Re-tell lecture 기출문제 주요 노트 모음 및 답안

Re-tell lecture 기출문제 주요 노트 모음 및 답안

1 빨치 5 13,940 2017.03.03 14:26

1.Coffee Industry


The lecture firstly give some figures, then mention US help Vietnam to become the second largest coffee industry country; among which, Columbia has big impact.


The lecture is about the changes that have taken place in coffee production. Coffee production has increased from 6 billion to 30 billion. The huge demand of Europe and America has made Vietnam the second biggest producer which has greatly affected Columbia’s production. The output of central America is witnessing dramatic decrease.


People’s drinking habit is also undergoing changes.






2. Galaxy


Why sky is dark at night?


The reason is the finite universe, paradox, and finite in size and age (from big bang).


This lecture talked about the darkness between galaxies.


A picture from Nasa was provided to further explain the darkness.


This picture is copyright free and can be found on newspapers, magazines and in the Internet. 


According to the lecturer, gaps between galaxies are not dark. The reason why we cannot see it is because our eyes are not able to detect the infrared light. 


To conclude, the darkness between galaxies still remain mysterious to us.





3. Education expenditure in European countries


OCED on tertiary education costs compare with GDP,with gram


UK has a lower investment, Denmark and Finland has double their investment



4. Community workers



5. Low child birth rate


Western women didn’t want to have children, the lowest birth rate in human history.


6.Animal survive and reproduce


This course is about general condition that how animals can survive and reproduce,


How they maintain their body under water, tolerate different temperature, seasons and


How they use their inhabit, daily activities and behaviours




7. Brain Development


Different brain regions with different function appear to develop on different time.


Low development, such as sense and touch begins at the embryo phase, and stopped around 1 years old, and last for longer


Language also developed from embryo and lasts longer


High development, such as cognitive took long period of time to develop, develop in  a relatively late period,and  low development will have impact on the future high development



8. Recent research on distant monitor technology


The lecture mentioned that use camera in cage to see fish reaction in real time from a distant, monitor fish respond to feed;


If the fish are no response, then stop feeding and change method…save time and energy


Generally it is about fish monitor technology




The lecture is about a kind of remote technology - underwater Antares detectors. Detectors can be used to observe the environment change and water temperature change. More importantly, these detectors are installed under water to monitor fishs’ reaction to the feeding. This makes it possible for people to change their feeding strategy quickly when fish do not react to the feeding

Remote technology: There is a development in remote distant monitoring technology which can help people to observe fish reactions without being physically there. Putting a camera into the cage and then put into the water to observe the fish reaction to feed. If they are not likely to eat, then stop feed. The technology can also identify the water quality. 




9. Thermo dynamics


The law of thermo dynamic usually is constant and statistical(diagram with principle on it,can just read them);but sometimes there are exceptions;


Exceptions happened when kinetic energy atom reaction fluctuated…movements…


Thermodynamic theories:  


KeyWords: heat theories physics atom motion energy mechanical kinetic thermodynamics 


            mechanism:   Heat and motion transmission.


            kinetic:                       Atom motions etc.




Temperature: Temperature is the average kinetic energy within a given object.


Thermal Energy: Thermal energy is defined as the total of all kinetic energies within a given system.


Heat: It is important to remember that heat is caused by flow of thermal energy due to differences in temperature (heat flows from object at higher temperature to object at lower temperature), transferred through conduction/convection/radiation. Additionally thermal energy always flows from warmer areas to cooler areas.




10. female student and male student math score and English scores


Boys and girls in English and Mathematics. Girls are usually better at English than boys over the first 6 years while there is no difference in maths. There are 3 reasons to explain this. Firstly, biological factors(ppt). Second is the social factors(ppt). Thirdly, pre-school factors


This lecture mainly talks about the boys and girls performance on English and Math. According to the lecture and the PPT provided to us, over the 6 years, girls outperform boys in English which is around 10% higher. However, in terms of Math, there is no clear difference between boys and girls. There are 3 reasons to explain this. Firstly, biological factors. Second is the social factors. Thirdly, pre-school factors .


11. Dimensions (has a diagram which 4 parameters)


Dimension means how many points(or parameters) that required to describe a position.


If describe a position on equator, then just need one parameter, that is longitude.


If describe a position on the earth, then need two numbers: Longitudes, latitude


If describe a position over the earth, then need three numbers: Longitudes, latitude, and altitudes


Similar, when describing a position in the space, then takes the time into account, which is the 4th parameter.



12. Licking and Grooming (LG): rat experiments about low LG and high LG.


Some mother rats spend a lot of time licking, grooming, and nursing their pups. Others seem to ignore their pups. Highly nurtured rat pups tend to grow up to be calm adults, while rat pups who receive little nurturing tend to grow up to be anxious. The offspring of High LG rats have better ability to deal with  stress and alcohol,but low LG didn’t.




13.reform didn’t work


Economic growth 84%, 9%, 4%


This lecture mainly talks about the economic development in Latin America. According to the lecture and graph provided, we can find that in the past 20 years, the percentage of economic development in Latin America grew 80%. However, after the globalization and reform, the growth turns slow down from 80% to 10%. Therefore, the speaker mentions the economic after reform become unsustainable. And some people start to consider is the reform is positive or negative development.



14. Sound receptor


The lecture is about sound receptor,


The speaker mentioned about how beautiful it is and it appears to be the spiky and flappy thing in the ear;


It can translate vibrational energy from the ear drum into physical motion throughout the fluid, and then into electrical signal,


The speaker in the end invites MIT student to learn more about it as they think it as a remarkable device.



