신기출 3월 - RL & SST (26/3 업데잇)

신기출 3월 - RL & SST (26/3 업데잇)

22 charminganna 39 11,273 2018.03.21 17:25
RL - 항상 언급하지만 RL파트는 기출자체가 많아서 그냥 대략적인 배경만 이해하시고 외울 필요는 없을것 같아요!

1. An Instrument
A new instrument which is different from the traditional one, has a sort of technological sensor.
The design can be improved by providing some feedback.

2. Plasticine
A man talks about his toy which can be enjoyed by both children and adults.
It has different colours, shapes and it is really soft...
Users feedback can let them to improve. (??? 1번이랑 왜 이렇게 비슷한걸까요...)

3. Formation of Clouds
Pollutants particles in cloud...xx
Air pollution...
The process of formation of clouds... (a lot of meteorology jargons)

4. Universe and Star
A star which is 14 billion years old, but universe is only 10 billion years old... (이건 뭐죠... )

5. Venus(with video)
The picture in the video regarding to the Venus shows the label of 1967(or 1969)
They found Venus .... but then later they found it actually xxx

6. Superman
Why people created the concept of superman?
When people face fear and crisis, some people may get more power than others (지극히 현실적이라서 슬프네요..)

7. Two Language Education
Parents are worry about when child learn two language will confuse them ..
But actually it will improve their social ability ...etc. (전에도 비슷한 문제가 있던걸로 기억하는데 내용이 비슷한 신기출인지는 더 관찰해봐야 할것 같아요)

8. User Experience (with phone photo)
Mobile phone handheld device improve user experience.
3d guidance - so you can have a view of where you want to go.
You can have a better gaming experience (say about differences between 2D and 3D)

9. Importance of Social Identity
The lecture talks about the information of the concept of social identity.
He has studied several aspects of social identity including social identity threats.
As for the social identity, it is part of the personal identity includes age, sex, region, religion...
He raised two questions about why social identity is important and what influence it will have on us.
The two answer of the both question is: it depends.

10. Rebel ? ( 석고상 사진이랑 함께 나옴)
Why we should talk about rebel because... truth. Rebel is about body, truth is about spirit. (liberal 가 아닐까 하는 생각도 드네요)

SST- 현재 원래 전에 있던 기출문제랑 같이 섞여서 나오는 분위기네요. 항상 느끼지만 SST는 외울만한 가치가 있는것 같습니다. 아직 신기출은 정리가 잘 안된 상황이라 일단 배경만 이해하시면 될것 같습니다.

1. Industrialisation
Industrialisation had many positive effects on society in Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries. The creation of power machines and factories provided many new job opportunities. The new machinery increased production speed of good and gave people the ability to transport raw materials. Industrialisation also leads to urbanisation. Urbanisation is the movement of people into cities and city building. Citizens wated to live closer to the factories that they worked at. The Western World went from rural and agricultural to urban industrial.

2. Genes
Genes are not like what we thought as that it can change physical features such as height and hair.
Recently researchers found that our behaviour can change physical features.
This fact provided an interesting information for biology, psychology and neuroscience.

3. Bad architecture
London has many bad buildings. When I walked on the streets, I fond the streets are ugly and terrible. These bad buildings affected negatively for hundreds of people living around them. they feel frustration and anger. But if you ask an architect why these buildings are so bad? They will answer: Beauty is in the eyes of beholders.
Also mentioned about San Francisco

4. How to write essay
A professor talking about how to write essay. A few factors are really important such as logic, interesting and clear writing which lead to a good quality of academic writing. Qualities of history and journal are similar because they all need resource and evidence, attention of logic, style and writing which is quite crucial for academic and journal papers. Hence, there is no clear line between them.

5. Why the Australian housing is so expensive (이문제 드뎌 조그마한 단서라도 생겼네요. 음원이 좀 빠르고 안들린다는 후기도 있네요)
Reason1: Economy is increasing
Reason 2: The policy of home loan became more and more strict. xxx is doubled than before.
Reason 3: xx is also stimulated hosing price.

6. Implicit and Explicit Memory
Differences between memories ... People's behaviour shaped different procedure of memory.
Using language naturally, reading and riding are automatically, try to describe, conscious... (???말이 안되는거 같지만 대략 무슨뜻인지는 알겠네요)
consist a lot of highly personal memories (this is the last sentence)

7. Socialism (정치적 좌우파의 형성배경을 찾아 들으시면 도움될것 같습니다)
Socialism started from 1880s and communism began in 1840s till French Revolution.
Political left is left side of the speaker podium, while right is right side of it.
left is aggressive, while right conserve to the old regime after French revolution.
Political word right and left started by French Revolution of national assembly.

