RS 기출 -(2017.6 - 2018.4 )

RS 기출 -(2017.6 - 2018.4 )

22 charminganna 19 11,177 2018.04.22 18:59
RS 기출 나올 확률은 작지만 많은 자료들보면 기출이 아닌 문제까지 기출이라고 함께 올리는걸 많이 봤어요...
RS 아무리 연습해도 안되고 기출자료 필요한 분들은 이 자료 참고해주세요. 

1. Please finish all the reading chapters before field trip. #3733 2018-04
2. The results of the study underscored the discoveries from early detection. #3717
3. The professor has promised to put his lecture notes online. #3716 2018-04
4. I don't like cheese tomato sandwich on white bread. #3715 2018-04
5. Your enrollment information, results and fees will be available online. #3710 2018-04
6. We are delighted to have professor Robert to join our faculty. #3673 2018-03
7. There is no entrance fee for tonight's lecture. #3672 2018-03
8. If you forgot your student number, you should contact Jenny Brice. #3671
9. You should raise your concern with the head of the school. #3670 2018-03
10. Physics is the subject of matters and energy. #3669 2018-03
11. The theoretical proposal was challenged to grass. #3668 2018-03
12. A preliminary bibliography is due the week before the spring break. #3667
13. Would you prepare some PowerPoint slides with appropriate graphs? #3666 2018-03
14. The psychology department is looking for volunteers to be involved in research projects.
15. The college welcomes students from all over the world. #3664 2018-03
16. All students and staff have the access to printers and laptops. #3553 2018-03
17. And in this regard, as well as in other regards this consideration is important. #3477 2018-03 18. as for me, it is a strategy, to go to xxx. #3463
19. Allergy problems do run in the family but we don't understand why. #3450 2018-03
20. Any text or references you make should be cited appropriately in the footnotes. #3449 2018-03
21. Anyone who has a problem with their accommodation should speak to the welfare officer. #3448
22. Being a student representative on the union really cuts into my study time.
23. Conferences are always scheduled on the third Wednesday of the month.
24. Distance learning has become far more popular these days. #3445 2018-03
25. Doing this research makes me think of the purpose of science. #3444 2018-03
26. Don't forget to hand in your assignments by the end of next week. #3443 2018-03
27. Farmers do not always receive the price for agricultural goods. #3442 28. I believe children should read aloud more. #3441 2018-03
29. I still don't understand the last sentence. #3440 2018-03
30. I think the university's main campus is closed. #3439 2018-03
31. I thought the mid-term exam was only worth half of our course grade.
32. I will be in my office every day from eleven to twelve. #3437 2018-03
33. I will check again but I am pretty sure we are supposed to read chapter two. #3436 2018-03
34. I've got a tutorial in an hour and I haven't had any time to prepare for it. #3435 2018-03
35. It is important that you work as a team on this project. #3434 2018-03
36. It is important to take gender into account when discussing the figures. #3433 2018-03
37. It's the words of common occurrence that have different referential values. #3432 2018-03
38. It's time to finalize the work before the Wednesday seminar. #3431 2018-03
39. Journalism is the collection and publication or transmission of news. #3430 2018-03
40. Just wait a minute, I will be with you shortly. #3429 2018-03
41. Many of the most popular courses are available online. #3428 2018-03
42. Meeting with tutors could be arranged for students who need additional help. #3427
43. Meteorology is a subject of the earth's atmosphere. #3426 2018-03
44. Modern poetry often tests the conventions of language and rhythm. #3425 2018-03
45. More females than males graduated from universities last year. #3424
46. Most of the assignments should be submitted on the same day. #3423
47. On this project, you will be asked to work as a group of three. #3422
48. Residents hall is closed prior to the academic building closing time in the semester.
49. She is an expert of the 18th century French literature.
50. She was always here, but today, she is missed. #3419
51. Sport is the cause of traumatic brain injuries in the United States. #3418 2018-03
52. Student services provide help with housing and transport. #3417 2018-03
53. Students are held accountable for adhering to establish community standards. #3416
54. Students must observe lab safety regulations at all time. #3415 2018-03
55. Studies suggest there may be a correlation between educational achievement and family size. #3414
56. The aesthetic implications of this study have not yet been fully explored. #3413 2018-03
57. The agricultural sector in that country has heavily subsidized. #3412 2018-03
58. The application form is available in the office. #3411 2018-03
59. The author expressed a XXX that modern readers XXX cannot accept. #3410 2018-03
60. The current statistical evidence indicates the need for further research. #3409 2018-03
61. The development was mainly included in chapter nine. #3408 2018-03
62. The first few sentences of an essay should capture the readers' attention. #3407 2018-03
63. The information on the internet becomes more reliable. #3406 2018-03
