WFD 2017 5월 이후 족보

WFD 2017 5월 이후 족보

1 pos236 10 10,771 2017.05.26 11:47

2017.05 이후 약간 시험문제의 변경이 있었습니다.

다른 영역은 큰 차이가 없는 것 같은데, WFD이나 Repeat Sentence에서 큰 차이가 납니다.


제가 시험포맷 변경 이후 두 번의 시험을 보았는데(5/16, 5/23),

아래 링크에서 제가 실제로 시험에서 들었던 문장이 포함되어 있습니다. 


RS나 WFD이 리스닝 점수에 꽤 영향을 많이 미치는 것 같은데 족보로 다들 힘내셨으면 합니다.


Lv.7 7 pos236  실버
803 (33.1%)

등록된 서명이 없습니다.


1 민주대디 2017.05.26 12:22
아직 받진 않았지만 소중한 정보를 이렇게 받기만 하네요. 감사합니다.
1 빨치 2017.05.26 12:38
감사합니다 ㅠ
이번시험에 WFD 완전날려먹엇엇는데 많이 도움이 될듯해요
1 뽀야부인 2017.05.26 13:03
너무 필요했던 정보입니다. ㅠㅠ 감사합니다.
12 지니여니 2017.05.26 13:12
어제 시험에 마지막 문제도 보이네요.
Evaluation paper will be reviewed by the University personnel.
소중한 자료 감사합니다.
11 beautifulday 2017.05.27 07:31
몇번을 시도 해도 다운은 되는데 안되요.워드 파일을 클릭했는데,  apk파일이 다운되요.
Apk 클릭하니깐 로긴창이 떠서 회원가입 할려니 중국 로컬 모발번호를 넣으라구 그러네요
5 juviola 2017.05.27 09:09
저도 계속 그래서 저 링크에서는 자료를 못받았는데요
여기에 올라와 있는 자료와 동일하지 않을까 합니다. 참고하세요~
1 pos236 2017.05.27 14:56
apk는 안드로이드 앱 확장자이니, 웬만하면 안까시는게 좋아 보입니다.
저는 그냥 스크린샷으로 떠서 워드에 붙여넣고 출력했는데, 밑에 juviola님 링크도 동일해보이니 이쪽이 더 좋아보입니다.
1 live 2017.05.27 11:13
저도 5/16일 시험에 아래 둘 중 하나가 나왔습니다.
51. Before submitting your assignment, your advisor must approve your application.
52.Before submitting your dissertation, your advisor must approve your application.
1 Sydney1617 2017.05.27 12:02
정보 정말 감사합니다. WFD 문제 완전 바껴서 헤매고 있었는데 감사해요. :)
1 rexpark 2017.07.31 18:32
아래 내용은 위 사이트 내용입니다.
최신 기출
A group meeting will be held tomorrow in the library conference room.
All staff must leave from the fire hydrant exit
All writers consciously or unconsciously represent their own cultures.
Avoid confusing causes of these changes.
Career opportunities in this field are quite limited.
Catch the camera to see the fish.
Competition for the places in course is fierce.
Conferences are all scheduled two weeks in advance.
Conferences ought to be scheduled two weeks in advance
Conferences will always be scheduled two weeks in advance.
Despite protest, the chemistry department was closed down.
Elections of president take place once every four years
Experts believe that industry development will help economy
Final year business students have to write a five thousand word essay on market trends. 
Free campus tour runs daily during summer for prospective students.
Heavy rain will fall across the city next week.
Interim grades will be posted on the board outside the student lounge.
Interim results will be posted on the board outside the student lounge.
Interim scores will be posted on the board outside the student lounge.
It is important to allocate your time wisely when revising.
Most of the theories were similar, but a few critics disagree.
Most theories were quite similar but a few critics disagree.
Our class will be divided into three groups
Our group is going to meet tomorrow in the library conference room.
Please remember to bring a highlighter to class on next Wednesday.
Politics is not usually a safe topic of conversation.
Reference of material is held in the hall of library reference desk.
Reference of material is held on the library reference desk.
Resources and materials are on hold on the library reference desk.
Relevant resources are reserved in the library.
Review all resources before drawing your conclusion.
Some of the features are part of previous research.
Student concession cards need to be obtained by completing an application form.
Student concession cards should be obtained by completing an application form.
Student identification card will be issued by today and tomorrow.
Students have the option to live in campus residence or apartments.
Teaching assistants will receive monthly fees for housing.
The campus tour runs daily during summer for prospective students.
The cause and effect of problem.
The coffee house has special student discount through the week.
The curriculum is described in the course syllabus.
The dining hall will be under renovation during the fall break.
The first assignment is due on fourteenth September.
The history of movement was recorded by several promoters (writers).
The issue both the exploration of the problem.
The leading companies changed their policies (procedures) after reports were released.
The main concepts in this thesis were not new.
The main concepts of these events were not yet fully understood.
The most important process of farming is weeding.
The problem of research for postgraduate students is funding.
The qualification will be assessed with the criterion to approach.
The relative humidity is the amount of moisture that the air can hold.
The same issue reached the same explanation of the problem.
The schedule allows plenty of time for independent study.
The schedule allows plenty of time for individual study.
The solar energy department is highly regarded worldwide.
The time of the maths lecture has been changed to ten thirty.
The undergraduates need some specific sources to analyze a specific program
The university library has most of the necessary books.
The decision is made with supports of many faculty members
There was no correlation between drug use and cure rates.
There were not enough evidences to support these recommendations.
They seem reached the same explanation of the problem.
This graph shows there is a minimal growth.
This paper challenged the previously accepted theories.
Those events are not yet fully understood.
Today's lecture material will be included in the next assessment.
Tribes work with each other to build monolithic statues.
University departments should carefully monitor articles and publications by faculty.
University departments should monitor articles and other publications by faculty.
We support on the research related to tropical cyclone dynamics and forecasting
We support the research on problems of tropical diagnosis and forecasting.
We support to do research in the field of archaeology such as forecasting and estimation.
You are required to complete the research paper by next Monday.
You are required to finish the report by Monday.
Your assignment should be submitted before the deadline
You can contact your tutor by email
You come to me, others stay here
You must submit your assignments by next Friday at the latest.
You should allocate your time wisely when revising.
Your task is to create the demand for the products
Your thesis should have a fairly limited scope.
Your thesis should have fairly large scopes.

