다음주 예상 RO입니다.
16 Ston
PART 2 : Reading
2018.02.20 20:34
안녕하세요. 다음주 예상 문제라고 합니다. 하지만 어디까지나 참고만 하시기 바랍니다 ㅎ
1. Yet my study of the history of religion has revealed that human beings are spiritual animals.Indeed, there is a case for arguing that Homo sapiens is also Homo religious.
2. Men and women started to worship gods as soon as they became recognizably human they created religions at the same time as they created works of art.
3. This was not simply because they wanted to propitiate powerful forces.
4. But these early faiths expressed the wonder and mystery that seems always to have been an essential component of the human experience of this beautiful yet terrifying world.
Chimpanzees 黑猩猩学说话
A simple way to disprove this hypothesis (the Innateness Hypothesis) is to demonstrate that other species have the capacity to speak but for some reason simply have not developed speech. A logical candidate for such a species is the chimpanzee, which shares 98.4% of the human genetic code.
Chimpanzees cannot speak because, unlike homo sapiens, their vocal cords are located higher in their throats and cannot be controlled as delicately as human vocal cords.
It does not follow from their lack of speech, however, that chimpanzees are incapable of language. Perhaps they can acquire grammar like humans if they could only express it some other way.
The obvious alternative is sign language since all primates have extremely dexterous hands and sign language is a language. You have probably already read about the regular chimpanzees Washoe and Nim Chimpsky, and the lowland gorilla Koko, all of who learned to sign and interact very naturally with their trainers.
All of these animals were taught to sign in order to get food, tickling, grooming, toys, and to get out of their cages. The question, then, is whether chimpanzee and gorilla signing language; is it based on grammatical rules?
Mother of Storm
Unlike Barnes' previous books, Mother of Storms has a fairly large cast of viewpoint characters.
This usually irritates me, but I didn't mind it here, and their interactions are well-handled and informative, although occasionally in moving them about the author's manipulations are a bit blatant.
They're not all necessarily good guys, either, although with the hurricanes wreaking wholesale destruction upon the world's coastal areas, ethical categories tend to become irrelevant.
But even the Evil American Corporate Magnate is a pretty likable guy.
For as long as I can remember, there has been a map in the ticket hall of Piccadilly Circus tube station supposedly showing night and day across the time zones of the world.
This is somewhat surprising given the London Underground's history difficulty in grasping the concept of punctuality.
But this map has always fascinated me and still does, even though it now seems very primitive.
This is because it chops the world up equally by longitude, without regard the reality of either political divisions or the changing seasons.
Competence and performance
In language learning, there is a distinction between competence and performance. Competence is a state of the speaker’s mind. What does he or she know?
Separate from actual performance- what he or she does while producing or comprehending language. In other words, competence is put to use through performance.
An analogy can be made to the Highway Code for driving. Drivers know the Code and have indeed been tested on it to obtain a driving license.
In actual driving, however, the driver has to relate the Code to a continuous flow of changing circumstances, and may even break it from time to time.
Knowing the Highway Code is not the same as driving.
This lecture talks about Einstein and the Theory of Relativity. For thousands of years, people believed that universe was absolutely fixed and unchanged. This has been transformed by Einstein in the 20th century. He suggested the universe was under continuously dynamic change. This theory was not proposed by Einstein, but by astronomer called Hubble.
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