64. The inherent tension between these two features remains to be addressed. #3405 2018-03
65. The initial results are intriguing, however, statistically speaking they are insignificant. #3404 2018-03
66. The library will be closed for 3 days over the bank holiday weekend. #3403 2018-03
67. The majority of the hardware that we are using was built for a customer. #3402
68. The office said Dr. Smith would arrive later today. #3401 2018-03
69. The recent study has thrown out the validity of the argument. #3400 2018-03
70. The research paper should begin with a thorough review of the literature. #3399
71. The results will be available in the main course and online. #3398 2018-03
72. The School of Arts and Design has an open day on Thursday next week. #3397
73. The study showed that people's mood could be affected by news and weather reports. #3396
74. The topic next week on colonial will be the nuclear disarmament. #3395 2018-03
75. The trial is to increase the interests of the issue and the jurisdiction. #3394 2018-03
76. The wheelchair lift has been upgraded this month. #3393 2018-03
77. There are lots of people competing for the places in computer courses. #3392 2018-03
78. There will be a guest lecturer visiting the department next month. #3391 2018-03
79. This can be used as a starting point of my discussion today. #3390 2018-03
80. This year we are applying to use a different type of assessment on this module. #3389
81. To receive the reimbursement, you must keep the original receipts. #3388
82. Try to explain how your ideas are linked so that there is a logical flow. #3387
83. We don't have enough evidence to draw conclusions. #3386 2018-03
84. We don't teach in the same way that we used to. #3385 2018-03
85. We must put great care when analyzing the data. #3384 2018-03
86. We offer a broad range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses. #3383
87. We would like a first draft of the assignment by Monday. #3382 2018-03
88. We've decided to ask you to write four short pieces of written coursework this semester.
89. Would you pass me the book on the left hand side? #3380 2018-03
90. You will be informed of the results by email. #3379 2018-03
91. You will be less stressed if you are well prepared for the exam. #3378 2018-03
92. Rules of breaks and lunch time vary from one country to another. #3336 2018-02
93. My tutorial class will begin at the next Monday's morning. #3334 2018-02
94. Company exists for money, not for society. #3333 2018-02
95. We provide a wide range of courses to undergraduate and postgraduate students.
96. The original Olympic game is one kind of original festival. #3331 2018-02
97. Acupuncture is a technique involved in traditional Chinese medicine #3321
98. Don't forget to do a library tour on the first week of your semester. #2217
99. A periodical is a publication that is issued regularly. #1624 2017-08
100. All essays and seminar papers submitted must be emailed to your tutor.
101. All students are encouraged to vote in the forthcoming elections. #1622
102. Does the college refectory offer vegetarian dishes on a daily basis? #1621
103. During the next few centuries, London will become one of the most powerful and prosperous cities in Europe.
104. Essays should be typed with double space in white paper. #1619 2017-08
105. Fees are heavily discounted and bursaries are available for delegates. #1618 2017-08
106. He was not the only one to call for legal reforms in the 16th century. #1617 2017-08
107. Higher numbers of patients were infected than during previous outbreaks of illness. #1616 2017-08
108. However, this method is problematic in terms of accuracy. #1615 2017-08
109. I will now demonstrate how the reaction can be arrested by adding a dilute acid. #1614 2017-08
110. If you want to quit the student union, tell the registrar. #1613 2017-08
111. I'll start with a brief history of the district, and then focus on the life in the first half of the 20th century.
112. In the last few weeks, we've been looking at various aspects of the social history of London. #1611
113. In the past, students were required to complete two long written assignments. #1610 2017-08
114. International students can get help with locating housing near the university. #1609 2017-08
115. It is quite clear that the rising prosperity does not make people feel more content. #1608 2017-08
116. Knives and forks should be placed next to the spoons on the edge of the table. #1607
117. Make sure you correctly cite all your sources.
118. Many of the urban poor lived in an extremely cramped condition. #1605 2017-08
119. Maybe it is time for me to make some changes. #1604 2017-08
120. Most students are not eligible to claim housing benefits. #1603 2017-08
121. Many of his research objectives are driven by his natural curiosity and instincts. #1602
122. New timetables will be posted on the student notice board. #1601 2017-08
123. New York City is famous for its ethnic diversity. #1600 2017-08
124. Next time, we will discuss the influence of the media on public policy. #1599 2017-08
125. Novelists have a major role to play in reflecting their time to their readers. #1598 2017-08
