11월 12월 최신 WFD 정리

11월 12월 최신 WFD 정리

22 charminganna 9 7,974 2017.12.23 19:55

184. We can have a lecture on morning of Thursday #1796 2017-11
185. When launching a product, research and marketing are very vital.
186. Packaging is very important to attract attention of a buyer.
187. Listening is the key skill needing to succeed in this course. #1799
188. Peer group pressure has a significant effect on young people #1800
189. The lecture will cover the reason of climate change. #1801 2017-11
190. Students find true or false questions harder than short answer. #1802
191. He was the first economist in that time. #1803 2017-11
192. The curriculum needed to be adjusted development. #1804 2017-11
193. The properties should be appropriately distributed. #1805 2017-11
194. A very basic function of computing is counting and calculating. #1806
195. this course is very integrated because it has several parts. #1807 2017-11
196. Rivers provide habitats and migration places for many aquatic species. #1808 2017-11 

197. The summer school programs allow students to summarize their studies. #1809 2017-11


198. The faculty staff are very approachable, friendly and extremely helpful. #1810 2017-11 

199. All industries are thought of systems as inputs, processes, outputs and feedback. #1811 

200. the university seek? for renovation of ?theater #1812 2017-11

201. All answers must be examined and supported by relevant theory. #1813 2017-11


202. Parents talk to children, the tense is simplified. #1814 2017-11
203. The garden behind the university is open to the public in the summer. #1815 2017-11 

204. All students need to attend no less than 10 labs per semester. #1816 2017-11
205. Human beings compete with other species for space and resources #1817 2017-11
206. The library holds substantial materials of economic history. #1818 2017-11  

207. The consumer's confidence has direct effect on sales. #1819 2017-11

208. It is really a comprehensive program that covers both theory and practice. #1820 2017-11

209. Human beings compete with other things for resources and space. #1821 

210. Scientific beneficiary to space exploration is frequently questioned. #1822 

211. Listening is the key skill to succeed to this course. #1823 2017-11
212. Evaluation form will be reviewed by university personnel #1824 2017-11 

213. Government reforms have been proposed at all levels. #1825 2017-11 

214. Many toxins originate from plants or animals. #1826 2017-11

215. Below the heating controls in the middle is a small round plastic button. #1827 2017-11
216. The whole point of the project was to look at the norm not the exception. #1828 2017-11
217. They are both grown up in the rural area and dislike the urban life. #1829 2017-11
218. These have also been found to contribute to the death of many marine animals. #1830 2017-11

219. Freshwater creatures didn't appear in the paintings until the modern period. #1831 

220. The meeting has some struggle overlaps. #1832 2017-11
221. xxx in place as well as scientific papers. #1833 2017-11
222. The excursion for children is very much open to debate. #1834 2017-11


223. The synopsis contains the most important information. #1835 2017-11
224. The qualification will be assessed by using a conference criterion to approach. #1836 2017-11
225. Statistic results should be described in different ways depending on circumstances. #1837 2017-11 

26. Consumer confidence has a direct impact on sales. #1838 2017-11
227. This class will look at the structure of the essay. #1839 2017-11
228. The theme of the issue was the estimation of xxx problem. #1840 2017-11
229. When bad drove out good, the local workers were more difficult than their competitors.

230. Textile manufacturer plays a large role in improving economies.
231. The key difference between courses is the kind of assessment.
232. Daily practice can build confidence and improve skills.
233. While concealing ideas are desirable, basic underlying issues must first be addressed. #1845 

234. xxx detail based underlying issue must be addressed first xxx. #1846 2017-11

235. The campus tour will help you to get familiar with the teaching facilities. #1847 2017-11 

236. That brief outline takes us to the beginning of the 20th century. #1848 2017-11
237. No more than four people are allowed in the lab to XXX . #1849 2017-11
238. Overcrowding and poor sanitation affected the lives of the majority of the population. 

