요즘 자주나오는 기출문제 RL & SST (3월)

요즘 자주나오는 기출문제 RL & SST (3월)

22 charminganna 18 9,733 2018.03.13 12:33
RL파트는 개인적으로 기출문제보단 실력을 쌓아야 하는 파트라고 생각됩니다. 기출에서 나올 가능성은 3문제중 2문제 정도라고 볼수 있고 현재 기출문제는 정확히 107개로 업데잇 되였네요. 완정하지 않은 기출문제도 많고 정확도가 많이 떨어진다고 봅니다. 제가 뽑은 자주나오는 기출문제는 많은 후기들이 반영되고 요즘 꾸준히 자주 보이는 문제들로 내용상 그나마 90% 정확하다고 말할수 있겠네요. 모르는 단어나 키워드 정도만 체크해주시고 템플릿에 한번 적용도 해보고 시험에 나왔을때 당황하지 않게해줄 역할만 해준다면 충분할것 같습니다.

NGO and Disempowerment
Sense of disempowerment, no decline in involvement in organization
Share wealth and opportunities, protect rights and work towards the common good
the United Nations, civil society groups, grow 40 folds
internationally, non-profit sector, World Summiton Sustainable Development
profound movement, harnessing voices and resources, realm of governments and officialdom

Welsh speaker
Celtic language, spoken in Wales, 740,000people, Welsh colony in Patagonia
Welsh speakers in England, Scotland, Canada, the USA, Australia and New Zealand
Half of the population of Wales spoke Welsh, everyday language
Proportion of Welsh speakers, fallen to 20%, 582,368 people can speak Welsh, 659,301 people can either speak, read or write Welsh, 797,717 people, some knowledge of the language
Survey, number of Welsh speakers, 750,000, and 1.5 million people can understand Welsh

Haussmann’s Renovation of Paris
Renovation of Paris in 1890s, commissioned by Napoleon and directed by Haussmann
Air and light, drain the sewages
plantmore trees, build roads and paved stones to make a safer city
Old Paris, more serious problems, overcrowding, diseases and crimes

Bomb calorimeter
Calorimeter, measure the amount of heat of the food, two vessels, outer and inner
Insulation, ignition wire, thermometer, measurethe temperature of the liquid
Food chamber, oxygen, chemical reaction between food and oxygen, combustion
Released heat when food is burned, measure the increased temperature of water
Air space and insulation, prevent heat loss, human body, digest system

Human Behavior
Determinant, human behavior, internal and external factors
Personal factors, internal, environmental factors, external, individual perception
Personal factors, people’s belief, certain things
Psychologists, explain human behaviour

Low Birth Rate in Western Countries
Couples do not want babies, particularly women under 30 in Western countries
The position of males does not change
In 2000, child birth rate is over1%
Low birth rate will impact many aspects of the future development, employment

Australian Exports Destination
Australia was afraid to be neglected by US andUK, then start to trade with Asia
The growing economy of Japan and Asian Tiger leads to more exports
China is the second largest export country followed by Japan, and China is predicted to be the largest market by the end of this century
Open trade is beneficial to Australia
If Australia did not develop trade with Asia, it would be a totally different story now.

Mega City
The lecture is about mega cities’ impact.
Global population has increased by 4 folds, from 1.5 billion in 1900 to 6 billion in 2000.
While resource consumption has increased more significantly by 16 folds over the century.
Due to urbanization, cities, which only account for 2% of the land, have 50% of the total population and consume 75% of the resources.
People not only use every resource but also produce tons of wastes.

Task design in robot is hard because our humans can separate things by our senses but for robot, even they have camera and the picture contains many pixel, and the translation of every pixel to something could be difficult. Thus there is no comparison between humans and robots.

7ev - 7ev. Release energy 14,000 collision
1.9 degree- absolute zero
Proton, matter, etc
SST2-3편중 아래 자주나오는 기출에서 1편쯤은 꼭 나올정도로 자주 나오는 편입니다. 실제 SST기출문제도 50편가량 밖에 없지만 상당한 비중으로 잘 나오는것 같아요. 시간이 되시는 분들은 SST유튜브 구글 하셔서 음원 찾아보시고 (100퍼 일치한 음원은 10편가량 있는것 같아요) 완벽한 답안을 작성하여 준비하시면 시험에 엄청 도움이 클것 같습니다.

