PTE Academic Answer short Questions by Mc Millan

PTE Academic Answer short Questions by Mc Millan

99 Jason 0 11,917 2016.12.19 22:34

PTE Academic Answer short Questions by Mc Millan

1. which section of news paper gives the editor an opinion? – editorial

2. what instrument used to examine very small thing – microscope

3. What is the destructive program that spread from comp to comp – a virus

4. what term used for animals that gives birth to – mammals

5. system of govt where people vote for people – democracy

6. piece of paper that you bought an item – a receipt

7. what you call the document that tells your qualification and work exp? – CV, curriculum vitae, resume

8. how would you describe economy largely based on farming? – agricultural, rural

9. what is the study of stars and planet called? – astronomy

10. in business and advt what is PR stand for? – public relations


1. what emergecy service called at see? – coastguard

2. name a month fall bet april and june? – May

3. what word describe moving a website from internet to your comp – downloading / download

4. what is called a picture doctor take to see inside body? – an X-ray

5. what crime has someone stealing from shop committed? – shoplifting

6. if someone feeling ill they will say ‘they are feeling under the ___’ what? – weather

[under the weather – Feel sick, poor health, tired or exhausted]

7. who is person in-charge of a football match? – the referee

8. last game in sporting competition that decide champ? – the final

9. what is the general term for painting at country side or natural view? – landscape

10. found in office (a printer and other two options)? – a printer

11. There are two types of sporting contests: one is amateur; and other is ___? – professional


1. where would you find the whale (tropical forest, ocean)? – ocean

[tropical = very hot and humid]

2. coat had a stain on it where would they take? – a dry cleaner’s

3. what are the things that ‘hans lay’ called? – eggs

4. The people who use ___ to obey the rules and protect the public from criminals are called? – the police

5. On what geographical location would someone be living if their country is surrounded by water on all side? – an island

6. what general part of the day is known as dawn? – a sunrise

[Part of the Day: “Dawn–Twilight–Sunrise, Morning, Daylight / midday-afternoon, Evening, Sunset–Twilight–Dusk, Night”]

7. What are the people that plant food, raise crop are commonly known as? – farmers

8. If a button has come off a shirt, what would someone most likely use to put it back on? – a needle and thread

9. What appliance do people use to keep their food cool and preventing from spoiling? – fridge

10. to crossover from one side of the wide river to another without using boat, what is usually require? – a bridge


1. what is a painting of a person’s head is called? – a portrait

2. Where do we find urban area in a city or country side? – in a city

3. what we call it, when moon completely blocks out the light from the sun? – a solar eclipse / an eclipse

4. what point of the compass is directly opposite east? – west

5. where do u pay for your purchases at the super market? – (at the) till / checkout

6. what do u call an apartment that is beyond ground level (a basement apartment or a penthouse appartment)? – a basement apartment

7. what features do pianos and computers have in common? – a keyboard

8. if you are feeling ‘fed up’ it is positive or negative feeling? – a negative feeling

[ fed up – annoyed, unhappy, or bored, especially with a situation that has existed for a long time.

“I am fed up with being put down and made to feel stupid”]

9. what we call a period of ten years? – a decade

10. A specialist who repairs leaking water pipes is called a ___? plumber (plʌmə)


1. A famous canal links the mediterian sea with the indian ocean, is it the curran or suez canal? – the suez canal

2. Where would you keep the meat you wish to keep frozen at home? – in a freezer

3. What is the most imp doc you would have to show if you would to hire a car? – a driving license

4. where would you go to workout on a trade mill? – a gym / gymnasium

5. what piece of equipment would you use to go diving in a see, an aquaplane or an aqualung? – an aqualung

[ aqualung – a portable breathing apparatus for divers

aquaplane – a board for riding on water, pulled by a speedboat]

6*. where would you most likely go to buy some flowers (a bakery, a florist or a super market)? – a supermarket

7. which hospital dept you go for x-ray (radiology or cardio) – a radiology

8. where would you go to see an exhibition of sculptures? – to an artgallery / to a museum

9. would you measures volume of water in litres or kilos? – litres

10. whats the joint called where your hand is connected to your arm? – the (or your) wrist


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