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sst 중국사이트거 번역기 돌려올립니다

11 beautifulday 10 7,497 2017.12.20 00:20
[SST articles] These are being eliminated PTE machine you are still back it?
Original 2017-12-19 PTE big monitor PTE black technology
PTE big data sharing again
Past large squad leader to share with you all
High-frequency machine by
What brings to you today is
Machine may be eliminated
Why do you want to eliminate these machines?
Because in nearly two months
Thousands of candidates to take the exam
No one has passed these tests
Master speculation
These machines may be
Candidates of past mistakes
Or is the subject of obsolescence
No more talk nonsense to the first question
If you have tested the old iron over these topics
I remember in the message area to discuss with everyone Oh

SST articles
1. Developments of physics
There are three major developments of physics in 19th-century
Firstly, it energy conservation law that indicates total energy of isolated system remains constant
Secondly, the four laws of thermodynamics define fundamental physical quantity (temperature, energy and entropy) that characterize thermodynamic systems at thermal equilibrium.
The third one is Kinetic theory. The work is needed to accelerate a body of given mass from the rest to its stated velocity.
2. The livable planet
How often does a civilization occur? By studying that, we could look at stars that are suitable for the development of civilizations. How many new stars appear every year? Seven, but some stars are too cold and some are hot. We all know that there are some factors for species and animals to survive and reproduce, including environmental conditions, temperature, tolerance range, body size, weight, diets, seasonal and daily activity, behavior, and the altitude they live. Animals migrate to find a new habitat because the change of environment and only species that have the tolerance for new environment could survive and reproduce. Human beings are the only organism that makes extensive use of technology to extend the limits of its natural tolerance range.
3. Animal Survive (animal survival conditions)
The lecture discusses the factors for animal survival and reproduction.
The main factors include environmental conditions, temperature, tolerance range, body size, diets, seasonal and daily activity, and behavior.
The main factors include environmental conditions, temperature, tolerance range, body size, diets, seasonal and daily activity, and behavior. One creature would die if put into a refrigerator.
Some species even migrate to find suitable habitats for different climate and season.
That's why some of the animals migrate to other habitat when the climate change.
4. Business Enterprise and Marketing (Marketing Strategy)
The lecture is business enterprise and marketing.
Marketing is the process and activity of moving products and services from suppliers to consumers to interactations.
Profit and nonprofit companies exchange their services and products to meet win-win.
Companies prefer to use profit models to generate more capital return, which can be used for further production and investment.
Marketing can promote sales very well.
Wind power
Wind power could be transferred to electric energy and supply mechanic devices such as water pump.
The efficiency correlates with wind speed, number of blade, area of ​​placement and setting angle.
A specific angle leads to power generation. Using simple materials, a prototype device could be made to drive electricity for domestic appliance.
6. Tea in England and coffee
Tea, men drink tea, mentions social freedom, talk about business, trade at coffee house drink tea.
Women drink tea in private places, men took a pack of tea back home for wife.
Talk about England at the time the four major DRINK it COFFEE, TEA, CHOCOLATE, finally said 3 England favorites. Coffee house, private appeared several times

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Come check out our applet ~
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PTE black technology machine by the platform
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Lv.11 11 beautifulday  실버
1,521 (35.5%)

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8 JayJay 2017.12.20 01:31
감사합니다 좋은자료! 잘 볼게요!
14 flyingJ 2017.12.20 01:44
1 Amyyyyy 2017.12.20 13:22
Sst 새로 다 나온건가요?? 제가 아는게 하나도없네요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
자료 너무 감사해요^^
16 Ston 2017.12.20 15:10
감사합니다~ 혹시 링크좀 알수 있을까요?
11 beautifulday 2017.12.25 20:39
제가 저 사이틀 어떻게 위챗으로 가입했는지는 모르겠어요. 그런데 위챗에 친구 등록 등등 하고 나니깐 뜰때 마다 보내주네요. 그래서 링크를 못걸었답니다.
16 Ston 2017.12.26 21:22
아 넵 :) 좋은 정보 공유 감사드려요 ㅎ
1 drew 2017.12.20 21:36
자료 감사합니당~~
18 삶은꼴뚜기 2017.12.20 21:41
자료 감사합니다.. 외워야 되는게 계속 늘어나네요 ㅡㅜ;;;;;
7 아자 2017.12.22 13:06
자료 감사합니다~
15 ichitaka 2017.12.23 17:33