126. Our class is divided into two groups. You come with me, the others stay here. #1597 2017-08
127. Overcrowding, poor sanitation affected the daily lives of the majority of the population. #1596
128. Parents should provide guidance and examples to children's values. #1595 2017-08
129. Please come to the next seminar properly prepared. #1594 2017-08
130. Please hand in assignments at the main office. #1593 2017-08
131. Please have copies of your seminar papers in the library a week in advance. #1592 2017-08
132. Professor Smith will be late for today's lecture. #1591 2017-08
133. Students are held accountable for adhering to established community standards. #1590 2017-08
134. Students need to finish their assignments during the next four weeks. #1589 2017-08
135. That brief outline takes us to the beginning of the 20th century. #1588
136. The arts magazine is looking for a new assistant editor. #1587 2017-08
137. The campus tour will help you get familiar with the teaching facilities. #1586 2017-08
138. The circulation desk is located on the ground floor. #1585 2017-08
139. The country suffered a series of invasions by tribes on present-day Germany and Denmark.
140. The date of the invention of the first clock is disputed among historians. #1583 2017-08
141. The development is mainly included in chapter 9. #1582 2017-08
142. The drama society is now auditioning for parts in the student play. #1581
143. The English word Typhoon comes from the Chinese word big wind. #1580
144. The final year will consist of four taught courses and one project. #1579
145. The fire left the area almost completely devoid of vegetation. #1578 2017-08
146. The lecture on child psychology has been postponed until Friday. #1577
147. The lecture would deal with the influence of technology on music. #1576
148. The maximum production of chocolate is in the U.S. #1575 2017-08
149. The medical centre is located near the supermarket on North Street. #1574 2017-08
150. The meeting will take place in the main auditorium. #1573 2017-08
151. The mismatch between the intended and reported uses of the instrument has become clear.
152. The part of the story is the story of my father. #1571 2017-08
153. The professor will talk about the summary in the lecture. #1570 2017-08
154. The Romans left in 410 at the beginning of the fifth century. #1569 2017-08
155. The seminar will be on the last week of the quarter. #1568 2017-08
156. The smoke from these contributed a great deal to the air pollution. #1567 2017-08
157. The student welfare officer can help with questions about exam techniques. #1566 2017-08
158. The technology they didn't introduce meant that metal and leather goods were produced there for the first time.
159. The visiting professor is going to give a lecture for geology. #1564
160. There are hundreds of clubs and societies to choose from. #1563
161. There is a position available for a junior lecturer in media studies. #1562 2017-08
162. There is plenty of cheap accommodation off-campus. #1561 2017-08
163. There will be a significant rise in tuition fees starting next year. #1560 2017-08
164. There will be no extensions given for this project. #1559 2017-08
165. A lot of agricultural workers came to the East End to look for alternative work. #1558
166. This article covers whom, where and when of the conflict. #1557 2017-08
167. The course exams one of the profound ethical dilemmas. #1556 2017-08
168. Tutorials are held for two hours every Thursday during the semester. #1555 2017-08
169. We are also going to be more prescriptive about what you focus on in your presentation.
170. The books reserved in the library can be borrowed for up to 3 hours. #1316 2017-06
171. We are not going to accept the assignment after the due date on Friday. #1315 2017-06
172. We are warning the clients that the rates are increasing. #1314 2017-06 Wechat ID: pteblacktech5 - 18 Apr 2018
173. We'd like people to write a case study, describing an organization they know. #1313 2017-06
174. The pharmacy was closed when I went past this morning. #1312 2017-06
175. The cafe house is closed down but the snack machine will be running throughout the night.
176. We will discuss these two pictures in the next lecture. #1310 2017-06
177. We've decided to ask you to write four short pieces of written coursework this year. #1309
178. You must establish a day and a time with your tutor. #1308 2017-06
179. You will be informed of the results by e-mail. #1307 2017-06
180. You will find the economics section on the second floor of the library. #1306 2017-06
181. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy.
182. Would you pass the book on the left hand side?
183. There are no scheduled classes during the final exam weeks. #1302 2017-06
184. Doctor Green's office has been moved to the second floor of the building. #1301
185. The economics class will take place in the main lecture room. #1291 2017-06
186. Students can get access to computers on a daily basis.
187. Elephant is the largest mammal on the land. #1289
188. Students can download the materials on the website.
189. They were struggling to pay their fees last year. #1287 2017-06
190. The seminar on writing skills has been cancelled. #1274 2017-06


