DI 샘플 녹음파일 입니다. 두번째
16 Ston
PART 1 : Speaking
2018.02.23 16:05
한번에 업로드가 되지 않아 나눠 올립니다.
The image shows Water Use in Gulf countries in 2000 in percentages.
It also provides information about different categories such as Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
As it can be seen from the image, Oman has the maximum which is about 80 percent.
On the other hand, Kuwait has the minimum which is about 20 percent.
After analyzing the image, it can be concluded that the image is showing crucial information having great impacts on Domestic, Agriculture and Industrial.
The following graph gives information about the GDP accumulated growth.
According to the graph, we can see that China is the greatest proportion which is around 330%.
Followed by Island that is the second largest proportion which is around 170%.
On the other hand, Japan is the smallest proportion which is around 30%.
To conclude, the graph is accurate and concise which can be used as a reference for the future studies with the same objectives.
초절정 간지녀 님
This bar chart represents water use in Gulf countries in 2000.
It is clear from the image that Saudi Arabia is the maximum which is about 80 and Oman is the second highest.
On the other hand, UAE is the minimum which is about 1 percent.
In conclusion, by analyzing the graph, it can be said that this trend is likely to continue in the future and that's all I can understand from the data.
Joonhyeok 1988 님
The image describes Water use in Gulf countries in 2000.
It also provides information about the water use in different categories like domestic and agriculture.
In industrial, It is clear from the image that Kuwait has the maximum which is about 20% whereas, UAE has the minimum which is about 1%.
The image is showing very detailed information.
After analyzing water use in Gulf countries, it can be concluded that this image is showing crucial information.
정말 감사드려요. :)
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올려주신 음성을 바탕으로 템플릿부터 정확하게 잡고 연습할께요~!
그리고 제목 얘기하고 The date has been collected from different categories including 하고 변수 4개정도를 얘기할께요.
다른분꺼 받기도 했지만 제가 저것을 넣은게 혹시나 40초를 못 채울까봐 그런거였거든요~^^;
RL에도 저 부분이 있는데 빼야겠네요~^^;
여기에 올리길 너무 잘했어요.
감사드려요. :)
혹시 DI 3탄 하실꺼면 알려주세요,,,, 저도 해야겠어요 ^^ 계속 따라 읽을께요