8. Human Rights in UK
During the second world war, UK government was the first to xx
Later in 1958, more freedom ...
Tourism or trade or voting ...basic line...xxx
Conventional human rights, lawyer drove the human rights after the Second World War. Human rights can be positive: right to marry, free religion.

9. Smart Consumer
Consumers are smart, consumer values are important for business. They are smart in choosing product, brand image, xx is essential for business to create value. An advertisement regarding to the softest product which is also strong can fulfil demands of smart consumer.Majority of people are using only a few seconds to decide whether to buy. This is fundamental engineering contradict. You don't want it to be separated when you put it in the washing machine.

10. Big Bang Theory (하... 제목부터 한숨이 나오네요.. 이거 한글로 봐도 이해하기 힘든내용인데... 말이죠)
The speaker found this is amazing, (and then a lot of numbers like xx billion years ...)
The first eruption is not clear, but it is pretty obvious that the universe is not unchangeable.
It mentioned about Hawking and cosmology.

11. Wildlife in Africa (이건 어제 제 시험에 나온 문제, 그러므로 이건 저의 메모리입니다... )
The lecture demonstrated a research regarding to the relationship between food and income in Africa. Their main livelihood is from wildlife, especially the fish which can provide high level of protein. Although most of people grew fish to live, they were still suffering from the poverty. Therefore, their income is closely associated to food.

12. Good quality of history
Good quality of history and journal have rules of similarity, which both require resources, evidence and attention of logic or writing.
To judge whether it is high quality need to compare its function such as logic, style, writing...
These rules also very important to journal papers...but there is no clear line between them.

The survey of happiness followed a pattern which has large sample of the regions and country even worldwide.
What make people happy includes several factors - consistent patterns which are prevalent and consistent across countries and borders.
It includes income, marital status, employment status
other factors: environment, quality and natural instinct.

14.The Definition of Risk
A professor talks about "risk" - definition -what does it stand for
It can be seen as challenge and chance (참 희망적인 말이네요)
He also mentioned about safe and safety, they are using same condition.

15. Body fat Change
A Canadian research regarding to the experiment of body fat change. 30 women volunteered in exercise program without changing their diet. After 6 month, they experienced a body fat change, while some lost a significant weight, fee did not. They are two explanations, one is that they are more and the other one is they are subconsciously disliked (?)

16. Faults and Earthquake
Relationship of faults and earthquake
The location of focused earthquake is located in earth crust (?). According to faults plan - epicentre - and look down from the earth.
(geological jargon 비교적 많음)

Those conclusions are real and well documented, and they declined. Conclusions have been supported by strong evidence, which is the only one. The drivers contributed to the decline are varied depending on the species. There is a possibility of a huge loss, but the positive thing is that people began to be aware of this and take some actions to fix the problems.

18. Children's Depression
The topic taken into consideration is children's depression, back to 16th century. There are following studies to find out what happened to children with depression, which increases the risks of life, such as diabetes and heart disease. To scientist interest, it is very different as they though before, also the medicine. Children's depression is still a puzzle needs to be resolved.
In the past, children rarely have depression. A research showed a dramatic increase in children depression, which change the way people think about children depression. Now, no one doubt about children depression. The study shows children with depression behave differently and respond differently to medical treatment.

19. Description
Keywords: Symbolic language, computer, pterosaur (이건 드레곤인가요...), body language, use our hand

20. Epidemic transmitting
US - preventing epidemic transmitting by antiviral drugs.
Developing countries - lack of source - big challenge

21. Water Problem
Using science to solve the problems, there are 2 main problems - how to get pure water, and how to improve health
A organisation worked on water problem in countries have sufficient water resources and countries don't (?).
xxx science is the great way to solve this problem.

오랜만에 불나게 타자했네요... 오타가 있을수도 있으니 그점은 양해해주시길 바랍니다 ㅜㅜ


Lv.22 22 charminganna  실버
4,330 (41.9%)

