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3 김짱구 12 9,303 2018.04.25 16:22


Nobel Peace Prize

This year's Nobel Peace Prize justly rewards the thousands of scientists of the United Nations Climate Change Panel (the IPCC). These scientists are engaged in excellent, painstaking work that establishes exactly what the world should expect from climate change.

The other award winner, former US Vice President Al Gore, has spent much more time telling us what to fear. While the IPCC's estimates and conclusions are grounded in careful study, Gore doesn't seem to be similarly restrained. Gore told the world in his Academy Award-winning movie (recently labeled "one-sided" and containing "scientific errors" by a British judge) to expect 20-foot sea-level rises over this century. He ignores the findings of his Nobel co-winners, the IPCC, who conclude that sea levels will rise between only a half-foot and two feet over this century, with their best expectation being about one foot. That's similar to what the world experienced over the past 150 years.

Likewise, Gore agonizes over the accelerated melting of ice in Greenland and what it means for the planet, but overlooks the IPCC's conclusion that, if sustained, the current rate of melting would add just three inches to the sea level rise by the end of the century. Gore also takes no notice of research showing that Greenland's temperatures were higher in 1941 than they are today.

Gore also frets about the future of polar bears. He claims they are drowning as their icy habitat disappears. However, the only scientific study showing any such thing indicates that four polar bears drowned because of a storm.

London- world’s mighty money capital

Who would have thought back in 1698, as they downed their espressos, that the little band of stockbrokers from Jonathan's Coffee House in Change Alley EC3 would be the founder-members of what would become the world's mighty money capital?

Progress was not entirely smooth. The South Sea Bubble burst in 1720 and the coffee house exchanges burned down in 1748. As late as Big Bang in 1986, when bowler hats were finally hung up, you wouldn’t have bet the farm on London surpassing New York, Frankfurt and Tokyo as Mammon's international nexus. Yet the 325,000 souls who operate in the UK capital’s financial hub have now overtaken their New York rivals in size of the funds managed (including offshore business); they hold 70% of the global secondary bond market and the City dominates the foreign exchange trading. And its institutions paid out £9 billion in bonuses in December. The Square Mile has now spread both eastwards from EC3 to Canary Wharf and westwards into Mayfair, where many of the private-equity ‘locusts’ and their hedge-fund pals now hang out. For foreigners in finance, London is the place to be. It has no Sarbanes-Oxley and no euro to hold it back, yet the fact that it still flies so high is against the odds. London is one of the most expensive cities in the world to live in, transport systems groan and there’s an ever-present threat of terrorist attack. But, for the time being, the deals just keep on getting bigger.

최근 몇일전에 친구가 시험봤는데 거기에서 나온 문제라고 해요.

참고하시면 좋을 것 같아요. 다 같이 화이팅해요. 




Lv.3 3 김짱구  실버
246 (30%)

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3 nicholas 2018.04.25 17:10
7 damyo 2018.04.25 20:47
11 shannon 2018.04.27 15:41
7 damyo 2018.04.27 20:09
London- world’s mighty money capital
Who would have thought back in 1698, as they downed their espressos, that the little band of stockbrokers from Jonathan's Coffee House in Change Alley EC3 would be the founder-members of what would become the world's mighty money capital?
Progress was not entirely smooth. The South Sea Bubble burst in 1720 and the coffee house exchanges burned down in 1748. As late as Big Bang in 1986, when bowler hats were finally hung up, you wouldn’t have bet the farm on London surpassing New York, Frankfurt and Tokyo as Mammon's international nexus. Yet the 325,000 souls who operate in the UK capital’s financial hub have now overtaken their New York rivals in size of the funds managed (including offshore business); they hold 70% of the global secondary bond market and the City dominates the foreign exchange trading. And its institutions paid out £9 billion in bonuses in December. The Square Mile has now spread both eastwards from EC3 to Canary Wharf and westwards into Mayfair, where many of the private-equity ‘locusts’ and their hedge-fund pals now hang out. For foreigners in finance, London is the place to be. It has no Sarbanes-Oxley and no euro to hold it back, yet the fact that it still flies so high is against the odds. London is one of the most expensive cities in the world to live in, transport systems groan and there’s an ever-present threat of terrorist attack. But, for the time being, the deals just keep on getting bigger.

