최신 Re-tell lecture 기출 주제

최신 Re-tell lecture 기출 주제

1 빨치 0 10,026 2017.03.02 15:03

Important Topic – 

  • Sound receptors – ear drum, vibration
  • &Aztecs and cacao, chocolate and cocoa seeds.
  • Calcium and vitamin D
  • Infinite monkey theorem
  • Space photograph- why sky is dark at night
  • RNA , cells in body
  • About space and world, for about 1000 years’ people thought its flat but later in 19th century Einstein theory proved wrong. ……….”/About space, ppl thought its constant but Ein Stein found its moving in space constantly.
  • Population growth in Britain / Relationship between UK population and resources in 1900-2000
  • Human Brain Development (synapse formation) Image given
  • Rat eating habits and possible diseases
  • Leadership learning in business and education
  • Some research about sea creatures/ “world we do not know under the sea” with a clip of jellyfish and a guy is keep talking the creatures under hundreds miles of the ocean.
  • Thermodynamics theory Vs Kinetics theory
  • About adult rats and LD i.e Light dark behaviour. Don’t worry if you miss the lecture there is quite good image given which you can use for further explanation.
  • Haussmann’s renovation of Paris. This was about improvements done by Napoleon 3rd like lit ups XXX lamps(Changed from oil lamps to Gas lamps), ~18K planted trees, changed sewer line, painted whole Paris and made a lot of changes which made Paris a very better to live and hangout for coffee.
  • Wilson’s contribution to America’s literature
  • Atomic theory
  • Global temperature- Measures taken for addressing climate changes in past and present
  • How emigrants are sending money to their home country by two channel: semiformal and informal
  • Species ability to survival and reproduction / Dolphins and its survival
  • Type of dimensions. Started from the 1D, 2D, 3D..Then told that in 4D, time is included Dimensions – different aspects to calculate
  • The government does not inform civilians before making any decision they come to know when it becomes policy, when asked by the mob, elected and non-elected always throw reasons from rulebooks.s – something about liberal party of democracy 
  • Women prefer their profession instead of being a mother in UK.
  • Two bar graphs showing a comparison of marks secured by boys and girls in Maths and English and impact of Psychology and cognitive development.
  • Debt of farmers is increasing due to high use of pesticides. Subsidy given to farmers. Farmers are borrowing money to buy fertilizers, fertilizing companies getting benefitted, impact of raising prices of seeds on agriculture.
  • Bar graph about the expenditure for the territory education in different countries.
  • Image given about the process of aquaculture in ocean and discussing about proposed techniques
  • Changing economy of world affecting graduates
  • About time constraint for both males and females
  • Electric car.
    • HIV
    • Laughter
    • Welsh language result
    • America culture and Europe
    • A university competing for students, founds and staff.
    • S. commodities and expenditure
    • Help from affluent country over developing nation
    • Economy of Australia / Australia’s export to Asian countries
    • Globalization, it’s effect on natural resources, climate change.
    • Juggling worm-like balance
    • Training given to Community Health Workers – trainings and basic skills 
    • The numbers of frog limb deformities in NA.


Lv.7 7 빨치  실버
893 (89.3%)

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