저도 첫번째 이미지가 시험에 나왔었어여..확실히 기억나는건 수치가 같은게 없어서...제가 외운 DI템플릿은 Maximum ~~~~ ???? is sencond highest......ㅜㅜ 수치 넣는 템플릿밖에 안나와서.. 글자만 넣어서 아무말 잔치 한게 기억이 나네요 ㅜㅜ
This image describes the interior of Earth that is divided into layers of different composition. These are inner core, outer core, mantle, crust, and atmosphere. The mantle is a layer between the crust and the outer core. The mantle is divided into two layers, including lower and upper mantle. Mohorovicic discontinuity is the boundary surface between the earth’s crust and the mantle. The crust is the outermost layer of the earth, including the oceanic crust and continental crust.