2017년 - 기출문제랭킹

2017년 - 기출문제랭킹

22 charminganna 19 8,597 2017.12.31 15:06

아래는 올해기준 기출문제중 가장 시험에서 높은 확률로 나온 문제들 랭킹입니다. 

공부할 시간이 많이 없는분들, 시험전 이문제들은 꼭 보고 칩시다. 

TOP 10 SST. Citizenship curriculum

  • Citizenship curriculum is very important for students, but it is neglected by many schools. There are only 1/5 schools introduced this class to campus and allocated less time than other subjects.

  • Moreover, the professor pointed out if given enough time in citizenship curriculum, it will be beneficial to improve student’s skills and install positive attitude towards the changing world and tackle the issues such as lack of leadership


TOP 9. SWT Armed Police

  • The armed police in NSW schools raised a debate between organizers, who believe it can build positive relationship between police and students, and parents who are concerned about the potential dangers, and the police have a range of duties including advising the principles such as the use of fake ID, which aims to have positive interactions and improve safety.


TOP 8. SST A mother’s loan

  • The lecture talks about 43-years-old women complaint about her financial difficulty and she can’t pay back her loan.

  • Although her college degree helped her find a job, she has been paying mounting debts for the expensive education cost.

  • She regrets about her over-confidence and unrealistic expectations of enjoying a lucrative writing career.

  • Her loan has tripled after 15 years and she cannot rely on parents’financial support. She can’t support her children that she has to apply financial aids for her children’s education.

  • She advices students practically plan their future and choose an affordable educational institution.


TOP 7. SST Laugh

  • Laughing has many benefits, especially in adversity.

  • Laughing is not only a kind of humor, but also a great therapy.

  • The war jokes about the Berlin Wall were widespread in western countries after the Second World War.

  • The war jokes helped people recover from the pain caused by the war.

  • Laughing can also protect self-respect and identity.


TOP 6. SST Vitamin D

  • The lecture talks about Vitamin D. Vitamin D is not dietary if without sunshine.

  • Vitamin D is not a real vitamin it’s a hormone. Very few foods contain vitamin D.

  • Synthesis of vitamin D in the skin is the major natural source of the vitamin and need sunlight to absorb. Some regions people less expose in sunlight do not have enough vitamin D

  • The production of vitamin D will reduced when people migrate away from the equator or wear more clothes in winter.

  • More food that contains vitamin D is needed for people to keep healthy.


TOP 5. RL Australian Export

  • The lecture talks about China, japan, US's export business.

  • In the past, Australia was concerned about its geographical location, which may result in Australia being isolated from North America, UK, and later America.

  • Nevertheless, nowadays with the rise of Asian countries, especially China, Australia has become a great export country with a perfect location.

  • Currently, Japan is the largest exporting country to Australia, but China may become the largest one in the future. Australia should take the advantage of China's raise to develop its exports.

TOP 4. RL Australian Export 

  • The lecture talks about China, japan, US's export business.

  • In the past, Australia was concerned about its geographical location, which may result in Australia being isolated from North America, UK, and later America.

  • Nevertheless, nowadays with the rise of Asian countries, especially China, Australia has become a great export country with a perfect location.

  • Currently, Japan is the largest exporting country to Australia, but China may become the largest one in the future. Australia should take the advantage of China's raise to develop its exports.

TOP 3WFD Animals raised in captivity behave differently than their wild counterparts. 

TOP 2. SST. Indian peasants debt

  • In this lecture, the speaker talked about the Indian peasants. In the beginning of the lecture he mentioned that Indian peasants have very high economical pressure.

  • They are lack of capital, but they have to buy seeds. As the price of seeds were raised by seeds companies.

  • They become poorer and poorer. And they have to borrow money from seeds companies.

  • The pesticides have to be used continuously since the first time and the price increased by 40 folds in the past 5 years.

  • The high volume and increased price of pesticides both contributed to the high debts.

  • At the end of the lecture, he concluded that Debt on peasant is increasing due to high use of pesticide.

TOP 1.SST Talent war

Version 1: The lecture talks about Talent war. Many countries are now short of talent.

  • The intensive competition for talent people is not only within a country but also between countries. The changes of the nature of economy lead to increasing in talent demand.

  • The Decreasing and aging population of baby boomer generation causes decreased skilled supply of workers.

  • Many young people immigrate by going to university in other countries. After graduate they compete with local people. This is the way that some countries attract talent people. In conclusion, talent is at a premium.

Version 2: Evidence shows that deficiency of talents in exacerbates. The demand talents boomed tripled in contemporary companies, global demography contributed to labor lacking.

  • The aging of baby-boomer generation also distract numerous experienced employees from working as well.

  • The collapse of loyalty and mismatching between school-taught knowledge and employers’ requirements are major causations.