Anna Yoon


10 Happy한girl 2018.03.21 17:38
어제 15번 나왔구요 하나더는 greenhouse gas에 대해서 나왔어요 언제나 자료 너무너무 감사해요^^ 오늘 결과가 너무 참담해서 정말 너무 힘이 드네요 ㅠㅠ
22 charminganna 2018.03.21 17:44
Greenhouse gas 문제도 몇번 보이던데 예전 기출도 비슷한게 있어서 아직 더 관찰해보려구요 ㅜㅜ 저도 오늘 성적표 받았는데 지난번에 잘 안나온 리스닝이 드뎌 잘나왔는데 리딩이 안나왓어요 ㅜㅜ 문제만 안바꿔도 졸업햇을것도 같은데 ...그냥 제 실력이 안돼서 그런거라고 위로하고 있어요 ...
10 Happy한girl 2018.03.21 17:51
저는 다 떨어 졌어요 저 정말 열심히 했고 더 잘했다고 느꼈었거든요 그래서 이번에 끝내겠다 했는데 공부 안하고 본 시험보다도 떨어 졌어요 이번이 세번째 였는데 아이엘츠까지 합치면 11번째네요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
22 charminganna 2018.03.21 18:01
저는 이미 피티이가 11번은 훨씬 넘어서 ... 이젠 그냥 단념하고 있는 상태입니다. 저는 과정보다 이젠 오직 좋은 결과만 원하고 있어요
6 kellyjung 2018.03.21 17:56
어제 나온 시험 문제 중 13번 보충하자면,  what factors make people happy 해서 consistent 한 요소들이 income, health, marriage status 등등이 있고(5-6개 정도 주어져요), other factors 로는 environment 와 __ 가 있다. (어제 분명 두개 정도 나와서 적고 나왔는데 기억이 안나네요..)
22 charminganna 2018.03.21 17:59
진짜 이런 후기들 엄청 소중합니다. 내일쯤 새로 더 나오게 될 문제랑 같이 수정해서 업데잇 할 예정입니다! 감사합니다.
5 RNKK100 2018.03.21 18:26
안나님!!! 정말로 항상 너무 감사합니다!!!
15 달발 2018.03.21 20:51
올 셤 봤는데 3번 10번 나왔어요 ㅜㅜ
22 charminganna 2018.03.21 21:03
15 달발 2018.03.22 04:15
애나님 sst요 빅뱅이랑 알키택쳐요!
기출만 보고 갔는게 ㅜㅜ
22 charminganna 2018.03.22 11:38
빅뱅문제 어땟어요? 저거 전 이름만 들어도 머리가 터질것 같아요 ㅜㅜ
1 Ryanyoo 2018.03.21 21:25
RL 이 무슨 약자인가요?
6 쏘쏘 2018.03.21 21:40
re tell lecture
14 제니 2018.03.21 22:02
애나님 정말 소중한시간 내주셔서 정리해서 공유해주시는 소중한자료 감사드립니다. 이번 12월에 멜버른 가는데 꼭 한번 밥사드리고싶습니다.
22 charminganna 2018.03.22 00:42
제니님!!! 멜번에 오시는군요. 여기서 공부하게 되는거예요? 오게되시면 커피래도 한잔해요!! 너무 반가울거 같아요. 여기 계시는 분들 이젠 식구같아요  ㅜㅜ
14 제니 2018.03.22 05:17
이니요!! 애들레이드에서 공부하게되는데 친구가 멜버른에있어서 2달정도 머물다가려구요. 정말 반가울꺼같아요 ㅠㅠ!!!!  애나님은 계속 멜버른에 머무실 예정이신가요~?
22 charminganna 2018.03.22 11:37
올해까지 있을것 같은데 사람일은 모르니깐요 ㅋㅋ 시드니나 뉴질랜드도 생각하고 있습니다. 영주권 따면 앞으로 뭐해야 할지도 아직 정해지지 않아서 고민이네요.
11 바게트 2018.03.21 22:15
charminganna 정말 감사 드립니다. 매번 이렇게 정리 하기도 만만치 않으실텐데 이렇게 날로 먹어도 되는지.. 건강하시고 얼른 원하는 점수 빨리 획득 하시길 기도드려요 ㅎ
22 charminganna 2018.03.22 00:44
ㅋㅋㅋ 감사하긴요. 여기 계신분들 전부 너무 열심히 하셔서 저도 힘을 받아가고 있어요! 바게트님 스피킹 얼마나 열심히 하고 계시던지 저도 덩달아 공부 욕구가 생기더군요.
11 바게트 2018.03.22 09:52
갑자기 기억났어요.RL 20일 시험 이거 나왔어요. 똑같네요.https://youtu.be/QUToplogHoA
22 charminganna 2018.03.22 11:40
엄청 운좋았네요. 전 그문제 음원까지 일치해서 원문까지 외울수 있는 지경이예요 ㅜㅜ
11 바게트 2018.03.22 14:46
제가 아니라 애나님 한테 걸렸어야하는데 공교롭게도 스피킹도 벅차 SST는 ㅜㅡㅜ 기출 한번도 못봤어요. 이제 스피킹 영점 잡혔으니 다른 기출도 열심히 챙겨 봐야 겠어요.
22 charminganna 2018.03.22 14:47
축하합니다. 스피킹점수 엄청 올랏나봐요!!
12 더헬 2018.03.22 19:56
애나님 항상 감사해요 요새 너무 바빠서 댓글 잘 못다는데 항상 감사해요~

