제가 시험장에서 본 SWT

제가 시험장에서 본 SWT

12 chaevely 4 7,811 2018.06.12 17:02

무교동 시험 후기에 썼던 3번. Nutrition science 원문 첨부합니다

구글링해서 찾았는데 거의 맞는 것 같아요.



Most of the time when I embark on such an investigation, it quickly becomes clear that matters are much more complicated and ambiguous — several shades grayer — than I thought going in. Not this time. The deeper I delved into the confused and confusing thicket of nutritional science, sorting through the long-running fats versus carb wars, the fiber skirmishes and the raging dietary supplement debates, the simpler the picture gradually became. I learned that in fact science knows a lot less about nutrition than you would expect – that in fact nutrition science is, to put it charitably, a very young science. It’s still trying to figure out exactly what happens in your body when you sip a soda, or what is going on deep in the soul of a carrot to make it so good for you, or why in the world you have so many neurons – brain cells! – in your stomach, of all places. It’s a fascinating subject, and someday the field may produce definitive answers to the nutritional questions that concern us, but — as nutritionists themselves will tell you — they’re not there yet. Not even close. Nutrition science, which after all only got started less than two hundred years ago, is today approximately where surgery was in the year 1650 – very promising, and very interesting to watch, but are you ready to let them operate on you? I think I’ll wait awhile.


Lv.12 12 chaevely  실버
1,822 (81.9%)

이제는 79+, 모두 화이팅 :) 아쟈아쟈


15 달발 2018.06.12 18:55
swt는 계속 추가 되는 느낌이네요 에효 !! 공유 감사합니다.
15 ichitaka 2018.06.12 19:37
공유 감사드립니다.
12 마시멜로 2018.06.13 15:19
공유 감사합니다^^
6 kss123 2018.06.28 12:42