  • Developing countries undergo similar situation while dealing with culture legacy that impedes develop


Lv.22 22 charminganna  실버
4,330 (41.9%)

Anna Yoon


8 JayJay 2017.12.31 15:18
감사합니다 잘보겠습니다!!!
16 Ston 2017.12.31 16:39
1 허리업2 2017.12.31 19:19
복 받으실거에요 ^^
1 쏠꿀파파 2017.12.31 22:48
우와!! 새해 복 많이 받으세요!! 근데 이런건 어떻게 아세요??
14 flyingJ 2018.01.01 02:12
오! 감사합니다! 안나님 새해 복 많이 받으세여~
22 charminganna 2018.01.01 11:10
FlyingJ 님도 새해 복많이 받으세요. 올해는 79+탈출로 시작을 해보죠 ㅋㅋ
5 Caleb1 2018.01.01 12:07
히~~야 대박 감사합니다 !
5 swalker 2018.01.05 01:49
저 오늘 셤봤는데 저 top3 나왓어요. 어쩐지 눈에 밟혔더랬는데.....ㅜㅜ
캡쳐까지 해뒀는데 오늘 시험에 늦는바람에 쫓기느라 제가 외운 다른 문장 썼어요. Animals behave differently with their wild counterparts.
셤 끝나고나와서 땅을치고 후회했네요 ㅜㅜ
22 charminganna 2018.01.05 10:42
지난 제 시험에는 Top8 가 나왔었어요. 두번중 한번은 꼭 top10 에서 나오더라구요.
12 리디아 2018.01.11 12:43
오늘 셤 봤고 Laugh, Australian expots and Animals in captivity 나왔어요 넘나 감사해요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
7 Danielchoice 2018.01.16 10:07
8 Tryer 2018.01.16 10:59
쪽집게 자료 넘 감사드립니다.. 이런정보 넘~~~ 사랑합니다... 감사 감사^^
6 stellayu 2018.01.16 13:17
이자료들로만 시험에 나오면 좋겠네요~!! 좋은자료 감사해요~^^
12 더헬 2018.01.21 22:09
애나님 저 파리 재건축 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhYkw-w4JiE&t=9s 이거로 봤는데 다른게 혹시 있나요?
비타민 D 물어보신것도 실제랑 같은지 궁금해요
비타민 D 가 fat 인건 똑같거든요
22 charminganna 2018.01.21 22:31
파리 재건축은 RL문제이고 90% 일치합니다. 기존에 나와있는 SST문제들에서 100% 일치한건 그나마 시크릿 라이브 어브 비 랑 student loan 이 있는것 같아요. 비타민D도 그나마 70% 유사하다는 돌아다니는 소문을 들은것 같아요.
100% 일치한 음원을 찾으신다면 student loan 으로 하셔도 될것 같아요. 요즘 부쩍 자주 나오는것 같습니다. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeFbWha_oK8
12 더헬 2018.01.21 22:44
이건 사이트 알아요 전 거의 smash 나 ace pte에서 자료 뽑거든요
파리는 링크 들은거랑 요약된거랑 좀 다른내용있어서 혹시 다른파일 있으신가 물어봤어용
Ace에 있는건 unified 가 중요한데 요약된건 그게 안나오더라구용...
22 charminganna 2018.01.21 22:50
Haussmann's renovation of Paris was a vast public works program commissioned by Emperor Napoleon III and directed by his prefect of the Seine, Georges-Eugene Haussmann, between 1853 and 1870. It included the demolition of crowded and unhealthy medieval neighborhoods, the building of wide avenues, parks and squares, theannexation of the suburbs surrounding Paris, and the construction of new sewers, fountains and aqueducts. Haussmann's work met with fierce opposition, and he was finally dismissed by Napoleon III in 1870. but work on his projects continued until 1927. The street plan and distinctive appearance of the center of Paris today is largely the result of Haussmann's renovation.
In the middle of the nineteenth century, the center of Paris was overcrowded, dark, dangerous, and unhealthy. In 1845 the French social reformer Victor Considerate wrote"Paris is an immense workshop of putrefaction, where misery, pestilence and sickness work in concert, where sunlight and air rarely penetrate. Paris is a terrible place where plants shrivel and perish, and where, of seven small infants, four die during the course of the year. The street plan on the Tie de la Cite and in the neighborhood called the "quartier des Arcis, between the Louvre and the "Hotel de Ville (City Hall), had changed little since the Middle Ages. The population density in these neighborhoods was extremely high, compared with the rest of Paris. in the neighborhood of the Champs EIysees, there was one resident for every 186 square meters. in the neighborhoods of Arc is and Saint- Avoye, in the present Third Arron dissement, there was one inhabitant for every three square meters. In 1840, a doctor described one building in the tie de la Cite where a single room five meters squares on the fourth floor was occupied by twenty-three people, both adults and children. In these conditions, disease spread very quickly. Cholera epidemics ravaged the city in 1832 and 1848. In the epidemic of 1848, five percent of the inhabitants of these two neighborhoods died. Traffic circulation was another major problem. The widest streets in these two neighborhoods were only five meters wide. the narrowest were only one or two meters wide. Wagons, carriages and carts could barely move through the streets. The center of the city was also a cradle of discontent and revolution. between 1830 and 1848, seven armed uprisings and revolts had broken out in the centre of Paris, particularly along the Faubourg Saint-Antoine, around the Hotel de Vi Ile, and around Montagne Sainte-Genevive on the left bank. The residents of these neighborhoods had taken up paving stones and blocked the narrow streets with barricades, and had to be dislodged by the army.

제가 가지고 있는건 음원이 아니고 이 문장인데.. 참고만 하라는 경고문이 걸려있네요.. 이것도 100% 일치한 자료가 아닌듯 싶네요.
1 쪙스 2018.01.22 05:57
1 나요나요 2018.01.22 17:43
오늘 호주 멜본에서 시험 봤는데요. 하기 두 주제가 나왔네요
1. Modification of government power
2. Education of citizenship