다음주 예상 문제

다음주 예상 문제

11 솜바 21 9,552 2018.06.30 20:23

친구가 일주일마다 올라오는게 아니라고했는데 오늘 올라왔다네요.. 저도 잘모르겠어요!


그냥 중국인들이 추천하는 다음주 예상문제 +요새 자주 나오는 문제들정도로만 생각하시고 시험전에 참고자료 정도로만 하시면될꺼같아요 이것만 공부하시는건 안돼요 ㅠㅠ 이번주꺼랑 겹치는게 많네요! 곧 시험 이신분들은 두개다 공부 하시면될꺼같아요!




RA (RA는 기출 의존도가 낮으니까 시험전 입푸는 연습으로 쓰세요~~)






Augustus was given the powers of an absolute monarch, but he presented himself as the preserver of republican traditions. He treated the Senate, or state council, with great respect, and was made Consul year after year. He successfully reduced the political power of the army by retiring many soldiers, but giving them land or money to keep their loyalty.





While blue is one of the most popular colours, it is one of the least appetizing. Blue food is rare in nature. Food researchers say that they learned to avoid toxic or spoiled objects, which were often blue, black, or purple. When food dyed blue is served to study subjects, they lose appetite.





Pluto lost its official status as a planet yesterday, when the international Astronomical Union downsized the solar system from nine to eight planets. Although there had been passionate debate at the IAU General Assembly Meeting in Prague about the definition of a planet- and whether Pluto met the specifications – the audience greeted the decision to exclude it with applause.



















Linguists are often seen as the expertise of the language. But expertise is actually different from authority. Communities have always been holding the authority of their language. Languages are dying out, which is generally due to the dominance of communities. For language revival, communities should now always hold the dominance.





There is picture with old man. The stories are motivated by the needs to learn that’s how we can teach. Teaching can demonstrate current research to the students. Can bring intelligence together; find problems of research in the teaching process. Teaching is stimulated and motivated. Teaching is to find new idea, new way to do things. Finally defines how to become a good professor.






The research conducted on the Mars the indicates the prior existence of liquid water. The evidence is that researchers fund several elements which are essential to form water, such as calcium carbonate, salt, mineral, and perchlorate. Consequently, we can speculate that there used to be water existed on Mars as liquid form and Mars may be a hospitable planet long time ago.







Parent's born order 본문



Parents' own birth order can become an issue when dynamics in the family they are raising replicate the family in which they were raised. Agati notes common examples, such as a firstborn parent getting into "raging battles" with a firstborn child. "Both are used to getting the last word. Each has to be right. But the parent has to be the grown up and step out of that battle," he advises. When youngest children become parents, Agati cautions that because they "may not have had high expectations placed on them, they, in turn, may not see their kids for their abilities." But he also notes that since youngest children tend to be more social, "youngest parents can be helpful to their firstborn, who may have a harder time with social situations. These parents can help their eldest kids loosen up and not be so hard on themselves. Mom Susan Ritz says her own birth order didn't seem to affect her parenting until the youngest of her three children, Julie, was born. Julie was nine years younger than Ritz's oldest, Joshua, mirroring the age difference between Susan and her own older brother. "I would see Joshua do to Julie what my brother did to me," she says of the taunting and teasing by a much older sibling.



"I had to try not to always take Julie's side." Biases can surface no matter what your own birth position was, as Lori Silverstone points out. "As a middle myself, I can be harder on my older daughter. I recall my older sister hitting me," she says of her reactions to her daughters' tussles.



"My husband is a firstborn. He's always sticking up for the oldest. He feels bad for her that the others came so fast. He helps me to see what that feels like, to have that attention and then lose it." Silverstone sees birth order triggers as "an opportunity to heal parts of ourselves. I've learned to teach my middle daughter to stand up for herself. My mother didn't teach me that. I'm conscious of giving my middle daughter tools, so she has a nice way to protect herself."



Whether or not you subscribe to theories that birth order can affect your child's personality, ultimately, "we all have free will," Agati notes. It's important for both parents and kids to realize that, despite the characteristics often associated with birth order, "you're not locked into any role.



요약 예시문



Parents’ own birth order can influence the family they are raising; for example, when youngest children become parents, they may not see their children’s ability and they can help their firstborn to solve various problems, but biases exist no matter what parents’ own birth order is.(46Words)




The charging car





Here's a term you're going to hear much more often: plug-in vehicle, and the acronym PEV. It's what you and many other people will drive to work in, ten years and more from now. At that time, before you drive off in the morning you will first unplug your car - your plugin vehicle. Its big on board batteries will have been fully charged overnight, with enough power for you to drive 50-100 kilometres through city traffic.



