

11 beautifulday 17 8,736 2017.12.30 16:23
Original 2017-12-30 PTE大班长 PTE黑科技
Mother of Storm
Unlike Barnes' previous books, Mother of Storms has a fairly large cast of viewpoint characters.
This usually irritates me, but I didn't mind it here, and their interactions are well-handled and informative, although occasionally in moving them about the author's manipulations are a bit blatant.
They're not all necessarily good guys, either, although with the hurricanes wreaking wholesale destruction upon the world's coastal areas, ethical categories tend to become irrelevant.
But even the Evil American Corporate Magnate is a pretty likable guy.
For as long as I can remember, there has been a map in the ticket hall of Piccadilly Circus tube station supposedly showing night and day across the time zones of the world.
This is somewhat surprising given the London Underground's history difficultly in grasping the concept of punctuality.
But this map has always fascinated me, and still does, even though it now seems very primitive.
This is because it chops the world up equally by longitude, without regard the reality of either political divisions or the changing seasons.
Foreign aid
At the beginning of 1990s, foreign aid had begun to slowly improve.
Scrutiny by the news media shamed many developed countries into curbing their bad practices.
Today, the projects of organizations like the World Bank are meticulously inspected by watchdog groups.
Although the system is far from perfect, it is certainly more transparent than it was when foreign aid routinely helped ruthless dictators stay in power.
During the 1920s and 1930s great progress was made in the field of aviation, including the first transatlantic flight of Alcock and Brown in 1919, Charles Lindbergh's solo transatlantic flight.
In 1927, and Charles Kingsford Smith's transpacific flight the following year.
One of the most successful designs of this period was the Douglas DC-3, which became the first airliner to be profitable carrying passengers exclusively, starting the modern era of passenger airline service.
By the beginning of World War II, many towns and cities had built airports, and there were numerous qualified pilots available.
The war brought many innovations to aviation, including the first jet aircraft and the first liquid-fueled rockets.
Carbon Detox
In his fascinating book Carbon Detox, George Marshall argues that people are not persuaded by information.
Our view are formed by the views of people with whom we mix.
Of the narratives that might penetrate these circles, we are more likely to listen to those that offer us some reward.
He proposes that instead of arguing for sacrifice, environmentalists should show where the rewards might lie: that understanding what the science is saying and planning accordingly is the smart thing to do, which will protect your interests more effectively than flinging abuse at scientists.
We should emphasize the old-fashioned virtues of uniting in the face of a crisis, of resourcefulness and community action.

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Lv.11 11 beautifulday  실버
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8 JayJay 2017.12.30 16:43
좋은자료 감사합니다!
16 Ston 2017.12.30 16:44
감사합니다 :)
5 토리엄마 2017.12.30 18:59
헐 ㅠㅠ 화면꺼져서 클릭했는데 비추천눌러버렸어요 흑흑 죄송합니다 저거 취소못하나요 ㅠㅠ
22 charminganna 2017.12.30 19:15
beautifulday님 감사합니다. 여러분 이 자료는 다음주 RO 예측입니다. 실제로 시험에서 나오는 문제로, 최근에 두달간 기출된 문제중 비중이 제일 큰 문제들입니다.
9 Jynn 2018.01.23 12:34
Foreign aid 관련해서
At the beginning of 1990s, foreign aid had begun to slowly improve.
Scrutiny by the news media shamed many developed countries into curbing their bad practices.
위에는 이 순서가 정답이라고 써놓은 거 같은데, 반대가 맞는거죠?? 다른 글에서 반대가 맞다고 하셔서요
22 charminganna 2018.01.23 13:44
좋은 질문이예요. 저도 지난번 답글하고 기출재료들을 다시 정리하던중 이문제는 두가지 버전이 있다는걸 알았어요.  첫구절만 달랐었는데,
But beginning in the 1990s, foreign aid had begun to slowly improve.