International Environmental law
Environmental law is not new. Charles II ofthe British government launched it to to control the production of smoke. But the measures implemented were mostly ineffective as it didn't provide appropriate enforcement. Then, the Industrial Revolution exerted profound effects on the environment. Local industrialists used the Adam Smith model to maximize their economic benefit. The result was the need for increasingly comprehensive statutory controls on the discharge of pollutants into various receiving media.

Talent war
Because of the increasing demands of talent and shrinking labor force after the baby boom, there is a shortage of talent in such changing economy. Companies are competing for young talent in university and governments use more favorable immigration policy to attract talented international students to immigrate to their own countries. Countries and organizations should put talent at primary position.

Citizenship Curriculum
Criticism of citizenship education in schools argues that merely teaching children about the theory of citizenship education is ineffective, unless schools themselves reflect democratic practices by giving children the opportunity to have a say over decision making. Schools are fundamentally undemocratic institutions, and that such a setting cannot instil in children the commitment and belief in democratic values that are necessary for citizenship education to have a proper impact.

Laughing has many benefits, especially in combating adversity. Laugh is not only a sense of humor but also can be used as a great therapy. In the Second World War, the war jokes about the Berlin Wall were prevailing in Western countries and helped people to go through the tough time. Different countries have different senses of humor, such as Russia, Egypt and Iran. Laugh can protect self-respect and identity.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin, which is a pro-hormone. Vitamin D is neither dietary nor real vitamins because it needs sunlight to be absorbed. If people don't live near the equator, they would not get adequate vitamin D, because their skins cannot get exposure of sunshine. Hence, people can obtain vitamin D from food, but it is not sufficient.

Biology is a subject that studies animals, human and the environment around them. Although animals are looked differently, they are closely related to each other. They all rely on DNA and RNA to store and pass genetic information. They all based on cells, which is the fundamental structure of lives. The inner chemicals are still the same and they react alike to use and covert energy.

Competition in university
There is competition among national and board. Competitions on university funding, practical research, good students, staff, government and donor’s funding, research contracts and other funds, such as donations from non-profit institution or profit institution. Funding is normally more than one university and charity. Funding is a visible process for Vice Chancellor.

Indian Peasants
Indian peasants have tough time today and many of them commit suicide because of financial pressure. They have to buy seeds at high prices by paying high debts. They don't have enough capital to afford seeds and pesticides whose price is raised by seed companies. Those companies become the peasants' major creditors.

For thousands of years, people believed that the stars and universe were absolutely fixed and unchanged until it was transformed by Einstein in his concept in the 20th century. He suggested that stars and planets are having continuous and dynamic changes all the time. However, he was not the first person proposed the theory. It was proposed by an astronomer called Hubble.

Mary Mallon
Irish woman Mary Mallon immigrated to the US in 19th century.
Mary Mallon was an excellent cook, pride of and satisfied with her life. Mary Mallon was a typhoid carrier.
The bacteria can be transmitted through food and water.
22 people were infected by her and one of them died.
Before Mary passed away, she always denied that she was sick.

Student Loan
I'm 43 years old and I owe tens of thousands of dollars in student loans. Oh sure, I knew the loans were piling up as I went through school. But with one loan coming from here, another from there, I had no idea of the rock slide that was building.
Fifteen years later, I still experience moments of sheer horror regarding my families financialsituation. My monthly student loan payment is more than triple my car payment. OK, so without my college degree, I would not have been able to get my current job. For that I'm grateful but at what cost?
My loans have been accruing at a rate of 10 percent, and now they have burgeoned to well. I'm an English major, you do the math. I don't think they'll ever get paid off. Were in debt way past our eyeballs, and there's no hope in sight. I'm being kept in class a financial class of graduates whose only hope for attending college meant borrowing money from the government. Because of our mounting credit card debt and monthly payments that far exceed our families income, my kids will also join the class of citizens who can rely on their parents for college support. Do I wish Id chosen another educational route? You bet.

Amory Lovins
A man named Robinson. Nobody knows him in the classroom, he soaks knowledge in a small town, learn in mountain, 30 years thinking up ways to save energy, thinking up ways to solve problem with existed technique, people tends to regard him as genius.

Magic Colour
This lecture mainly talks about magic natural color.
In order to answer where natural colors come from, the speaker talked about the three primary colors. Firstly, the yellow comes from many plants.
Secondly, reds come from ground, and some insects can provide reds.
Finally, the only natural source of blue is indigo.


