지난번 1월 자주 나오는 기출문제를 각파트 별로 업로드 한적 있는데 놓치신 분들 위해 일단 링크는
아무래도 1월이랑 2월분 함께 참고 하시면 더 좋을것 같구요,
아래는 최근까지 통계한 업데이트 된 자주 나오는 기출문제입니다.
찾기 쉽기위해 이번부턴 자료실에 올리겠습니다.
1. Most of the features are part of previous system.
2. A group meeting will be held tomorrow in the library conference room.
3. The toughest part of research for postgraduate students is funding.
4. They were struggled since last year to make their service paid.
5. It is strictly required to submit the assignment by Friday.
6. Tribes work with each other to build monolithic statues.
7. Control systems in manufacturing require a high level of accuracy.
8. The meeting has some struggle overlaps(?) 미확인.
9. Clinical practices in nursing prepares students in practical practices.
10. Student concession cards need to be obtained by completing an application form.
11. Animals raised in captivity behave differently from their wild counterparts. --> 이건 작년부터 쭉~~계속 랭킹에 있네요.
12. When workers ask for higher wages, the companies raise their prices. --> 이문제는 대략적인 뜻은 같으나 기출자료마다 조금씩 틀리네요.
13. You are required to complete the research paper by next Monday.
14. Review all materials before drawing your( any) conclusion.
15. Synopsis contains the most important information.
16. Mutually exclusive events are neither complementary nor opposing.
17. The first assignment will be due on the fourteenth of September.
18. Free campus tour runs daily during summer for prospective students.
19. Teaching assistants will receive a monthly remuneration for housing.
20. Climate change is becoming an acceptable phenomenon among a group of reputable scientists.
9. Clinical practice for nursing will prepare students for professional work.
로도 많이 나오는 것 같습니다. 참고하세요.
remuneration [리뮤너레이션] [명사] (격식) 보수
만약에 400개가 넘는 파일을 먼저 접했다면 지레 겁먹고 포기했을지도 모르는데 이렇게 많이 나오는 기출순으로 올려주시니 이거 먼저 외우고 많은 파일로 갈 수 있게 되었습니다.
저는 이제 엉클브루스 님께서 올려주신 댓글의 두개 더 외우고 1월 기출문제로 갑니다~^^