15. Observation in the hemisphere ocean


The lecture is about a kind of remote technology- underwater Antares detectors. Detectors can be used to observe the environment change and water temperature change. More importantly, these detectors are installed underwater to monitor fishes’ reaction to feeding. This makes it possible for people to change their feeding strategy quickly when fish do not react to the feeding.



16. Board Opening


Board opening is not enough and we need more,


Developed countries have to welcome the people from developing countries to work,


Has a ppt, there are 4 points regarding to it,such as  justice helping developing countries, and improving economics



17. Welsh Language


has ppt,which shows 2001,but lecture mentioned march 2003, giving some figures: how many people can speak and understand, which is 6% higher than 199X.


and how many people can understand but cannot speak or read,


In the end, an positive prediction.



18. Population Growth


The lecture is about population growth and resource consumption from 1990 to 2000.


In 1900, the population was about 1.5 billion and it increased to 6 billion in 2000. The increase of energy consumption was much more significant which is increased by 16 folds.  Due to the urbanisation, cities, which only account for 2% of the land, have 50% of the total population and consumes 75% of the resources. At the end, the lecturer emphasizes that people not only use every resource on the planet but also produce tons of wastes.



19. Bomb calorimeter


There are the components of a bomb calorimeter, the food chamber is filled with oxygen, there will be chemical reaction between the food and the oxygen, the device is used to determine the heat coming from the combustion.


The water chamber absorbs the released when food is burned.


The thermometer measures the increased temperature of the water, so that it can calculate the the energy of the food.


The air space and insulation prevent heat loss. This is similar the way human body break down the food to give off the energy.


Human digest system cannot absorb full energy, so bomb calorimeter cannot measure as same as the actually absorbed.



20. human brain development



21. Australia’s changing role


Australia change its role in trading with the world,


In the past, it was isolated from UK & USA(some people say is over dependent)


But now, with the rise of Asian countries, especially China, Australia has become a famous destination and export: Japan is the no.1, and China will be the NO.1 in the future.




22. Low birth rate


there are 3 diagram,2 tables


Developed countries, such as European countries have lower willing to give birth, analyse low rate birth,


The result is have a correlation with its partner(boyfriend), especially the unemployed partner.




23. Napoleon 3 innovate Paris


Napoleon 3 instructed Haussmann, to bring air and light to the centre of the city,


To unify the different neighbourhoods with boulevards, and to make the city more beautiful.


The avenue de l’Opera, created by Haussmann painted by Camille Pissarro


Renovation of Paris: the renovation is a grand project major in Paris. This project first commissioned by Napoleon the third and he aimed to change the Medieval Paris into a cleaner and brighter city. He also planted more trees and drained the sewages to make the city suitable for people to drink coffee now.




24. DNA


DNA is like a coke of person, 10 thousands genes are made up of a cell,


They provide protein which is vital for completing tasks and activities such as movements and memorization.


25. Einstein


In the past, people believe that universe was absolutely fixed until Einstein’s concept of transformation, stars and planet change-continuous dynamical changes, but he was not the first people who find this theory, but Harbor.


26. Universe Civilization


The universe produce one hundred something of planets annually, however, only averagely 7plant are suitable for high civilization, the rest planet are either too cold or too hot. Therefore, only 20% of planet can support human to survive.


The lecture has a ppt, you can found some figure and information on it.


27.insuffient sleep’s impact on adults


28. 6 ways mushroom can save the world (search Ted’s talk)


29. Non-government Organizations


NGO could share wealth and responsibility. Value 1 Trillion, UN recognize 37,000 NGO, only 3,500 are accredited,  NGO as a predictor of governmental success in terms of strength and density of civic organizations.


Internationally, the non profit sector is worth one trillion dollars, and there are 700,000 such organizations in Australia alone. The UN recognizes 37,000 specifically civil society organizations across the globe, and gave 3500 accreditation to the 2002 world summit on sustainable development.


This profound movement towards harnessing voices and resources from outside the realm of government and offcialdom reflects a prefound growth in NGO’S, the third sector, as some call it. As Robert Putnam discovered in the filed of local government in Italy, the best predictor of governmental success was the strength and density of a region’s civic associations.


30. Immigration effects


nowadays immigrates who work in industrialised countries can send back money to their home country about 200000 billion or million dollars. However, the money that they receive as a help from government is about 100000 million or billion dollars (bar chart)








31,Civil Society Group


But in the face of this sense of disempowerment, there surprisingly is no decline in involvement in organizations, which seek to share wealth and opportunities, protect one another’s rights and work towards the common good. According to the United Nations, civil socirty groups have grown 40 fold since the turn of last century.


31 Marshmallow experiment


This experiment is based on the bonus for not eating candy within 15 mins, self-control ability will be affected by environments. The children under 4 year old will eat it at once, while elder children can resist for a longer time and thus receiver more extra rewards.


The lecture is about marshmallow experiment. In the test, the longer a child can resist the treat has been correlated with higher competency later in life. Also, another factor is personal experience.



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12 지니여니 2017.03.08 10:24
아래는 중국계 PTE 관련 싸이트에서 만든 Youtube 자료인데요.
위에 나와있는 기출 문제와 동영상이 그대로 일치하는게 많이 있습니다.(Summarize Spoken Text 포함)
위 자료랑 같이 보시면 효과적으로 준비하실 수 있을 것 같네요.
1 빨치 2017.03.08 11:25
귀중한 정보 감사드립니다
1 피티이꿈나무 2017.03.08 18:21
감사합니다. 제가 시험에서 들었던 문제도 있네요
12 지니여니 2017.03.11 10:43
오늘 기출자료 보다가 youtube에서  더 찾았네요. 중복되는 것도 있지만.. 원본 동영상도 보이고 괜찮은 것 같습니다.
1 leeaustralia 2017.05.15 22:18