239. A very basic feature of computing is counting and calculating. #1851 2017-11

240. Early streams of economic in Roman Republic will be examined. #1852
241. Celebrated theory is still a subject of controversy. #1853 2017-11
242. Celebrity theory is still the great source of controversy. #1854 2017-11
243. Many birds migrated to the warmer areas for the winter. #1855 2017-11
244. While reconciliation is desirable, the basic underlying issues must be addressed. #1856 2017-11 

245. You are training to be a special journalist. #1857 2017-11

246. Submitting your group assignment must be issued punctually by one of your group members. #1858 2017-11 

247. Packaging is very important to attract intentioned buyers. #1859 2017-11


248. Economic problems cause a rise in unemployment. #1860 2017-11

249. Participants are initially selected from a range of foundation subjects.

250. The earth's atmosphere (is mostly composed of) oxygen and nitrogen.

#1861 #1862

251. If you seek for further extension, contact your faculty for more information #1863 2017-11

252. Those students seeking for formal extension should talk to their faculties for more information.

253. Peer group pressure has a great effect on young people. #1865 2017-11
254. Travelling by boat on the river is not possible in winter. #1866 2017-11
255. An aerial photograph was promptly registered for thoroughly evaluations.
256. let me know if anybody struggles in the lab
#1868 2017-11
257. you need to hand in the essay next semester. #1869 2017-11
258. This module of work is more of a compositional style. #1870 2017-11
259. The theme of the instrumental work exhibits more of a demure, compositional style. #1903 2017-12 

260. Her celebrating theory has a great level of controversy. #1904 2017-12
261. The library holds a substantial collection of materials of economic history. #2077 2017-12
262. The most popular courses still have few places. #2078 2017-12
263. You were able to contact a number of research subjects. #2079 2017-12
264. The teaching staff are extremely approachable, helpful and friendly. #2080
265. It is being made to reduce harmful emissions #2127 2017-12
266. This is an integrated course with several elements. #2128 2017-12
267. Students requiring for an extension should apply sooner rather than later.
268. XXX and training are required to become a medical specialist.
#2145 2017-12

269. Read the first section before the next meeting #2147
270. Some scientists XXX, the entirely system is fall. #2148
271. Convincing evidence for this theory is hard to obtain. #2151 2017-12

272. The director of gallery was grateful for the anonymous donation. #2152 2017-12

273. Graduates from this course find careers in the financial department. #2153 2017-12

274. There are some doubt to whether these events actually occurred. #2154 2017-12

275. Money and pay can affect the world. #2155 2017-12

276. Students must pass all the qualified examinations. #2156 2017-12
277. In addition to the requirements, students must pass qualifying examinations. #2157

2017-11 2017-12

278. Certain scientific principles need to be learned verbally or by logical deduction. 

279. the article covers interesting experience. #2175 2017-12
280. Clinical practice for nursing will prepare students for professional work. #2184 

281. Recession triggers creativity and xxx, due to past xxx. #2185 2017-12

282. Rivers provide habitats for fish and other aquatic species. #2186 2017-12

283. Archaeologists xxx stand out xxx previously thought xxx. 




Lv.22 22 charminganna  실버
4,330 (41.9%)

Anna Yoon


11 빅토르정 2017.12.23 20:30
11월~12월에만 100개 군요~  좋은 자료 감사합니다.
이치65점은 리스닝 공략이 안되면 정말 불가능하네요.
그 중에서 RS가 제일 중요한 것 같습니다. WFD 잘해도 RS 10문제를 50%이상씩 답하지 못하면 65는 진짜 힘드네요...
22 charminganna 2017.12.23 21:32
정리된 RS 는 500개가 넘더라구요 .. 시험에 나올 가능성도 WFD에 비해 아주 낮구요.
RS 는 유튜브에서 PTE Repeat Sentence 검색하면 practice and tip  엄청 많아요.
그걸 매일 30분좌우 매일 일주일 연습했더니 엄청 늘더라구요.

저는 10월에 리슨닝 69점 나왓엇고 지금은 79점을 위해 노력하고 있어요 ...
1 Clara 2017.12.23 21:38
귀중한 자료 감사합니다. RS가 가장 자신 없는 부분이었는데 저도 유튜브 들어가서 연습해봐야 겠네요
16 Ston 2017.12.23 20:59
8 JayJay 2017.12.23 23:03
자료 감사해요!!!
1 우하하하 2017.12.23 23:42
18 삶은꼴뚜기 2017.12.24 00:11
자료 감사합니다!!! 늘어나는 만큼 머리도 아프지만 더 나은 미래를 위해서...두통은 잠시 단짝친구처럼 데꾸다녀야겠네요;;;
1 허리업2 2017.12.24 00:16
자료 감사합니다!!
1 luna87 2017.12.24 11:20