At the beginning of 1990s, foreign aid had begun to slowly improve.
앞에 But가 붙었을때 앞에 문장이 없는 상황에서 묘하게 어감이 달라져 두번째 순서에 넣을밖에 없습니다., 지난번 그 분이 물어봣던것도 앞에 But 가 붙은 버전이였어요. 후에 이 문제의 원본자료를 찾았다는 지인의 확인으로 체크해보았더니 실제 원본에선 앞문장에선 foreign aid에 관해 설명하는 내용이였어요. 이런 상황에선 뒤에 But beginning in the 1990s, foreign aid had begun to slowly improve 란 문장이 붙는게 짜임새가 맞는 느낌입니다. 원본자료 링크는 여기에
실제 시험에선 어떤 형식으로 이문제가 제출되는지는 모르나 원본재료대로 하는게 더 바램직한 방향인듯 하네요.
22 charminganna 2018.01.23 13:46
지난번 이 문제를 물어본분 누구였죠? 다시 참고하면 좋겠습니다.
9 Jynn 2018.01.23 13:50
원본이 뉴욕타임즈군요 ㅎㅎ
정보 감사합니다~
5 토리엄마 2017.12.30 19:19
1 허리업2 2017.12.30 19:33
항상 자료 올려주셔서.. 너무너무 감사합니다!! ^^
8 JayJay 2017.12.30 20:26
beautiful님 위에 리오더 관한 얘기는 아니구요... 최근에 시험 기출 올려주신거에서 다시 한번 읽다가 sst 에서 fossil fuel 이 나왔다고 했는데 이 내용은 제가 본 기억이 없어서...혹시 자료 있으신가요?
8 JayJay 2017.12.30 20:40
구글링하니깐 이게 족보인지는 모르겠지만 fossil fuel 내용이 있네요. 시험에 직접 나온걸 들어봐야 족보인지 알수있겠지만 아쉬운 김에 이거라도 읽어들 보세요.ㅎ

Today I want to discuss fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. The term “fossil fuel” refers to the trapped remains of plants and animals in sedimentary rock. You see, living plants trap energy from the sun by the process of photosynthesis, and they store the energy in their chemical compounds. Most of that energy is released when the plant dies and decays. However, sometimes organic matter is buried before it decays completely. In this way some of the solar energy becomes trapped in rocks, hence the name fossil fuel. Although the amount of organic matter trapped in any one growing season is small, the accumulated remains from millions of years are considerable. Because the accumulation rate is so slow, millions of times slower than the rate at which we now dig up this organic matter and burn it for energy, we must consider fossil fuels as nonrenewable resources. Tomorrow we’ll be discussing alternatives to fossil fuel that can be renewed.
11 beautifulday 2017.12.30 20:47
Original 2017-12-30 PTE大班长 PTE黑科技
fossil fuels
the visual life of fossil fuels
three reason:第一个是说financial consideration high cost
第二个是说climate change 和 environment protection之类的
第三个说的是如果你不相信前两个原因那么第三个原因是supply的问题,也许从整个世界来说我们不会run out of fossil fuels但是某个国家会run out of就需要purchase from other counties,alternative supply

Universities Competition
There is competition among national and board. Competition on university funding, practical research, good students, staff, government funding, research contracts and other fund, such as donations from non-profit institution or profit institution. Funding is normally more than one university and charity. Funding is a visible process for Vice Chancellor.
This lecture talks about universities competition.
The competition between students from different universities becomes more intense and thrilling, especially in English speaking countries.
The fierce competitions are also between staff. They compare the performance in academy and job market.
Universities compete for more funding from both private and public sectors, which can help them get better research result.
To conclude, the performance is essential for vice chancellor.
Agriculture growing and urbanization(城市化进程利弊)
This lecture talks about the relationship between the agriculture and urbanization.
One farmer grow food can benefit many families in the city. And the food trade in city also can benefit people in countryside.
However more and more people don't want to live in countryside anymore, a lot of people move to urban area, as there are more opportunities in the city.
If all people are move to city, then they start losing jobs, increasing unemployment rate.
The lecture talks about Einstein.
For thousands of years, people believed that the stars and universe were absolutely fixed and unchanged.
This was transformed by Einstein in the 20th century.
Einstein suggested that the universe was under continuously dynamic change all the time.
This theory was not first proposed by Einstein, but by Hubble.
Development Of Gene 5000 years(基因五千年发展)
This lecture talks about the development of genes.
There are some genetic differences in cognitive abilities between present people and ancestors.
It highlights the small number of different genes between modern people and those from 5000 years ago.
The way of modern people piss has no difference with our ancestors half million years ago, because the genes did not change much.

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8 Tryer 2018.01.16 04:09
여기서도 다시한번 감사드립니다,,,, 꾸벅,
1 drew 2017.12.30 23:41
항상 자료 올려주셔서 감사합니다!!
8 Tryer 2018.01.16 04:07
자료 감사히 잘보겟습니다....꾸벅
5 허니피지오 2018.02.07 12:22
잘 봤습니다 :) 정말 유용한 자료가 많네요!