When you arrive at work you'll plug in your car once again, this time into a socket that allows power to flow form your car's batteries to the electricity grid. One of the things you did when you bought your car was to sign a contract with your favourite electricity supplier, allowing them to draw a limited amount of power from your car's batteries should they need to, perhaps because of a blackout, or very high wholesale spot power prices. The price you get for the power the distributor buys from your car would not only be most attractive to you, it would be a good deal for them too, their alternative being very expensive power form peaking stations. If, driving home or for some other reason your batteries looked like running flat, a relatively small, but quiet and efficient engine running on petrol, diesel or compressed natural gas, even bio-fuel, would automatically cut in, driving a generator that supplied the batteries so you could complete your journey.



Concerns over 'peak oil', increasing greenhouse gas emissions, and the likelihood that by the middle of this century there could be five times as many motor vehicles registered worldwide as there are now, mean that the world's almost total dependence on petroleum-based fuels for transport is, in every sense of the word, unsustainable.





Plug-in vehicles with a small and efficient engine will be what many people drive to work in ten years and more from now, which can be fully charged for you to drive 50-100 km, and also, electricity suppliers can draw a limited amount of power from your car’s batteries should they need to, because the world’s almost total dependence on petroleum-based fuels for transport is unsustainable.



Overqualified worker





If your recruiting efforts attract job applicants with too much experience a near certainty in this weak labour market you should consider a response that runs counter to most hiring managers MO: Don't reject those applicants out of hand.



Instead, take a closer look. New research shows that overqualified workers tend to perform better than other employees, and they don't quit any sooner. Furthermore, a simple managerial tactic empowerment can mitigate any dissatisfaction they may feel.



The prejudice against too-good employees is pervasive. Companies tend to prefer an applicant who is a perfect fit over someone who brings more intelligence, education, or experience than needed. On the surface, this bias makes sense: Studies have consistently shown that employees who consider themselves overqualified exhibit higher levels of discontent. For example, over-qualification correlated well with job dissatisfaction in a 2008 study of 156 call-centre reps by Israeli researchers Saul Fine and Baruch Nevo. And unlike discrimination based on age or gender, declining to hire overqualified workers is perfectly legal.



But even before the economic downturn, a surplus of overqualified candidates was a global problem, particularly in developing economies, where rising education levels are giving workers more skills than are needed to supply the growing service sectors. If managers can get beyond the conventional wisdom, the growing pool of too-good applicants is a great opportunity. Berrin Erdogan and Talya N. Bauer of Portland State University in Oregon found that overqualified workers' feelings of dissatisfaction can be dissipated by giving them autonomy in decision making. At stores where employees didn't feel empowered, over-educated workers expressed greater dissatisfaction than their colleagues did and were more likely to state an intention to quit. But that difference vanished where self-reported autonomy was high.



요약 예시문



Although the prejudice against too-good employees is pervasive and before the economic downturn, a surplus of overqualified candidates was a global problem, new research shows that overqualified workers tend to perform better than other employees, and they don’t quit any sooner, and a simple managerial tactic empowerment which gives them autonomy in decision making can mitigate any dissatisfaction they may feel.







When Christopher Columbus arrived at Hispaniola during his first transatlantic voyage in the year A.D. 1492, the island had already been selected by Native Americans for about 5,000 years. The occupants in Columbus's time were a group of Arawak Indians called Tainos who lived by farming, were organized into five chiefdoms, and numbered around half a million (the estimates range from 100,000 to 2000,000). Columbus initially found them peaceful and friendly, until he and his Spaniards began mistreating them.


Unfortunately for the Tainos, they had gold, which the Spanish coveted but didn't want to go to the work of mining themselves. Hence the conquerors divided up the island and its Indian population among individual Spaniards, who put the Indians to work as virtual Slaves, accidentally infected them with Eurasian diseases, and murdered them. By the year 1519, 27 years after Columbus's arrival, that original population of half a million had been reduced to about 11,000, most of whom died that year of small pox to bring the population down to 3,000 and those survivors gradually died out or became assimilated within the next few decades. That forced the Spaniards to look elsewhere for slave labourers.



요약 답안 예시


When Columbus arrived at Hispaniola, it was occupied by Tainos, and Columbus and his Spaniards began to divide up the island and put the Indians to work as virtual slaves since they do not want to go to the work of mining of the gold themselves, but Indian population died out within a few decades due to diseases and small pox, which forced the Spaniards to look elsewhere for slave labourers.










