14 제니 7 7,341 2018.02.24 14:55
허니피지오님이 알려주신 링크에서 WFD확인해 봤는데,
여기 사이트에 없는 내용들만 뽑아왔습니다.
제가 저번 시험때 족보에 없길래 신유형인가 했는데, 여기에 들어있었네요.

Peter cannot vouch for the accuracy of the story.
It is always important to choose enjoyable and nutritious foods.
That would not be a good advertisement for Hungary's emerging democracy.
Specialists see various reasons for the recent surge in inflation.
After many hardships, he now lives in comparative ease.
Her purpose was to scrutinize his features to see if he was an honest man.
It is absurd to be discussing compulsory redundancy policies for teachers.
The roots transmit moisture and nutrient to the trunk and branches.
Media representatives should arrive at the Press Centre by 11:40 to obtain accreditation.
My sister was a woman with extraordinary vibrancy and extraordinary knowledge.
Some places are more problematic than others for women traveling alone.
He overextended himself when he accepted the additional assignment.
A change in the money supply brings a corresponding change in expenditure
The plane is overdue and has been delayed by the bad weather.
The Government of United States consider it imprudent to abolish the death penalty.
A cyclist crashed when he touched wheels with another rider.
These refugees are looked after by the combined efforts of the host countries and non-governmental organisations.
The reformer soon gathered a band of followers round him.
Steve Jobs was a sound businessman, totally reliable and incorruptible.
He is a terrific athlete and a brilliant jumper.


Lv.14 14 제니  실버
2,258 (77.3%)



8 쏭멘 2018.02.24 21:53
좋은 정보 감사합니다.
2 hirucm 2018.02.26 19:59
The government of the United States considers it 에서

Government the united considers 가 오류난것같아요.?
14 제니 2018.02.26 20:27
거기있는 그대로 가져오긴 했는데, 오류가 조금씩 있더라구요. ㅜㅜ 조금씩 수정하셔서 쓰셔야할 것 같습니다.
11 바게트 2018.02.26 20:09
좋은 정보 감사합니다.
3 MIMI 2018.02.27 10:50
감사합니다! 잘보겠습니다.
19 초절정간지녀 2018.02.28 20:14
올려주셔서 감사드려요 제니님~!
저는 이거 외우고 2월에 자주 나오는 WFD 외우러 갑니다.
몇백개를 어떻게 다외울까 암담 하지만 그래도 전에 외운것도 있고 천천히 하나씩 하다보면 끝이 있겠지요. T_T
14 제니 2018.02.28 20:49
맞아요...WFD 외우기 시작한것도 얻그제 같은데 계속 반복하니까 외워지긴 외워지더라구요 ㅠㅠ 외우는거 정말 못하는데...