업데이트가 엄청 나네요 ㄷㄷㄷ
리텔이야 막말하면 된다고 쳐도 Sst는 ㄷㄷ
시험한번 보러가야되나봐요
곧 점수 꼭 나오실거에요 곧!
22 charminganna 2018.03.22 21:06
감사합니다. 더헬님은 졸업했지만 계속 자료가 필요되나봐요? 앞으로 한달간은 기본실력 아니면 힘들것 같습니다. 문제가 어마어마 하네요.
12 더헬 2018.03.22 21:32
넹 자료 필요하죠 ㅎㅎ
제 생각엔 공부하기 싫은날은 우주 자연 다큐 유툽으로 쭉 보는거 도움될거같아요 ㅎㅎ
22 charminganna 2018.03.22 22:00
요즘 ted talk에 빠져 있습니다. 은근 재밋는 토픽도 많더라구요 :)
4 danielAhn 2018.03.22 20:32
SST 는 템플래이트를 쓰는것이 좋을까요 ? 아니면 쓸말이 있다면 템플레이트 쓰지 않고 그냥 노트한것을 쓰는 것이 좋을까요 ??
리스닝 점수가 어디에서 깎여서 점수가 안나오는지 정말 걱정이되네요 ㅠ
22 charminganna 2018.03.22 21:07
79+ 목표시면 SST에선 무조건 템플릿 버리셔야 합니다
5 반짝반짝 2018.03.22 20:49
저도 너무 감사드려요. 업무가 너무 바빠 항상 올려주신거 받아는 놓는데 제대로 본적이 없어 고맙다는 인사도 한번 못드렸네요. 이렇게 개인 시간을내서 일면식 한번 없는 사람들과  모두 함께 잘되자고 격려하고 도와주시니 정말 고맙습니다. 꾸벅.
22 charminganna 2018.03.22 21:09
ㅋㅋ 저도 도움을 많이 받고 있어요. 이 커뮤니티는 항상 큰 위로를 주는것 같아요. 따뜻한 사람들이라 전부 빨리 졸업햇으면 좋겠어요.
6 잘자요모두들 2018.03.23 11:54
리텔렉쳐로 7번 나왔었어요! 제니님께서 공유하신 구글 드라이브에, 최신기출문제 버전4 읽어본적 있었고, honey bee dance 밑에 bilingual education 내용이랑 일치한 문제였어요  문제에서 직접 bilingual 이란 단어를 언급하더라구요!
22 charminganna 2018.03.23 12:12
저문제 두가지 버전 있다는 후기를 보고 올렸어요. 첫번째 버전은 두가지 언어를 사용하면 아이는 혼란스러워한다 (제니님 자료에도 있는 버전) , 요즘 새로 나온 버전은 두가지 언어를 사용하여 어떤 방식으로 아이를 교육하면 아이의 사회적응능력에 좋다.. 이런 내용이였다네요. 두문제가 유사하긴 하지만 혹시나 다른문제가 아닐까 해서 일단 적어놨습니다. 리뷰 감사합니다.
2 햇님달님123 2018.03.23 23:11
저도 RL10 번 석고상 나왓어요 ! 혹시 정확한 주제 알 수 있을까요 ? 감사합니다
22 charminganna 2018.03.23 23:22
업데이트 되고 있는 기출문제는 시험에서 보고 후기들을 남겨주는 피티이 모든 커뮤니티에서 가져와서 정리하여 올리고 있습니다. 아직 저문제는 만난 경우가 적나봐요... 저기에 적은 내용 말고는 다른 업데잇은 아쉽게도 없네요.. "rebel"이란 단어가 반항이란 뜻도 있는데 혹시 역사적 반항과 연관있는 내용이였나요?
5 ulala 2018.03.25 19:07
고맙습니다 애나님, 저 애나님이 업로드 해주신 자료 정리중에 23일 시험에 16. Faults and Earthquake
Relationship of faults and earthquake 나왔었어요. relationship 이랑 earthquake 만 기억이 나고, 그외 내용은 기억이 안나요.ㅠ
2 victor 2018.03.28 17:09
차밍님 항상 잘보고있습니다,
몇칠전에 라트로브에서 시험봤는데 그린하우스 나왔고, DI 새로운기출 우리은하계 행성들그림있는거 나왔어요~
시험은 처음보는거라 원하는점수는안나왔지만, 더 공부할 예정입니다 ㅎㅎ 그럼오늘도 좋은하루 되세요!
8 Tryer 2018.04.11 05:06
휴 많네여,,,, 애나님 노고에 항상 감사드리는 마음 가득입니다...^ ^*
3 Duncan 2018.04.19 22:45