Different systems of memories, including implicit memory and explicit memory. Implicit memory is also called procedural memory, which cannot be consciously recalled. It is an experimental o functional form of memory. With implicit memory, behaviour is automatic, and we do not know when we use it. Examples of implicit memory include using language naturally, driving and reading. When people try to describe the behaviour of driving, they may even mislead themselves. Explicit memory consists of a great deal of highly personal memories related to time space and people. It is totally different from implicit memory. Examples of explicit memory include remembering people’s birthdays and answering multiple questions on the test.



Citizenship curriculum



This topic is described as the importance of citizenship curriculum. Citizenship curriculum is neglected by many schools. There are only one fifth schools introducing this class to campus and they allocated less time for the curriculum than other subjects. The curriculum will be beneficial to improve student’s skills and install positive attitude. In conclusion, school’s management and authorities do not pay enough attention on the curriculum.



Experiment on Body fat change


This lecture is described as an experiment on body fat change. Women volunteered in the program in which they are provided with healthy diet and asked not to change diet and exercise regularly for 6 months so they could burn 2000 calories weekly. After 6 months, some people lost weight, and some people remained the same, while others gained weight. There are two explanations explaining why women gained weight. One is they ate a lot or cheated on diet, and the other is they ate subconsciously.



The free human rights



This topic is described as the free human rights. During the Second World War, UK was the first country that mentioned free rights among other countries It set up the baseline and minimum standards. The positive aspects of human rights included tight to marry and free religion. The negative aspects include sex. Other aspects that UK government mentioned include voting, election, tourism and trading.







1.     Supply and demand is one of the most fundamental factors in the economics.


2.     The students have the option to live in the college residences or apartments.


3.     The theme of the instrumental work exhibits more of a demure, compositional style.


4.     The artists and conservative politicians earn their rules of politics.


5.     Native speakers are examined by their language tests in their own language.


6.     The placement test of mathematics and science is open to every semester.


7.     University departments should carefully monitor articles and publications by faculty.


8.     The business plan seminar includes an internship with a local firm.




다들 목표 점수까지 화이팅!!


Lv.11 11 솜바  실버
1,468 (9%)



7 AudiParramatta 2018.06.30 20:47
12 chaevely 2018.06.30 20:58
공유 감사드립니다~ ^^
7 ptesin 2018.06.30 22:11
9 emma358 2018.06.30 22:20
저 금요일에 시험 봣는데 여기서 많이 나왓어요!!
시험 보기 전에 쫌만 더 일찍봤음 좋앗을걸 아쉬웟어요 ㅠㅠ
12 chaevely 2018.06.30 22:27
엇 어느파트에서 무슨 문제 나왔었는지 혹시 공유해주실 수 있나요~??
9 emma358 2018.06.30 22:33
Ra - pluto
Swt - 콜롬버스
Sst - 시티즌쉽 커리큘럼
Wfd - the placement mathamatid and science is open to every semester  이렇구나왓습미다
12 chaevely 2018.07.01 10:39
답변 감사드립니다~^^
8 BrAlex 2018.06.30 22:48
공유 감사합니다.
15 ichitaka 2018.06.30 22:50
공유 감사드립니다!
7 Jayyoung 2018.06.30 22:54
7 hpark32 2018.07.01 07:33
공유 정말 감사드립니다!
7 페일핑크 2018.07.01 08:56
공유 감사드려요~~
4 우여리 2018.07.01 18:34
10 Happy한girl 2018.07.02 10:05
매번 이렇게 공유를 해주시니 너무 감사드려요
15 달발 2018.07.02 10:11
우와 공유 감사드립니다. 이번주 토요일 셤인데 많이 나왔음 좋겠어요 ^^ 셤치고 후기 꼭 남길께요!! 다들 화이팅 입니다.ㅎ
2 shantu 2018.07.03 12:40
2 shantu 2018.07.03 12:40
do you have latest SST materilas?
3 Kojiro1 2018.07.03 21:49
감사감사 무한감사 ^^
1 radier 2018.07.04 23:41
정말 감사합니다. 이제 시작 단계라 시험은 아직 멀었지만 좋은 정보 감사합니다. 앞으로 계속 부탁드립니다.
2 럼퓌 2018.07.07 21:31
저 시험 치뤘는데 많이 나왔어요!!!
6 SHPARK 2018.08.04 13:44
댓글내용 확인