이거는 너무 어렵네요...
누가 요약한번 해주셨으면 좋겠습니다 ㅜㅜ
6 써니걸 2018.04.27 22:35
예전에 어떤분이 올려주신 드라이브에 있는 답안인데요 잘쓰신것 같아서 공유요~

1. Al Gore, the winner of Nobel Peace prize who exaggerated the sea level rise, ignored facts about Greenland’s temperature and overlooked facts about heat-related deaths, is not scientifically prudent as his co-winner IPCC scientists who did excellent work regarding climate change.

2. *Sample Answer 1:
London has surpassed its rivals and has dominated global financial markets to become the world’s mighty money capital due to its judicial and currency advantages even though the expansion progress was not smooth.
*Sample Answer 2:
The progress of how London, the UK's financial hub, became the mighty money capital was not entirely smooth, during which London overtook its rivals against the odds, and now dominates foreign exchange trading and is favoured by foreigners in finance.

- against the odds :  곤란(저항)을 무릅쓰고
1 besxp 2018.04.29 17:18
Nobel Peace Prize - Sample Answer
This year's Nobel Peace Prize rewards not only many scientists of the United Nations Climate Change Panel but also former US Vice President Al Gore, whose estimates and conclusions are not grounded in careful study, exaggerating sea level rise, agonizing over the accelerating melting of ice in Greenland, fretting about the future of polar bears, and frightening movie makers with the predicted increase in heat related deaths.
1 besxp 2018.04.29 17:19
London - Sample Answer
It was surprising that London has grown from a coffee house to a mighty money capital, surpassed New York and other cities in size of the funds managed, dominating the global secondary bond market and foreign exchange trading and becoming the place with growing deals where foreigners in finance should be with its advantages in laws and currency and disadvantages, such as, high living cost, transport system groan, and terrorist attack threat.
3 ㄸㄹ 2018.05.01 12:56
저번주에 브리즈번에서 london문제 똑같이 나왔어요~!
6 kss123 2018.06.29 11:46
Contrary to the research of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize winner, the United Nation’s Climate Change Panel, forecasting the rise of the see-level to be around one foot during this century, the other award winner, Al Gore, has more negative opinion about climate change, insisting that sea-level would reach 20-foot over this century and more polar bears would be at the risk of death.
6 kss123 2018.06.29 11:57
London has grown as the world’s biggest financial hub despite of hardships it has gone through and has overtaken its rival mega cities across the globe; they own around two-thirds of global secondary bond market and the City prevails over the foreign exchange transactions with judicial and currency advantages.
1 지나 2018.07.11 14:55
London- world’s mighty money capital
The markets in London has become the world’s biggest money capital by holding more than half of the global secondary bond market and dominating the foreign exchange trading, despite the fact that London is considered to be one of the world’s most expensive cities and has issues of transport systems and threats of terrorism.
1 지나 2018.07.11 15:04
Winners of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize rewards not only many scientists of the united nations are not only the IPCC scientists but also Gore ‘a former US Vice President Al’ who has a different point of view from the IPCC about issues of climate change including sea level rise and ice being melted in Greenland.

Gore is one of the winners of Nobel Peace Prize this year who has a different point of view from the IPCC scientists who are another winner of the prize, regarding issues of climate change including sea level rise and ice being melted in Greenland by approaching the issues more realistically.

Gore and the PICC scientists are both the winners of Nobel Peace Prize this year, however, Gore has a different point of view from the IPCC about issues of climate change including sea level rise and ice being melted in Greenland, in a way that he approaches the issues more realistically.