred.
Graduates from this course find careers from financial department.
The director of gallery was grateful for the anonymous donation.
Convincing evidence for this theory is hard to obtain.
Some scientists insist the entire system is fall.
Read the first section before the next meeting.
Trainings are required to become a medical specialist.
Students require for extension should apply sooner rather than later.
This is an integrated courses with several elements.
It is being made to reduce harmful emissions.
The teaching staffs are extremely approachable, helpful and friendly.
You were able to contact a number of research subjects.
The most popular courses still have few places.
The library holds the substantial collection of materials of economic history.
Her celebrating theory has a great level of controversy.
The theme of instrumental work exhibits more of a demure compositional style.
The commission of funds supported among the authorities has raised an argument.
It is really a comprehensive program that covers both theory and practice.
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