Lv.22 22 charminganna  실버
4,330 (41.9%)

Anna Yoon


14 제니 2018.03.13 12:39
Mary mallon 랑 lauthing 오늘 나왔는데 mary mallon 이번이 2번째입니다!
22 charminganna 2018.03.13 12:43
자주 나온다고 하드라구요.. 근데 mary 랑 laughing 문제 제가 엄청 많이 쳤었는데 한번도 실제로 못만났어요. 이젠 막 궁굼해질 정도입니다.
6 Easymean 2018.03.13 12:39
이제 곧 시험인데 유익한 정보 올려주셔서 감사합니다.
22 charminganna 2018.03.13 12:44
화이팅입니다. 꼭 SST부터 공략하세요!! 전 모레 시험이라 지금부터 열심히 정신줄 잡고 있네요 ㅋㅋ
6 Easymean 2018.03.13 12:53
감사합니다 ㅎㅎ 이제 1시간도 안남았네요 시험이... ㅎㅎㅎ 화이팅하겠습니다 ㅎ
22 charminganna 2018.03.13 13:04
어휴... 힘내세요!!!! 화이팅!!!!
6 굿나잇제이미 2018.03.13 16:24
정말 감사합니다^^
5 Mannequin 2018.03.13 20:01
저 indian peasant 두번째 만났구Australia export랑 competition in Uni 나왔네요  근데다대충쓴거 같아요 ㅠ 애나님껄로 다시 한번 봐야겠어요  아무래도 망한거같아서요. 고맙습니다 !
7 시험의늪 2018.03.13 20:29
전 오늘 시험 봤어요 ~ RL 랑 SST 에서 NGOs and Disempowerment , Mega city 그리고 International Environmental law  나왔네요! 보고는 갔는데 막상 들어가니까 읭? 이게 뭔가 하고 다 잊어버려서 흑.ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 아침 9시 시험이었는데 끝나고 애나님이 쓰신 기출글이 떳더라구요 넘나 아쉬웠지만... 그래도 나름대로 열심히 한다구 하고 왔습니당...!! 항상 감사드려요 ;)
14 구루미1 2018.03.13 21:14
어제 시험에서 mega city 나왔어요
19 오비완 2018.03.13 21:28
6일 무교동에서 Competition in Uni 하고  Magic Colour 나왔었습니다.
4 Irene11 2018.03.14 01:17
어제 나비타스 Indian peasants 랑 Amory Lovins 나왔어요.  꼼꼼히 보고 들어갔으면 잘썼을텐데 너무 아쉽네요.
16 천사와악마 2018.03.14 11:45
charminganna님 항상 그렇듯 자료 감사합니다. 어제 시험 보기전에 이글을 봤었다면 좋았을텐데 아쉽네요. 어제 글 올리신 12시반에 전 브리즈번 클리프톤 시험장에 있었더랬죠. RL, SST 둘다 2문제씩 위에서 나왔네요.
RL 은 Australian Exports Destination랑 Robot 그리고 SST는 DNA & RNA랑 Indian Peasants 이렇게 2개씩 나왔었네요. 전 귀가 안좋다보니 뭔가 다른 내용이 된것 같네요. 그리고 WFD에서는 아래 2개가 기출에서 나왔습니다. 다른 건 기억도 안나네요.
Celebrated theory is still the great source (level) of controversy.
Behind the garage, there is the flat cart drawn by mules.
그리고 뭔가 신호등 그림처럼 나온 시스템 설명하는게 있었는데 대략적인 그림만 기억나고 글씨조차 기억이 안나네요.
정말 시험문제 기억해서 후기 올려주시는 분들 존경합니다. 전 시험 끝나고나니 머리가 백지가 되는것 같고 아무것도 기억이 안나더군요.
아무래도 DI고 RL이고 다 망쳐서 다음 시험을 등록해야할 것 같습니다. 힘내시고 다음 시험 잘보시길 바랍니다.
20 Jaylee 2018.03.14 15:49
제니님이 올리신 최근기출문제 보시면 신호등 나오는거 있는데,
음식을 신호등 색깔처럼 나타내서 몸에 안좋은 건 빨간색 좋은건 녹색하는 내용 있는데 그건 아닌가요?
한번 확인해 보세요.
15 ichitaka 2018.03.15 06:50
매번 정리해주시고, 참 감사드립니다.
5 cindy745 2018.04.04 19:39
감사합니다.!! 혹시 war for talented 영상 링크 있으신분 계신가요?
4 제이크 2018.04.12 22:38
drug ad 나왔어요! 덕분에 쉽게 해냈어요:) 운좋게 첫시험에 이치 79+ 나왔는데 뭐라도 도움을 드리고 싶네요.
6 kss123 2018.07.18 10:32