Lv.22 22 charminganna  실버
4,330 (41.9%)

Anna Yoon


13 행운아 2018.04.22 19:13
애나님은 천사님에 틀림 없습니다
16 천사와악마 2018.04.22 19:29
자료 감사합니다. WFD와는 다르게 생각할 시간도 없고 손으로 쓰는것도 어려워서 기출이라도 한번 읽어 보려고 했었는데 이렇게 올려주시니 감사할 따름입니다.
22 charminganna 2018.04.22 20:04
아직 확인은 안했는데 며칠전 제가 올린 음원 링크 ximalaya에서 읽어주는거랑 순서가 거의 비슷할겁니다.
5 토토로에용 2018.04.23 00:52
지금 안나님 자료로 공부중인데
현재 음원링크에 185번까지 올려져있는데
안나님 자료 6번이 음원링크185번
이런식으로 순서 되네요!!

안나님 자료보기전에 일일이 하나씩 적으면서 공부하고 있었는데ㅠㅠ
큰 도움이 되네요!! 공부시간도 절약되고 감사합니다!!
1 Rahit 2018.05.04 10:02
Hi ,can you tell me after each repeat sentence, there is a number like "3733"what does it mean?
5 토토로에용 2018.04.23 00:15
안나님 자료 너무 고마워요 ^-^/ 열공할께요~~ 첵오!!
4 Victoria 2018.04.23 13:18
자료 감사합니다.
4 마루코근 2018.04.23 21:25
정말 감사합니다!
4 jakesmchoe 2018.04.24 14:42
4 Jane 2018.04.24 23:46
너무 감사드립니다!!!
15 ichitaka 2018.04.25 23:40
공유 감사드립니다.
6 kss123 2018.05.10 12:28
자료 감사드립니다~ 혹시 이거 음원은 없으신가요? 검색해도 못찾겠어서요 ㅜ
3 Jayl93 2018.05.24 18:29
4 올보잉 2018.05.29 11:15
Thanks a million!
1 달덩이 2018.06.02 03:11
너무 너무 감사해요.
2 순심뽀 2018.06.28 20:31
5 봄희 2018.07.02 12:28
2 호주이민고고 2018.07.08 23:01
감사합니다~! 잘 볼게요!! ^^
3 rkdy 2018.09.15 20:27
감사합니다! :)