2017. 5월 이후
1.Some of the features are part of previous research.
2.Some of these features are part of previous research.
3.Some of these features are part of the previous systems.
4.Most of the features were part of the previous system.
5.Artists are other than politicians, played roles of cultural critics.
6.Artists are other than politicians, played their own roles of cultural critics.
7.The schedule will allow plenty of time for independent study.
8.Teaching assistants will receive monthly fees for housing.
9.Teaching assistants will receive monthly allowance for housing.
10.Teaching assistants will receive monthly remuneration for housing.
11.The application process is longer than expected.
12.The economic books are at the back on the left.
13.The economic books are on the back of your left.
14.Law is beneficial to investors by protecting their rights and avoiding any improper actions in the market.
15.The university officer will help you locate housing and transportation.
16.They were struggling last year to make their service pay.
17.The result of the experiment is reported on the table below.
18.The result of the experiment was reported on the table below.
19.The result of the experiment is reported in the table below.<br />
20.Evaluation paper will be reviewed by the university personnel.
21.Animals behave differently with their wild counterparts.
22.Nurses specialize in clinical work and management.
23.The following economic lecture has been cancelled.
24.The spot of lecture on economic policy has been cancelled.
25.The morning’s lecture on economics has been cancelled.
26.Sales figures last year are better than expected.
27.The cafeteria features sandwiches, salads, soup, chicken and fish.
28.We can’t consider the price at this stage.
29.We cannot consider an increase in price at this stage.
30.This essay will be published once the research is finished.
31.When workers ask for raises in wages, the companies raise prices.
32.When workers require higher wage, the companies often raise the price.
33.When meet high potential risks, companies will raise their prices.
34.All of your assignments should or will be due by Friday.
35.I thought we would meet in the meeting room.
36.I thought we would meet in the small meeting room.
37.We will meet in small meeting room.
38.Why has the project been held for so long?
39.Why has the project been held up for so long?
40.If it helps you to concentrate, take notes, please do it.
41.If it helps you take notes to concentrate, please do it.
42.The new product failed due to a lack of demand.
43.Our professor is hosting the economic development conference next week.
44.Our professors are hosting an economic conference.
45.Our professors are hosting a business conference.
46.If you are not sure, phone student service for help.<br />
47.If you are not sure, you can find a student for help.
48.Climate change is becoming acceptable among a group of scientists.
49.The findings of researchers are focused on the cause of the diseases and treatment.
50.The software companies design and create new products.
51.Before submitting your assignment, your advisor must approve your application.<br />
52.Before submitting your dissertation, your advisor must approve your application.
53.It is absolutely vital that you acknowledge all your sources.
54.It is absolutely vital that you acknowledge all your resources.
55.The technician left the new microscope in biology lab.
56.Let me know if anybody struggle in labs.
57.That we won’t have any struggles on the labs.
58.Please make sure you have collected all the necessary materials.
59.A number of students have some volunteer jobs.
60.We need to hand in the essay by next week.
61.Theft happens to a thousand people every day.
62.Identity theft happens to a thousand people every year.
63.Commission will collect fines of sovereignties.
64.It is hard to anticipate all the characters that were in the act.
65.Education level is related to the economic background.
66.Rising in inflation will increase the demand, price and the consumption of products.
67.Rising in inflation will increase the demand, price and the consuming of products.
68.Neurons are principally involved in chemical processes.