This bar chart shows the percentage of adult literacy by gender in various regions, including Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia, and Arab states and North Africa. Latin America and the Caribbean have the highest rate of literacy among both men and women, accounting for 90% and 88% respectively. In Arab states and North Africa, women have the least rate of literacy at 48%. Only 51% of men have literacy skills in Africa, which is the lowest rate, compared to other regions. In the world, men have a higher rate of literacy than women have.
This map gives information about annual sunshine hours for France. The light yellow area indicates less than 1750 hours of annual sunshine, which spreads out in three areas on the top of the map. The vivid yellow area indicates 1750 to 2000 hours, which spreads out most of the areas on the map, which is followed by the orange area, indicating 2000 to 2250 hours. Only small parts of areas had more than 2750 hours of sunshine annually in France. In conclusion, most areas in France have 1750 to 2000 hours of sunshine annually.
This graph shows various electricity generation in China, including conventional thermal, hydroelectric, nuclear, and other renewables between 1987 and 2007. All types of electricity generation have increased substantially throughout the years. Nuclear was used the most by Chinese people, reaching about 3000 billion kilowatt-hours in 2007, whereas only about 2500 billion kilowatt-hours of conventional thermal was used in 2007. It is surprising that other renewables have not been used at all.
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